Send Images to RSS appears to have caused a critical error on a client’s site. Here was the warning in the error log.
PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/username/public_html/wp-content/plugins/send-images-rss/includes/class-sendimagesrss-excerpt-fixer.php on line 178
Upon removing Send Images to RSS from the plugins folder, we were able to access the site again without critical error.
Is there a fix for this?
Thank you!
]]>Hello. Featured image not loading in Brevo. Here are links
Latest blog post containing a featured image
Thank you in advance for the help.
]]>So this is weird. Images stopped loading only when viewing RSS emails from Mailchimp on current iOS devices using Apple Mail.
Then it stopped loading images on Mac OSX laptops too.
The RSS feed validates. Here’s my RSS mailchimp merge tags:
By *|RSSITEM:Author|*
Any notion of why this is not working? Previously the plugin was totally great. Not sure what’s happening.
]]>I recieved a warning about this plugin not being maintained? Is this true?
]]>I’ve had a recurrence of block CSS showing in the RSS summary (
Here’s what is showing right now:
.kb-table-of-content-nav.kb-table-of-content-id_c50e36-9f .kb-table-of-content-wrap{box-shadow:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 0px 14px 0px;}.kb-table-of-content-nav.kb-table-of-content-id_c50e36-9f .kb-table-of-contents-title{color:#049fd3;font-weight:bold;text-transform:capitalize;}.kb-table-of-content-nav.kb-table-of-content-id_c50e36-9f .kb-table-of-content-wrap .kb-table-of-content-list{color:#049fd3;font-weight:bold;}
Hoping it’s an easy fix. Thank you!
]]>Hi Robin,
Before I installed, the image was broken.
After I installed, yay, the featured image displayed, but it was followed by the same image but again broken.
I have toggled this settings option on and off to no effect AFAIK:
“Featured Image Add the featured image to the beginning of the full post (uses General Image Settings).”
I have been trying to fix this for years. Any thoughts?
The Good image in the feed:
<img width=”560″ height=”247″
alt=”Illiberal Chic Deserves to Die on the Battlefield of Putina�?s Failed War (Intelligencer)”
align=”left” style=”margin: 0 20px 20px 0;max-width:100%” />
The broken image in the feed:
<p><img width=”1440″ height=”634″ src=”image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==”
class=”attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image lazyload” alt=”Dictators”
title=”Illiberal Chic Deserves to Die on the Battlefield of Putina�?s Failed War (Intelligencer) 1″
PS not sure if this makes a difference, but in Media sizes in default WordPress I set everything to 0 so it’s doesn’t create all the extra images, to save space. I have a feeling that may be a culprit because I notice the size of the broken image is my original size.
]]>Recently we are running into some issues with images getting past the image width restriction set by this awesome plugin.
Here is a clip of an RSS example, which has one image that has gotten through with a large image width, and in this particular item it has replicated the image twice in the description.
(we are using 560 as max width)
<img width="2150" height="1410" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" />
We are using full text option and some images when they get to mailchimp are set to 1200px width, which is the default media setting for our “Large” image size.
<img aria-describedby="caption-attachment-349843" title="Screen Shot" src="" alt="" class="size-large wp-image-349843" width="1200" height="665" border="0">
WP 5.8.3, PHP 7.4, Classic Editor,
HackRepair list via iThemes Security is ON but this has not changed recently
Would appreciate any insight you have, and also curious if anyone else is able to replicate this. Thanks!
]]>I love your Send Images to RSS plugin and use it on so many sites. But this is the first time I’ve encountered this problem.
A client used a Kadence Advanced Heading Block in the first few paragraphs of her post, and Send Images to RSS didn’t seem to know what to do with the CSS/shortcodes that appeared. So it showed them in the RSS feed right before the heading itself.
I know blocks bring a whole new element to this, but I’m hoping maybe it will be a simple fix.
Thank you!
]]>For some reason the ../feed/ does not contain the info I am expecting.
I have configured in the Reading settings the full text radio button.
Yet I see both a <description> and a <content:encoded> section in ../feed/. It causes that the reading app is showing both right after the other, what doesn’t look professional.
Until so far, no RSS related plugins are active.
For including the featured image in the feed I have activated the Send Images to RSS plugin, but no featured image gets included.`
So I need full post details only, and the featured image, but I get both post details and excerpt, and no featured image…
What am I doing wrong??
I’m trying to create an automated email for my WP site and mailchimp.
I want my posts to have a summary but not the entire post post and I’d like an image to show up.
What I’m doing:
I’m running into a few problems:
I realized that *|RSSITEM:CONTENT_FULL|* shows a full post and images but when I use *|RSSITEM:CONTENT|* the featured image is removed.
Additionally, at the end of my content there is a sentence that says this “The post POST TITLE appeared first on Annie Johnson | Design Love Life.” I don’t want this last sentence.
