Rating: 5 stars
This plugin does exactly what I says! It works just fine ??
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<p class=””>2+ years later and I still feel the same way about this plugin. This plugin does exactly what it says… creates pages in bulk quickly. I’ve been using this plugin for years and it is always one of the first plugins I install in a site to build out my site’s navigation. I highly recommend this plugin!</p>
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Rating: 5 stars
I am a web designer and I don’t understand why this plugin is so inconsiderate. It’s the best there is, it makes me a lot of work.
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It is very convenient to compose a structure of pages and subpages in a text document, and then create them all in a second together with their hierarchy.
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You can export mindmaps from Mindmeister via textexport and then import with this plug-in. Viola added 500 pages struktur. Very nice.
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Wow, the site I’m working on has 48 pages. I was facing doing them one at a time. This little gem saved me who knows how long! All 48 pages were added within seconds! Of course, I had a tiny bit of setup time creating the page titles but I’d have had to do that anyway. And the fact that I could setup the hierarchy prior to running the plugin => that’s really where the huge time savings came in… no need to assign pages to parents. What a time saver!! The instructions are clear and the process is SIMPLE. I wish all plugins were this straightforward. Good job DEV!
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I had a 80+ page site to convert from asp to WordPress. I took the sitemap, converted it to a text file with the indents intact, and BAM I had my 80 page WP site with parent-child relationships intact.
How sweet is that? So sweet, I bought the Custom Post Type support premium plugin and added 40 posts in a few seconds.
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Does what it says on the label. Can’t ask for much more than that.
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Very useful. I am using it for bulk posting.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Really useful for creating new sites. I just copied over the sitemap and i was able to create all the site pages in one go. Excellent work ??
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Saves a lot of time when you need to make a lot of similar pages or posts. Easy to use. Thanks tons!
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This is the first plugin I install on new WordPress installs.
It does exactly what it says on the tin and doesn’t make it any more complicated than it needs to.
]]>Rating: 4 stars
This plugin is a huge time saver when we set up the initial site architecture, restructure as well as adding a cluster of posts for a blog or custom post type. For content curators, you can create a content calendar with all of your post titles for the month and add them all at once with ease.
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The plugin is very helpful. When I am going to add even just 3 pages, I use it, because it is faster.
I have just created 883 pages in just a couple of seconds. Phew!
Rating: 5 stars
Had to generate 100 pages in 3 levels nested structure. With this a breeze.