hello, will be very useful if the plugin shows the IP server location, no t only the public IP.
Can be possible to update the plugin with this option?
It would be great if you could update the plugin to show both the IPv4 and IPv6 address. Is that possible? Thank you for the plugin!
]]>Hi, can I call the IP address using HTML instead. I need to save into a custom field and I’m not able to use the shortcode for it.
]]>If I want to call the plugin in the 404.php page
How to use it?
Thank you very much!
]]>Can you make it possible to force display of IPv4 (or IPv6) address?
]]>I want to know the IP address of the WordPress that i installed recently. I want to update in the Domain DNS. I downloaded wordpress from www.remarpro.com instead of installing from cpanel of Godaddy. So they require the ip address. Only then I’ll be able to link the wordpress with godaddy. Please assist asap.
]]>On latest plugin version Version 1.2
Dashboard area for plugin reports: Warning: shell_exec() has been disabled for security reasons in /wp-content/plugins/show-ip-address/show-ip-address.php on line 76
$uptime = shell_exec("cut -d. -f1 /proc/uptime");
As seen here: https://i.gyazo.com/b829f438573a628b4c034618812588a6.png