Here is a screenshot:
within the screenshot are both examples of *|RSSITEM:CONTENT_FULL|* and *|RSSITEM:CONTENT|* and then what I want to happen.
]]>t6he images in my posts show beautiful but the images from my product pages do not. I am not feeding emails, I am feeding google my business and my facebook page using oneup software. can you help?
]]>Hi team,
Hope you guys are all well.
I am trying to show my post image to RSS feed which can send email through Mailchimp.
Unsure why after i active the plugin and put the code of *|RSSITEM:IMAGE|* , no image is showing up still.
any idea?
]]>Hi there. I cannot figure out how to get only the excerpt of the post in the RSS email. I am able to get a featured image or the entire post. Process both feeds is checked. The reading setting is set to full and excerpt length is set to 55 characters. The entire post is in the email. If I turn reading settings to summary, I get just an image in the email.
Can you please help me figure this out?
Hi, I have reviewed other solutions provided in the forum, but I still can’t seem to get images to show in my mail chimp RSS feed emails.
Here is my RSS feed:
And here is the code I’m using:
Read in browser ?
Thanks for any help that you can provide!
]]>This plug-in solved all my issues until this week!
I noticed today (and got some complaints) that my MailChimp newsletter had double images. I checked the feed, and sure enough, there was a nicely sized image PLUS the original sized image sent to the feed. When I removed the plug-in, the double images went away, but I went back to image captions and summaries, which is not what I wanted.
Looks like I am on WP 5.7.
Is this something you can fix?
Thanks so much!
]]>Hi Robin,
Thanks for the excellent plugin!
I have a feed that’s showing images and excerpts.
The images link to the posts.
I’ve removed the Read more link from the excerpts in functions.php.
How can I let the excerpts link to the posts in functions.php?
So if a user hovers over an excerpt, clicking it would open the post.
(We’re not using MailChimp, otherwise it would be possible to do that in their editor.)
Thanks in advance!
]]>As per this question:
How can I make this plugin select the first image at the top of a post, instead of first uploaded image?
]]>I can’t seem to get any images to show in my Mailchimp preview while building the email. The image is set to featured, I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Is there a way to override the custom excerpt and make the RSS excerpt shorter? The reason for this is because I have a shortcode at the end and I would not like that to appear in RSS emails. I’m using Mailchimp.
Thank you!
I installed the plugin, but have the following problems:
1. It doesnt seem to work correctly, ie featured image align, etc.
2. After deactivating the plugin, the images still show in the rss feeds.
My question is how can i revert to the normal (default) wordpress settings and remove the images from the rss feed?
Thanks a lot for your support.
]]>HI, your great plugin is going to add the images in the woocommerce feed too?
Hi Robin!
I assume I’m doing something wrong here but I don’t know. I did also read that the plugin can take up to an hour to pull the image, so maybe that’s the issue?
In any case, just installed the plugin and am building my Mailchimp template. My desired outcome is the featured image with the except below, then the read more link.
I’m using *|RSSITEM:IMAGE|* however it’s not pulling anything in. I don’t want to use the Full Content tag because I only want the excerpt in the email.
Please advise, thank you!
Hi, Images are not appearing for all posts in the feed. None of the posts have a featured image. However, I understand that in absence of featured image, the first image in the post will be applied in the feed. Though all of the posts in the website have images, yet, there are 2 posts in the feed , that are appearing without images. Please suggest.
URLs of these 2 articles –
Image align centre seems not to be working for my site.
]]>Howdy Robin. I am trying to reduce the size of my uploads folder and I would like your support to do a certain number of things. What I want is to disable all thumbnail sizes set by this plugin (including the MailChimp one). But at the same time, I would like you to assist me with the code I can use to set an already existing image size (called ‘post-image) as an option in the plugin’s choices. I will really appreciate this. Thank you in advance. (I use the LiteSpeed Cache plugin which creates a backup of images, then optimizes them, and still creates a webp version of the images. So, imagine having original images, the backups of originals, the optimized versions and the webp versions in the same folder!) This is why I am trying to keep the image sizes as few as possible)
I don’t get any images to show in my RSS feeds linking to 2 podcasts on Libsyn. This is one of them
What am I missing?
I’ve never setup featured images. So when I share post online the first image of the post is automatically used as the featured image. Except for RSS. No images there.
Does this plugin depend on “featured image” being set?
]]>Is there any way to have Send Images to RSS apply a summary feed to the default WP post type, but allow a full feed for a custom post type? Thank you!
I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, but when I select the image to appear in a smaller size, like “thumbnail” or “medium”, the image still appears the same size as when I select “mailchimp”. The only difference is that they appear very blurry.
This is in the email campaign preview mode in Mailchimp, I still haven’t send any actual campaign because I’m afraid the image will appear blurry in the actual email.
When I choose “mailchimp” the quality of the image is good. But I would like to have a smaller image.
I hope that you can help me with this issue.
Hello Robin. Is this plugin compatible with WP 5.4?