Estimados tengo problemas ya que no me aparece el precio al crear la formula [fee percent =”60″ min_fee=”20000″], por favor ruego saber como solucionar ya que en el sistema por defecto de woo la formula indicada funciona perfectamete.
]]>Thanks for the awesome plugin! it really saved me.
However, I use Table Rate for WooCommerce by Flexible Shipping for some countries.
This country is showing 0 fees. I think there is compatibility issue with non-core shipping plugins?
Thanks in advance.
]]>I have multiple shipping methods in one zone that a user can choose if they match the cities in Advanced Shipping Zone textboxes.
Some of the cities can choose between all three shipping methods, but only the last one in the list shows up, even though all three match the city.
How can I fix this? If the same city matches all three shipping methods, all the methods that match should show up.
Could you please check compatibility with Woocommerce classes?
We are try to configure a shipping class with the following cost: “10 * [qty]”, but when we enable your plugin, it is not taking into account the setting for the class. Kindly check and fix it. It is just taking the regular shipping cost without checking if there is a shipping class rule involved.
I am trying to use your plugin “Shipping by City for WoocommerceShipping by City for Woocommerce” but I have a problem. I use another plugin to calculate weight-based shipping “”.
Without your plugin, this works well, but with your plugin, everything works but the shipping amount shows as 0.
]]>Hello Team, thanks for your plugin, but i have an issue.
In my shipping zone, i have several settings. All in france.
I have several zone with zipcode.
Exemple :
“Livraison 01 “, all zipcode 01* in france
“Livraison 92” : all zipcode 02* in france
and i have “Livraison gratuite” it’s kind free shipping, and in that case i need your plugin because it’s for some cities in zipcode 71
but since i settings your plugin, it’s worked for cities in 71, but not for every other shipping zone. I don’t understand why.
I enable the debug zone, if you want to see.
can you help me please ? thanks
Could you please check the compatibility with Woocommerce′s core free shipping method?
Free shipping is always showing up no matter if the rule (minumum order amount) has been reached.
Please check
I am using this plugin to have different delivery charges to different city. However, i have turned the default checkout city field to a drop down list, but the charges and the city selected doesn’t sync well. can you suggest a solution for this?
The plugin is great for a single delivery method!
But it disables other delivery methods if nothing is specified but I have a delivery method that covers an entire country.
Do you have a specific configuration to activate cities on a delivery method?
Kind regards,
When trying to activate the plugin it broke the site with the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function is_plugin_active() […] thrown in /…/…/public_html/wp-content/plugins/shipping-by-city-for-woocommerce/class-shipping-by-city-for-woocommerce.php on line 75
]]>Hi, I am using your plugin with another plugin for pickup locations. I have problem because if I use the pickup location way of delivery your plugin still prevent users from other cities to checkout. Can you give me some guide how can I disable and enable the plugin using PHP. Thanks