Rating: 1 star
This plugin uses quite few deprecated functions.
It has PHP errors, it also has JS errors. This will likely result in various functionalities of the plugin not working correctly (as is evidenced all throughout the support forums), it can also potentially stop other plugins from functioning correctly.
It is strongly advised to avoid the use of the plugin.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Es una excelente herramienta para sistemas de emisoras, en este momento lo uso para varias páginas pero lamentablemente la versión 4.3.1 de WordPress genera errores ya que el has_cap usa version obsoleta para niveles de usuarios.
Si se pudiera actualizar seguramente donaré y con gusto lo haré.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I have a friend who is blind and setting up a website for their radio station and it works perfectly and very easily accessible for him.