Hello i am a sharepress user and a’d like some help to setup the app correctly.
My problem is this:
I connected my facebook account with my wordpress site.
When the other wordpress users of my site, try to publish a post to our facebook page via sharepress, they have the ability to post it on my personal facebook wall, and on other pages i manage.
The problem is that i want them to have the ability to use sharepress to post ONLY on ONE specified facebook page wall.
What’s the solution? Is there any button i can’t understand in Settings Tab?
Or what else?
thank u very much
I am receiving the following message on my WordPress Site, generated by Yoast SEO:
The SharePress plugin(s) might cause issues when used in conjunction with Yoast SEO.
Both Yoast SEO and SharePress create OpenGraph output, which might make Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networks use the wrong texts and images when your pages are being shared.
Recommended solution:
We recommend you deactivate SharePress and have another look at your Yoast SEO configuration using the button above.
My site is ChelsieNaturalHorsemanship.com.
Please advise.
Hi there, i’d like to know if it’s posible to configure the plugin to share on two different personal walls?
Right now i have access to share to one personal account (wall) and all the PAGES that wall owns, but not 2 walls, is it posible?
Thx in advance
]]>When I click on connect I get the error “Invalid Scopes: read_stream”. How can I fix this?
]]>Hi .. works with custom post ?
]]>I’ve got 2 tickets in for support with SharePress – one is over a month now – the other going on 3 weeks with no response. Had support for paid licenses been discontinued??
]]>Is it possible to get a scheduling option to allow to schedule multiple dates/times for posting in Facebook? Often I schedule my posts ahead and would like to schedule my Facebook posts ahead as well. Sometimes I schedule my Facebook post to repeat up to three times a day. Is there a way this can be added?
i installed Sharepress Pro on a my website, the problem is that sometimes the plugin share two times the same post, any idea?
I have been using SharePress for three years now, and have had very few problems. Thanks!
My website is FilmRise.com
However, I woke up this morning to see that none of posts were shared during the evening, and I was given the following error in each case (with a different URL). Here’s an example:
Last Post Failed: The object at ‘https://filmrise.com/ozzy-osbourne-talks-about-911-i-wasnt-scared-i-was-excited/’ previously had type ‘article’ and cannot be changed to an object of type ‘website’ to avoid data corruption of existing actions.
I don’t recall any changes to my site outside of accidentally clicking “Flush Facebook” under a post once last night, and I believe nothing shared properly since then.
I have tried unchecking every og box in the settings to no avail, also switching og type to website from blog and vice-versa. Additionally, I also re-installed the plugin and reset the settings, but I have had no luck.
It doesn’t look like any other plugin on the site using Open Graph outside of my SEO plugin (All In one SEO), which I disabled for a moment to test if I could share again…which didn’t work.
I scoured your support forum, but I haven’t had any luck finding a proper fix. Can you guys lend me a hand? I really want to continue using SharePress!
Thanks a lot,
Would this work on custom post types, and is it possible somehow send a new post to Facebook, grab an image from that post, but not linking it towards the post, and instead have the link always to go to the frontage?
]]>I am getting “Error #215 Bad Authentication data” while testing Twitter settings. I have checked Twitter API keys multiple times, but I keep getting the same error.
]]>with share press send artlice to facebook page…
but when send only I see the post and my friend cn’t see the automatic post send to face book……… and when manuel send content user can see?
sending in my facebook is public.
please help me …..
]]>Just getting an error in sharepress which reads “Last Post Failed: (#100) Required extended permission: share_item”
Not seen this before and we are a pro user?
Hope you can help
]]>Hello! We recently ran into an issue here.
Plugin does not have correct permalinks (get_permalink() for og:url etc…) for multisite installation, I suppose – because of the relative permalinks stored in the database in case of multisite. So what we get is links in og: tags which are relative paths (without base url) and an error message about not being able to share because of URL validation failure.
Any help (plugin update with fix) would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I created my Twitter app by following the directions within the options screen.
On the options page I have “Share by Default?” enabled, “Post Link” enabled and my “Delay sharing for:” set to 0.
I’ve entered my Twitter app information… (Consumer key, Consumer secret, Access token, Access token secret, Default Hashtag).
I click the “Test Twitter Settings” button and I get…
Success! Remember to save your settings.
When I create and share a new post and check the Twitter Followers option followed by publishing the post it does not share.
It’s sharing to Facebook great, but Twitter just seems to be a fail… any suggestions?
]]>I use the youtube embed code
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/rOGG2y17xM” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
in a new entry.
When I publish/share it I see in facebook my logo. I want to show a video thumbnail instead of it.
How can this be done?
Thank you
Hey guys!
I love SharePress, and I’ve been using it for nearly 2 years now.
However, I’ve recently run into a hitch and I was hoping you could help me resolve it.
I have SharePress mapped to all my Facebook pages as usual, but when shedule to share a post, the post never appears on my Facebook wall. WordPress confirms that it was shared “Last Shared: Jan 29 10:08”, but the content is no where to be found on Facebook, despite having the check box ticked for the specific Facebook page.
