My host upgraded their systems forcing me to upgrade my website to php 8.2. I have used this plugin without needing to make any mods for 11 years and love it, just the way it is. But now, parts of it no longer functions. On clicking the “start date” field, the calendar overlaps into the field below. The same with the “Date of birth” And the CAPTCHA image doesn’t load. This is SO annoying as it was fine until my blo*dy host forced the upgrade. Help (and even better a solution!) would be very greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Gil
I got this issues where you cant write in the two top fields at my contact form.
It works if Im logged in, in wordpress.
Anyone that could held me out here? ??
Thank you.
Secure Image CAPTCHA not loading on FS contact form.
]]>I would like the paragraph to extend to 100%. Not sure what I need to do. Please help!
data field in the form report US format mm/dd/yyyy, how can I change to EU format dd/mm/year?
Just checking in with people more looped in than myself. I find myself still experiencing phantom pain from the loss of Safe Secure Contact Form.
Any word that anyone has taken the tech and is moving it to the next level? Particularly for clients that need a low entry cost, I haven’t yet found anything as robust and easy to work with as this plugin was. It’s tragic how it was ruined by a foolish person.
If you’ve heard anything…let me know!
Brass Ring Web Design
Hi, I am aware that this plugin is no longer maintained. My client is using this plugin still, and I have been asked to restore the site after a hack.
We are getting the error message “Contact Form Shortcode Error: Form 2 does not exist” for all forms on the front end of the website and exactly the same behaviour as found in this related thread:
I have copied all of the options rows in the database exactly including the contact_global row, and restored a clean version of the plugin folder, but am still getting this message. Is there another area of the database that also needs to be restored?
Here is a screenshot of the rows I manually restored into the options table:
Hi @borkenkaefer,
I am curious to know how are you trailing with your fork version of this great plugin? My question is regarding the following support thread.
Thank you
I am receiving spam emails coming from wordpress@mysite and [email protected], their heading looking like they are coming from a Contact form.
I checked the above email addresses and it looks like they are indeed coming from my sites, but I had deleted Fast Secure Contact Form plugin maybe one year ago, leaving just a contact page with address and email-to.
I had a look in wp-content/plugins with the file manager to see if there was any old contact form plugin folder left behind, but I did not find any.
I double checked both sites with Wordfence Free, that is installed on both, and with Sucuri online, and there is no sign of malware.
What could I do next?
]]>@mikechallis: How can I reach/contact you? I’d like to fork the Fast Secure Contact Form and to develop it further.
Actually I forked it already for my personal purposes, cleaned up a lot of stuff and added some new html5 stuff and removed a lot of stuff.
]]>I have an OptimizePress lead page that isn’t working right. No matter whether the subscriber is new or not, they get sent to the “Already Subscribed” page. OptimizePress says it’s your plugin that’s causing the problem. When we disable it, everything works fine.
Is this something you can fix?
I’m having an issue when someone completes the Contact form that emails not going to administrator. Everything is setup correctly and setup to go to admin and cc to me. None of us get the emails.
I had to install Post SMTP to get emails working sending out with Woocommerce. All emails are working perfectly throughout the whole website for new orders etc with Post SMTP.
Except for the Fast Secure Contact form designed.
Post SMTP comes back with an error when emails are sent from the Contact form only.
I am hoping someone else may have come across this or has a workaround ?
Good Morning,
I am facing an issue where the Captcha Refresh button is not refreshing the image. This works using the old WordPress theme, but not with my new custom theme. Is there a JavaScript error?
When I click the Refresh button, I get this error in the Console:
SCRIPT5009: ‘fscf_captcha_refresh’ is not defined
Payday Loans
[email protected]
loans unsecured loans unsecured loans for bad credit – unsecured personal loans
Sent from (ip address): xxx (xxx)
Date/Time: May 25, 2018 1:20 am
what the XXXX is this? i’m getting ton of these recently
can someone help how to stop this spam? this is really annoying
[Moderated: Please use your good words in public.]
]]>i have a form on my website,
and for some reason when a user submit URL i see “Illegal characters in POST. Possible email injection attempt”.
can you investigate ?
the site URL to test is here
i don’t want to save my site URL visible here.
Recently I’ve noticed my client websites getting spam emails coming in from the Contact Form. I already have Captcha on the form through your plugin.
About 10 clients are getting it currently all of a sudden.. Haven’t had this issue previously.
