I wrote a plugin myself that integrate in a Template the images uploaded in a post from an ACF Gallery and showed using your old plugin relying on a shortcode.
Is possible with this plugin pass the images to the plugin the same way? Maybe with a do_action or using shortcode as before?
]]>hi there
i see this plugin is replacing the Simple Masonry Gallery plugin, but i wonder if there’s a way to use shortcode with it?
i use wp bakery page builder which does not support blocks
any chance of some kind of update to allow shortcode, like the old [simplemasonrygallery][/simplemasonrygallery] one?
]]>I like the idea of this, and your other plugins. But unfortunately, this broke my entire site. i could not even disable it, so I had to go into the server to delete its files.
I know that the key asset of this plugin is its simplicity. But it would be great to have a simple option to fade in the slides instead of sliding them
]]>Slider is working great, but from the last slide to the first there is no smooth transition. This is occurring no matter which theme is used