Would be great to see an option to place this above the post content. I am finding the below ‘Add to Cart’ option is not working.
Some more styling options would be good – it is a bit too tall to have in the middle of the product info.
Hello there, great plug-in! But I need to translate into Norwegian the following words frontend: days, hours, minutes and seconds. And is there a way to set set font size on each product page?
]]>You have some spelling errors inside your switch class-scfwc-output.php line 40 and line 43, i really like what you have done but you may get more flexibillity if you added the ability too make this product specific with check box inside single product with all product override in woocommerce settings page having this in customizer is cool but restricts its over all use, but great work man keep it up
]]>Great little tool