Can you please consider to create a PRO version for this plugin, so we can change settings
For example, I can’t use it because of “from”
first of all, because my site is not in English
second, because it is a wrong user experience in my case.
This Plugin has become obsolete, you must update it, many of us will remain attentive to this, thank you
first – great plugin, thank you very much!
we have a problem on our website – the lowest price displayed in the archive page is not the lowest price of the variations.
all the plugins and wordpress are updated to the latest versions.
as you can see in the attached page – the left product shown on this archive page should be 85 and not 100.
do you have any suggestions regarding this issue?
thank you!
I would like to have the original price and the discounted price displayed for sale products. Is this possible? Now there is only the from price in the shop.
Hello Fernando,
The plugin suddenly stopped working. Tried reinstalling v1.0.3 and reinstalling v1.0.4 but nothing helps.
All plugins are up-to-date (WP, WC, Elementor, etc).
Any idea on how to solve this?
Kind regards,
Hi, can you pls fix the following?
]]>Hey! It would be so great if you could replace “From” to “Ab” for german speaking websites. Thanks
I’ve just installed and activated your plugin but for some reason, it shows only the sale price.
I’m using DIVI and it’s WooCommerce modules.
Is it something I’m missing or there is some bug or it’s DIVI’s module?
Looking forward to your feedback.
]]>Hello Fernando!
I stumbled upon your plugin, the one that only displays the LOWEST price of a variable product in WooCommerce.
But I am looking for the opposite: only show the highest price.
I realise, this is not very common: people always get to know the “from” price. However, I am convinced, my customers get happy, when I present them with a price, and then show them it can get cheaper.
Is your plugin capable of displaying only the HIGHEST price?
Hope to hear from you
Albert van Harten
PHP Programmer, ethical hacker, webshop owner
Buenos días,
hace meses que hemos detectado que en nuestra web, en los productos variables aparece el “Desde” en la previsualización del producto, aunque todas las variaciones tengan el mismo precio. Esto confunde a nuestros clientes y da la sensación de que después les vamos a cobrar más, cuando no es así.
Les he dejado el link de la tienda general, donde toda la ropa y equipamiento son productos variables, para que vean que lo pone en TODOS. Después, si entras a uno en particular, verán que hay un hueco donde iría el Desde (pero no aparece), y después el precio.
Al principio cuando instalamos el plugin este problema no existía, pero ahora hace tiempo que sí y queremos corregirlo.
Por favor, ruego revisen el tema, ya que estoy viendo que no soy la única a la que le está ocurriendo.
Quedo a la espera, gracias y un saludo.
]]>Hola Fernando
Gracias por este plugin, por todos tus aportes y por tu newsletter. Hace tiempo que uso este plugin para una de mis tiendas administradas, en el cual he hecho una peque?a modificación que me gustaría compartir.
En dicha tienda hay productos que, aunque sean variables, tienen el mismo precio, y queda un poco incoherente que no habiendo variaciones en el precio aparezca el prefijo from (o desde). Por lo que he a?adido que si el precio minimo de las variaciones coincide con el máximo no se muestre el prefijo. Para ello he modificado la función custom_variable_price_range de esta forma (código a?adido en negrita):
function custom_variable_price_range( $price_html, $product ) {
$prefix = __('From', 'show-only-lowest-prices-in-woocommerce-variable-products');
$min_price = $product->get_variation_price( 'min', true );
$suffix = $product->get_price_suffix( $price = '', $qty = 1 );
/* If all variations have same price not display prefix */
$max_price = $product->get_variation_price( 'max', true );
if( $min_price == $max_price )
return wc_price( $min_price ) . $suffix;
return $prefix . ' ' . wc_price( $min_price ) . $suffix;
El código está testeado y probado y funciona correctamente. Por si a alguien le sirve. Me gustaría saber de tu opinión.
]]>Hi support, I want to show the prices (regular price and discount price) for all variants of a variable product even if these variants have the same sale price and regular price. For example, if all the product variants cost €200 and the discounted price is €180, I want these prices to be visible on the frontend, which currently doesn’t work.
]]>hello, support the variants with the same discount price do not show the prices in the frontend, if instead I change the product discount for a product everything works correctly how is it possible to solve this problem? I need that if i have a variable product with the same prices(discount and regular prices) the prices will be shown in the shop.
]]>Plugin bug: When a item has variations with all prices for each variation are the same the text: “From” still appears. This looks kinda like the item is more expensive or something is wrong with the product. Can this become optional?
]]>Hola, después de la última actualización de woocommerce veo que en los productos variables en la página de categoría ha desaparecido el pvp tachado, directamente aparece “Desde xxx” ese xxx es el precio de oferta neto. Anteriormente aparecía por ejemplo Desde 1000 tachado por que es el pvp y luego desde 800 en oferta.