How can I avoid this through the contact form. I thought Captcha was always good and avoiding these types of emails.
Urgent if someone has time. Thanks
I am unable to track traffic to my fast secure contact form in google analytics and can also not therefore track conversions. I have looked through all the other posts made but do not seem to be getting it right.
Please can someone assist?
Thanking you in advance.
]]>Hi Fast secure,
Oh my, It must been a long time I submitted a support.
Bummer this no longer download. The plugin still works like a charm overall.
Just 2 questions if ever get in the support. Please help.
1- Just wondering it can be set for only ONE TIME send message? Don’t makes sense to ask. Because is a contact form after all. I thought I ask anyway…
2- I set for a notice for submitting… I never get to see the message what I typed in? So people can see it’s processing the form?
If possible to help, please advise…
i Inform i had a problem with use both FSCF and Beaver Builder: Page Builder Plugin
dont work boht
have a good day
]]>If a user leaves a required field blank or gets the captcha wrong instead of having he field highlighted the user gets a 404 error. Not sure when this started. Could it be something new with the 4.0.56 version??
]]>Hello, I would like to do the next thing and I do not know how. I want when someone completes the message on the site to receive an automatic reply with an attached file (I solved this with a download link) but I want to be able to receive an email so that I know the message has been answered by initial sender. If this is not possible, can I add some other bcc email to which the message will automatically be sent with the answer to the initial sender?
Thank you very much.
Hiiii everybody
How I can reply to email senders with fs contact form?
I want Email that I send to reply the sender appears like this: [email protected]
My site is live so I can’t post it on here because I had to remove this so I can figure this last part out. I have been at this for hours and all we want to know is how exactly do we change the font for the labels and text fields?? Color and size.. and with all the videos out here there are none just showing this simple simple step that so many people need. Please assist.
]]>Good day! Please How to make the checkbox “I have read the privacy policy”. in the form of a link to the page?
Добрый день! Как сделать флажок “Я ознакомился с политикой конфиденциальности”. в виде ссылки на страницу?
It seems there is a problem with your plugins download…
I have noticed that FS contact form is no longer in the WP plugins market? Have you guys do it on purpose or it was just a bug?
This plugin worked perfectly and I did a donation , so happy to use it.
But after moving to another host, it stopped working so I configured it anew.
Now it sends emails but they are received twice, and sender is not visible in the Reply-to field.
Only below in the body message.
Any ideas how to fix it?
Thank you!
]]>I may have a unique situation where reCAPTCHA V2 is used in 2 different form plugins. My website has one form that submits directly to Salesforce (Web-to-Lead). A specific forms plugin is being used for that (Brilliant forms), and the use of reCAPTCHA is activated. That function works on that page.
There are 3 other pages which do not send information via W2L to Saleforce, and instead send emails to us. I am using FS Contact Form for those. Recently, I chose to activate the reCAPTCHA V2 function that is selected from the Security page for those 3 forms. The Site + Secret keys are being reused (I entered the same keys in that were used for the W2L form). The forms do not show any “I am not a robot” boxes. When submitting, and error appears requesting the completion of the reCAPTCHA. For now, I have turned this function off and rely on Akismet for the FS Contact forms. So far, so good.
For the page that includes the W2L form, I can see where the Google API is added just before the body close tag. On the 3 other pages with the FS Contact form, I do not see any Google API (after turning off the function in the form). So it doesn’t “seem” like the use of reCAPTCHA for the W2L changed everything on the site. Is there some other reason why I have this problem?
]]>Checkbox buttons are not responsive on chrome.
]]>Hi there, I’ve got the FS reCAPTCHA plugin in addition to FSCF, and I love them both. I have switched our company to mostly using this for clients, as it seems to prevent spam a lot better than others, such as Contact Form 7.
Anyways, the page at hand will be one that the client can add more employees to dynamically, each with their own email. Now, for security reasons, instead of displaying the email, the user will just click “email Joe,” where a modal will pop up that extracts that employee’s email, using php with the shortcode of
[si-contact-form form=1 email_to=\"".$emp["email"]."\"]
However, doing this also creates multiple Contact Forms on the page, that use the same IDs, due to the way FSCF is set up. I’m somewhat new to the field, so it’s possible that I’ve not thought of a more reasonable solution, but is there some way that I can adjust, at least, each of the fscf_recaptcha(form-id)
to add, say, _(number)
at the end?
Or is there a better way to call the information for an employee dynamically on the same page?