Looks like the latest WP update broke the plugin. I guess some of the query parameters are not supported anymore.
For example if I reduce the set of parameters to:
$args = shortcode_atts( array(
'cat' => NULL,
'tag' => NULL,
'order' => 'DESC',
'orderby' => 'date',
), $atts );
It works fine for me, as I only need those parameters. With the complete set enabled my queries always return false for have_posts()
]]>Looking at the code, it seems that you are unnecessarily slowing things down by using output buffering.
if( $shauns_wp_query->have_posts() ) {
$output = do_shortcode( $content );
echo $output;
$output = ob_get_contents();;
should be
if( $shauns_wp_query->have_posts() ) {
$output = do_shortcode( $content );
I’m trying to create a page that displays posts within a certain date range (for example between March 2009 and April 2010). The date_query parameter should be able to achieve this, but how do I use these parameters in the shortcode?
]]>When I use the shortcode, i.e.
[wpquery tag=nitrogen-fixer post_parent=2] [wpq_index] [/wpquery]
lots of extra brackets show up. Take a look here: https://www.lowcountryabundance.com/plant-list/
Any thoughts on how to get rid of those extra brackets that show up?
]]>What I was wondering whether your plugin would support pagination as well meaning by that whether the query results could be paginated.
]]>Hi Shuan,
Nice plugins. Being noob it will take me time to figure out how to use them. Can I get a query of posts published in the last 30 days and arrange them in random order?
2nd idea – would I be able to query most popular posts by views? I guess I would need some view/post counter for this?
And how about mix – most popular posts in the last 30 days? Wow, that one would be awesome.
Thanks & cheers
I suggest support and write in documentation the format for Array(Array) key/value parameters. For example for
[wpquery tax_query=”array(array(‘taxonomy’ => ‘people’, ‘field’ => ‘slug’, ‘terms’ => ‘bob’))” orderby=”rand”] [wpq_index] [/wpquery]
Note: The URL indicate for support (https://mynewsitepreview.com) show “Error establishing a database connection”)