I have a multisite platform, with Simple AD Authentication activated network wide. On all blogs but one, I do not allow new users to be created based on AD credentials. For these blogs, I set up the accounts and then the user authenticates with AD credentials.
For the other blog, I want to let users create a contributor account based on AD credentials. If the user does not have permissions on any other blog within the multisite platform, or the user is a network admin, this works perfectly. If, however, the user is a contributor, author, editor or custom defined role on any other blog, no account is created for the user. The user can still log in, but the user does not inherit any privileges, nor does the user get assigned an AD appropriate role.
Please help. Thank you. It’s a great plugin and has worked extremely well for me.
]]>I was using your Simple AD Authentication V0.9 and I noticed a bug in your code. This bug will prevent the retrieval of user data such as the user’s name and email address when creating the wordpress account.
On line 211
$result = @ldap_search($ldap_base_dn_id, $multi_base_dns, $uid_filter,
array('sn', 'givenname', 'mail', $sn_lang, $gn_lang)
$ldap_base_dn_id is passed to the ldap search function but because $ldap_base_dn_id is an array, $result will always be NULL. One way to fix this is to change $ldap_base_dn_id to $ldap or $ldap_base_dn_id[0]. I’m not sure if this should also be changed in the _user_in_group function?
If you have any bugs you find while using this plugin or features you think would be useful to have added, please post them as a ‘Not Resolved’ topipc in this forum area. Thank you!
— Drahkar