The Simple Spoilers Accordeon feature is very nice, but the headers are not accessible. Which makes the accordeon less useful. You’re giving the header element a role=button. This changes the role of the heading. Visually the text is a heading, so we cannot make this a button. Can you please fix this, to nest the entire button part within the header?
]]>Hello! Is it possible to create several spoilers inside 1 spoiler with the help of your plugin?
]]>Because the spoiler/accordion headings are given a role of button (e.g., <h2 role="button">
), the heading is not recognized by screen readers. For assistive technology to identify the heading, it needs to be placed outside of the button: something like <h2><a role="button"></a></h2>
or <h2><button></button></h2>
. Would it be possible to make this change in the plugin? Thanks for maintaining this plugin!
All the endnotes (made with the “Easy Footnotes” plugin) that are inside a spoiler are listed twice at the end of the page (i.e.) in the “notes” section. The second time the same endnote is listed it has a note number that doesn’t appear in the text. So, notes 25~32 in the linked page are repeated as 33~40 in the notes section. (But only the first set of note numbers appears in the text.)
thanks for this nice plugin. I have a question though:
On a page, containing more spoiler instances, is it possible to make an allready opened spoiler close, by clicking and opening another spoiler? So that only 1 spoiler-wrap can be expanded at the time?
Thanks for your help and sharing your work,