Anyone know if this is stable in WordPress 3.5+
Looks like a cool plugin but leery of trying it since last update was so long ago…
]]>How to set it to be affected by custom taxonomy just like it works with category?
I use custom taxonomy “location” so I would like to display all available tags in current loop of location taxonomy?
perfect solution would be to display all available “to choose” custom taxonomy from current loop of “some other” custom taxonomy…
This could be a major filter used by thousands of users…
]]>Again, great plugin!
I would just suggest to add dropdowns and checkboxes option to widget display options…
]]>Great plugin for filtering by tags!!!
How to set it to work the same way (to show all available in current loop) categories or even better with custom taxonomies (option to choose desired taxonomy would be ideal)
Any help?
After I’ve updated to WordPress 3.1 (RC2), I noticed that Sensitive Tag Cloud stopped working.
I dug into the code and changed a few things and now it seems to run fine again. – Here is what I changed:
function stc_widget
if( !empty($queryvars['tag_slug__and']) )
$searchtags = array_merge( $searchtags, $queryvars['tag_slug__and'] );
changed to
if( !empty($queryvars['tag']) )
$searchtags = array_merge( $searchtags, explode('+', $queryvars['tag']) );
function stc_get_tag_link
$taglink = str_replace('%tag%', $slugs, $taglink);
$taglink = get_option('home') . user_trailingslashit($taglink, 'category');
changed to
$taglink = str_replace('%post_tag%', $slugs, $taglink);
$taglink = get_option('home') . '/'. user_trailingslashit($taglink, 'category');
function stc_get_tag_link_slugs
$stc_get_tag_link_slugs_cache['slugs_and'] =
changed to
$stc_get_tag_link_slugs_cache['slugs_and'] =
explode('+', get_query_var('tag'));