Good day! Love your radio broadcast live stream plugin.
We are considering buying the pro version of it to use for our WP site. Just a few questions:
1. Does your player transcode HE-AAC to MP3?
2. Does your player support continuous play or no delay?
3. Does it support auto start or auto play once accessed?
4. Does it support auto reconnect should there be network interruption
5. Does the pro version offer other skins or customization options?
]]>I wanted to set up this player as a widget in the Sidebar using Custom HTML but it doesn’t work. It just shows the raw code.
And trying to set it in an iframe (<iframe src=””></iframe>) just generates and error and WordPress won’t let you save the widget
]]>Hello Sir,
I want to use this html5 radio player on my page but autoplay is missing in setting.
Could you please help me?
]]>Sounds great!
My playout system exports title and artist of the song being played details in the form of a text file.
Is there a way of using that with this plugin?
]]>There’s no option to turn on autoplay. I searched everywhere and tried to debug myself but can’t enable the autoplay. Please help!
]]>The server:port of my stream is
I generated the code for connection with the plugin but the wordpress editor takes “-“ as line brake. So the server address won’t work. Is there a way to make the page editor understand that is not a line break but part of the address?
Hi there,
Everything works fine for me but i dont have any social networks for this players so i would like to hide them. I tried in different ways but it doesnt work. I would love to get some help.
]]>Won’t play and songs playlist not showing.
Icecast stream is
]]>Hi There,
I have recently set up an online stream using your plugin.
This can be found here
It is working perfectly on my website, however I can not get the stream to play on mobile.
Are you able to help me out please.
Im trying free version, i′d like to be premium but..
First time i used the shortcode everything was fine. One day later i opened the page where i have the player and title was default “Stream Title”. I cheked it, remade the shortcode, empty cache several times, updated the page and tryed everything but i still see that default title.
This is my shortcode
[html5radio radiolink=”” radiotype=”icecast” bcolor=”FFFFFF” image=”” title=”Lider FM 104.1 en vivo” artist=”El Pulpo” facebook=”” twitter=””]
I’m wanting to set up a Local Radio stream on my website, but I’m having trouble following these instructions.
The site on Radio Forge is saying that I need to find a ‘valid radio stream’ then just comes out with a load of gobblegook on how to find the valid url. Ok, so where’s the valid url?
I’m using this website HERE to find the streaming url links, but they look nothing like these ‘valid url’ links that the player is asking for, and the player is saving with empty fields.
Some help on this would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Is there any way that i can add this player to the menu % sticky with just the player, a title, and volume control.
also i would like to add it to the sticky menu of the mobile version of the site as well.
]]>Hi. I have a web-page where I would like to present my radio stream in a user friendly manner. Have had this for some years now, and have used a simple plug-in for this purpose. However, this plug-in does not support the newest wordpress so I had to check out som alternative, and came by this one.
But I cannot make it work properly. I am having a ShoutCast stream service in mp3 format. And I can listen to it if I connect to it directly in the browser on my phone, or som radio-streaming app. But ShoutCast HTML5 Server just blink with pause for a split second, and then shows play again. It doesn’t seam to connect to the stream. Any idea what can be the reason? The url is if anyone should be interested.
]]>I’ve installed your radio player plugin and whilst it works perfectly in Firefox, Explorer, and Edge it won’t play in Google Chrome.
]]>Where is radio player list?
When I insert a radio stream link and other options and I save it doesnot appear nothing.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_real_escape_string() in /html/wp-content/plugins/shoutcast-icecast-html5-radio-player/shoutcast-icecast-html5-radio-player.php:219 Stack trace: #0 /html/wp-includes/plugin.php(524): Shoutcast_Icecast_HTML5_Player::config_page(”) #1 /html/wp-admin/admin.php(222): do_action(‘settings_page_s…’) #2 /html/wp-admin/options-general.php(10): require_once(‘/html/wp-admin/…’) #3 {main} thrown in /html/wp-content/plugins/shoutcast-icecast-html5-radio-player/shoutcast-icecast-html5-radio-player.php on line 219
This is what I get, when initially setting up the recently purchased HTML5-Player as Pro-Version. Any suggestion, how to fix that?
]]>When are you guys planning on updating this plugin, due let me know, I need this for my website radio station.
Kind regards,
]]>Another site recommended your player. They are a wordpress site. Our site is not wordpress.
Will your player work on a new wordpress site?
Jim Atkinosn
What it is the correct link if the URL of the radio station is this:;stream.mp3
And radio type es? shoutcast1 shoutcast2 or icecast
]]>Hi, i can’t change the artwork. I have upload the file to wp-content and post the image link to the box. Still didn’t work.
Please help
How can I put the Shoucast HTML5 player like a Widget?
If I try to put like HTML code, show in the frontend the code, not player.
Thanks for your help.
I downloaded the free version. I can hear my radio but no one else can .
Only I can listen to my radio. Nobody else can listen to the radio.
What is it?
My radio:
]]>our player does not play and it shows a different window in our page and on the shoutcast control panel. The player is here :
What can we do about? We are a radio station and is our player!!
Thank you very much
Am using this stream but the player isn’t working
]]>I am adding 3 players on my home page and i want them to be next to each other instead of below each other. How can I fix the alignment.
]]>i thought I made well done the configuration but when I go to the web page shows network error
my streaming link is
may you help me
thanks for all support
The free version was working just fine for me, but when I upgraded to pro, I can’t get it to play anything. The stream url works if you go to it manually.
Any help you can offer would be appreciated.
]]>I’m streaming: Stream is up at 128 kbps with 0 of 512 listeners
Content Type: audio/mpeg
I can open the pls stream in iTunes but when I hit play on the website nothing happens.
The player works fine streaming form my Icecast server including all metadata etc. However, no matter what I do, I cannot get it to display a background picture in the player (paid version).
Any ideas?
]]>Can I configure plugin to stream content from This has rmtp configurations.