Is there something that I’m missing here?
The site is Filmrise.com
]]>SharePress Error: (#5) Unauthorized source IP address; while sending “dsaasdf” to Facebook for post 1640
I don’t know why this said the error. So I am no confidence for updating in pro version in such that. I appreciate the plugin instead.
Please help to tell the solution.
Sharepress worked fine for a while then stopped. I keep getting failures like:
Last Post Failed: Object at URL ‘https://www.mysite.com/2013/12/08/%ce%b6%ce%ae%cf%84%cf%89-%cf%84%ce%bf-%ce%b5%ce%bb%ce%bb%ce%b7%ce%bd%ce%b9%ce%ba%cf%8c-%cf%84%cf%81%ce%b1%ce%b3%ce%bf%cf%8d%ce%b4%ce%b9-08-12-2013/’ of type ‘article’ is invalid because it specifies multiple ‘og:url’ values: https://www.mysite.com/2013/12/08/%ce%b6%ce%ae%cf%84%cf%89-%cf%84%ce%bf-%ce%b5%ce%bb%ce%bb%ce%b7%ce%bd%ce%b9%ce%ba%cf%8c-%cf%84%cf%81%ce%b1%ce%b3%ce%bf%cf%8d%ce%b4%ce%b9-08-12-2013/, https://www.mysite.com/2013/12/08/%ce%b6%ce%ae%cf%84%cf%89-%cf%84%ce%bf-%ce%b5%ce%bb%ce%bb%ce%b7%ce%bd%ce%b9%ce%ba%cf%8c-%cf%84%cf%81%ce%b1%ce%b3%ce%bf%cf%8d%ce%b4%ce%b9-08-12-2013/.
Any idea how to fix this?
Secondly, when Sharepress fails to post the update, the above lengthy text appears in the Sharepress column on the All Posts page to alert me that the update wasn’t posted. I know the code is long because I use unicode characters, however, the fail message could be communicated without the entire url of the post. This creates huge gaps between posts and messes up the view of the whole page. It will only go if you try again and the update is successful but as I said, updates don’t work at the moment and so all my posts on the page now have huge gaps and all this unnecessary code. There is no setting in Screen options or on Sharepress’s settings to not display this column.
Can you please advise on how to resolve this as well?
Thank you
]]>Hi guys!
When I bought one licence SharePress. I tested it with my user and enterprise fanpage but, I would like to put SharePress working with fcebook enterprise user.
Everytime I try to put new appid and app secret it gives error.
]]>I installed Sharepress and activated the plugin. After activation, the plugin does not show in my list of plugins. Sharepress does show under the settings tab, however, when i click on it, the only thing that displays is the text “Go pro! This plugin can do more: a lot more. Learn more.” When i click Learn more, it just brings me to the website.
I tried removing the plugin through wordpress and and also manually and when i re install, i still get the same error.
It now appears that if i uninstall the plugin, some of the files still reside in the database or website somewhere.
If this cannot be resolved can i request that my money be refunded.
is it possible to exclude a category from being shared?
The setting page gave me a raw ip address to use for the Facebook app, which rejected it.
My WordPress install is hosted on Bluehost, so it has a “hidden” address something like this : which I aim my domain name at.
If I then try to use my real domain name the Facebook rejects it when I go to authorize the link:
Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App’s settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App’s domains.
]]>I use Sharepress to post blog entries to my company Facebook Page and Twitter feed. For some reason, the featured image thumbnails do not always appear when posts go up on Facebook. I cannot determine why they would show up at some times and not others. Can you advise?
]]>I love this plugin, but I don’t like all the columns in added in the post listings as it makes it all cluttered up.
Anyone know how to remove these.
Specifically the meta-description one.
]]>Good morning,
I would like to create unique facebook pages for categories on my website, so I can share posts from such categories to their respective facebook pages instead of all posts showing on a single or multiple facebook pages.
Eg. All posts under the music category goes to only the music facebook page, while those of sports goes to the sports facebook page.
Is this possible with your plugin? Is there any resource I could hold hands on?
Thank you.
]]>Last few days have noticed our scheduled updates aren’t being posted we haven’t enabled any new plugins etc
The time expires for it to be posted and it still says its scheduled
and holds for days
And cant figure a solution
a customer had a “social sharing nightmare”, where SharePress shared all posts with a custom post type from a file manager plugin.
Anyone experiencing the same?
Undefined variable: meta in /home/../plugins/sharepress/sharepress.php on line 432
I read that you don’t consider these errors, but if we have debug turned on for development and your code is throwing these messages, we really can’t develop.
A simple $meta=””; or checking to see if the index exists first would save a lot of trouble.
Four(4) days and still waiting for an answer to request #135 about faulty twitter test.
If you can’t answer that question (and get the problem solved) can you please send my money back?
Thank you.