I try to use the Plugin with the following Shortcode:
[horshipsrectors_get_html_curl https://hook.us1.make.com/29wkn4kw358fi737nh2vbmeoxudrrtj8%5D
I try the other too. The Page is a HTML Code segment that create a Table.
But the table is destroyed and replaced with other code. The content is there, but not the structure.
That is weird, any idea how to prevent that?
Hi, am interested in adopting this plugin
Your plugin Show Website Content in WordPress Page or Post has an adopt me tag. I would like to take over this plugin and update it to the latest security standards.
I have been a PHP developer for 10+ years, I am selling plugins now on CodeCanyon, please check: https://1.envato.market/coderevolutionplugins
Looking forward for your response.
I am happy to adopt the plugin. Just let me know.
I would like to adopt this plugin. Your Twitter account mentioned on the plugin page is not working. Can you please let me know what’s the best way to connect with you regarding the plugin adoption?
Thanks for this great plugins! Really awesome.
But can i use it to display content of the post only, NOT the whole website?
]]>I’ve added a line (at line 89) to your existing code that I thought I’d suggest you add to the plugin for future updates.
curl_setopt ( $curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true );
Sorry about using this way of telling you. I couldn’t find any other means.
]]>You used to be able to do this in WP versions under 4.
Does your plugin do a real time display of the external image file when the user goes to the web page or does it copy the image to you local library. I have a dynamic image at one site that I want available at another site too. WP versions under 4 had a “Source’ field for an image that could be an external site.
Thanks for your help
I’m trying to get Saatchi Art to show on my sisters site, is there a way to make it a fixed url from dynamic to a static one?
[thisismyurl_get_html https://www.saatchiart.com/account/artworks/369019%5D
I saw you mentioned iframe? I heard that doing it in a iframe isn’t user friendly.
Thanks in advance ??
]]>Is it possible to navigate the embedded site without leaving your site? My domain is https://www.example.com and I have embedded https://www.demo.com.
When I click on a navigation element on https://www.demo.com, I leave my own site https://www.example.com and get taken to the full website https://www.demo.com.
Is there a way to stop users from leaving my site when they navigate around an embedded site?
Regards and thanks in advance
]]>can i shrink the website that is display in wp page show it will fit to my wp site.. and my site background can be appear well.. as now display in this https://bzaleel.com/best-hotels-deals/canada where the site background is not showing.. pls kindly need advise on this
Just wondering if there is any way of displaying only post content from another site? I have created a page in a website and everything is looking good apart from the navigation is appearing too…
Would be great I I could just fill using the post content…
]]>I’m sorry but I do not understand how to run the code to post.
I have insert on page this code.
[thisismyurl_get_html https://countdown.mandragon.info
but in the page i see only code+url, and not a content of other site…
i need close tab?