Podéis revisarlo? Si necesitáis más información podéis contactarnos.
No obstante en esta web todavía el woocommerce no está actualizado:
Y en esta sí que está actualizado:
]]>I’m very heartbroken that this function disappears and it hurts to see the word “From” on the store. When can I get delete “from” features back?
]]>I have use the plugin for long time and it work fine.
Until last update of theme Flatsome and WooCommerce or this plugin itself. I don’t sure which one case this problem.
Regular price is missing. (It happen only variation product.)
I have remove css and uninstall and re-install the plugin. It don’t solve.
please help.
]]>The text ‘From’ is still not translated in Dutch since the latest update. It used to work fine, but now in Dutch it still shows ‘From’ and not ‘Vanaf’ or ‘Van’.
I cleared all the caches, disabled the plugin and re-enabled, but no success.
Please advice.
]]>Please how do I remove the “from”
Now with the new update.
Before I used Cod: span.woofrom { display: none}
Now it doesn’t work anymore!
Hola, hoy he actualizado este plugin y desde entonces aparece la palabra “From” delante de los pvp de los productos. A parte de que no me interesa que aparezca la palabra “From”, tampoco se puede traducir. Cuando desactivo el plugin desaparece la palabra “From”, y evidentemente aparece el rango de precios del producto variable.
Además, en los productos en oferta no aparece el precio anterior tachado. únicamente aparece en la página del producto, y cuando se muestra tachado el precio anterior, casi no se ve que esté tachado.
?A alguien le ocurre lo mismo y lo ha sabido solucionar? muchas gracias!
Hey. After the new update my translation of ‘From’ on the page was wiped and I am no longer able to translate it again (deleting and recreating the translate file does not help either). Any possible fix to this? ??
]]>Hola, espero que hables espa?ol, si no es asi lo traduzco mas abajo con google traductor.
Estoy usando tu plugin y a la vez estoy usando WooCommerce Currency Switcher
El problema que me sucede es que en monedas como Peso Argentino, Peso mexicano, etc se ve correctamente, solo se muestra el precio mas bajo pero en el Euro y con el Dolar me aparece 0 $ y al lado el precio en oferta, como podria sacar ese 0 $?
Te dejo link de como se ve en diferentes monedas para que se entienda el problema.
Desde ya muchas gracias
I am using your plugin and at the same time I am using WooCommerce Currency Switcher
The problem that happens to me is that in currencies such as Argentine Peso, Mexican Peso, etc. it is seen correctly, only the lowest price is shown but in the Euro and with the Dollar it appears $0 and next to it the price on offer, how could I take out that $0?
I leave you a link of how it looks in different currencies so that the problem is understood.
From already thank you very much
In Query Monitor ,Its shows a PHP Error.
FYI: We are using WooCommerce Account Funds 2.1.18 ans WooCommerce 6.7.0.
I have installed this but the variations are still showing. Can someone advise how to resolve this please?
?Cómo hago para cambiar la palabra FROM por la palabra DESDE?
]]>Hello Fernando, gracias por hacer el plugin!
Works great! I was wondering if it’s possible to hide “Desde: Precio XX” (the whole thing, not just desde) on product page. I really like how on home page and store page the “Desde: …” suggests there are options available, but once on the actual product page I would like to hide the entire thing and only show the price once the variation is selected. I have used the CSS code you left of plugin description, but I realize now that it is only intended to hide the word “Desde” leaving the actual price number. How can I remove both?
I like the plugin, this is the way prices should be shown by default.
I just wish you would include the price suffix. I have done this by changing line 32 to:
return $price . $product->get_price_suffix();
Many people have pointed out this flaw and i gave you this fix a year ago. It would be very much appreciated if you would finally take the 5 minuts to implement it.
]]>Hi Fernando,
I use your plugin on my site and it is working great. However, it is not working for logged-in customers (subscribers in WordPress) – then the price range shows again on all my shop and product pages. This happens because I use another plugin (B2B for Woocommerce) which reduces the price of each product for logged-in customers, and then this makes it not possible for your plugin to make the trick. Do you know if I can do something to make your plugin work even with the plugin B2B in use?
Thank you very much in advance!
It seems to show From 2 times on sale products for example from $20 From $15. Anyway just to show the lowest price with From?
I got the plugin: WooCommerce – Show only lowest prices in variable products and i have a conflict with the plugin PW WooCommerce Gift Cards Pro. As you see on the screenshots the “From” is visible and also there’s an amount showing that we did not even create. We just want the lowest amount that we actually created to show. Can you help fix this asap? The support from the gift card plugin told us to contact you. It only happens in EURO with the amount but the “FROM” is visible on both the danish and english site and in DKK and EURO.
Thank you.
[Moderator note: Please, No bumping].