i have a few important questions about the plugin.
Does the plugin send any data to third party servers?
Does the plugin store any personal data in the wordpress data or others?
Does the plugin use cookies?
Does the plugin use google webfonts?
The reason is the EU GDPR and whether the plugin is compliant with it.
Thank you!
]]>Hi Mike – great plugin, are you still maintaining it? I’m getting ‘abandoned’ security alerts! Thanks!
]]>Someone try it with Php 7?
]]>Hey guys,
First of all, thank you for your plugin! ??
I am using in my site:
But when I change page, the author custom images doesnt appear anymore…
Any idea how to fix this?
I’m using WP-Paginate for pagination.
Waiting for your help, thanks! ??
Kind regards,
It would make for a better, more consistent user experience if you were to simply implement the use of the default WordPress media library to select the author image.
I’m not sure why you haven’t used this functionality, but I would highly recommend it.
What I’m referring to here is as such – on the ‘edit profile’ page of the WordPress dashboard, the user is currently made to click on the ‘choose file’ button and select a file directly from their computer.
What if the user wants to select a file that is already in the media library? The current functionality of this plugin does not make this possible.
In fact, the plugin makes absolutely no reference to the media library at all.
This is a flaw with the Author Image plugin that could cause confusion for non techy users.
As developers we should always look to implement a consistent & seamless as possible user experience, especially in the WordPress dashboard (which non techy users oftentimes already struggle to use), which this plugin completely overlooks.
]]>Photo max size should be 512px by default, like gravatar max image, and not 250px.
I know i can define it more than 250px in wp-config, but for the sake of the Holy Lazyness it should be 512 by default to be congruent with gravatars.
That′s my 2 cents.
Other than that, great plugin!
]]>Just ran into an issue where I was getting errors after uploading a new image. It turns out it was because my server didn’t have the gd
library installed. I double-checked through the docs and didn’t see any references to needing this.
Luckily, my server guy was nice enough to install it for me without complaint, but I know that that’s not always going to be the case. I’d recommend a note in either the description or installation notes about this requirement for those that tread down my path and run into less-friendly admins. ??
Edit: added a smiley. I completely meant to write a smiley.
]]>I am using this as instructed. <?php the_author_image_url($author_id = null); ?>
But it does not create a link to the all the author’s posts.
Where can I find instructions on how to set up a “About” link for the Author?
I update the plugin to version 4.9.2 and as I did so the author images disappeared from the homepage (the images were appearing underneath each article)..
Please advise
website is https://www.golegal.co.za
In static function get_meta($author_id)
a failsafe would help before the line $author_login = $user->user_login;
if (empty( $user->user_login )) { return false; }
Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use
instead. in #PATH#/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3457
Is there a way to upload the author image through a frontend user page?
]]>I really don’t know if this problem has any concern to WordPress version or not. I am trying to add an Author image to its post using ‘Author Image’ plugin to add an image on User profile and following code in content-single.php: <?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta(‘ID’), 60); ?>
I have inserted this code at the bottom of the featured image. The author image is visible if and only if I log-in to my site. But if a visitor is not log-in to my site, the author image is missing like a broken image link.
Please take a look : https://www.khurki.net
Thanks in advance.
I’m trying to create short code to use in the wordpress admin content editors. Not sure if I’m using the correct row in the db, and I can’t find anything in your documentation showing where the data is inserted in wpdb.
So far I have this, but it’s not working:
$results = $wpdb->get_row($sql,ARRAY_A);
$surfschool_name = $results['display_name'];
$surfschool_email = $results['user_email'];
$surfschool_logo = $results['author_image'];
Then I’m using an array like this:
'surfschool' => $surfschool_name,
'surfschoolemail' => $surfschool_email,
'surfschoollogo' => $surfschool_logo
Both [surf school]
and [surfschoolemail]
work perfectly as short code but [surfschoollogo]
does not.
Have you got any suggestions?
]]>In the code you only have
function the_author_image($author_id = null) {
echo author_image::get($author_id, null);
You should add
function get_author_image($author_id = null) {
return author_image::get($author_id, null);
Where I need it, I want to return a string. I’m not ready for it to echo yet.
On managed hosting (for example, pantheon), the wp-content folder is not writeable, where the uploads is (to prevent hacking attempts – segregation).
I suggest changing the author image folder to /uploads/authors/ instead of /authors/, as this plugin does not comply with the new hosting companies.
We have to change it in the code each time there is an update, and it’s a real hassle..
]]>For some reason this is showing the default image for everyone everywhere. Even in the comments list it’s showing the default image even though it’s been set up right.
Since the last update this has started happening, not sure what to do. What can I do? ??
]]>Hi there,
We just update your plugin from v4.2, and suddenly things seem changed in a big way.
For one, the linked author name and “View all posts by author” links are totally gone. What happened? Did y’all just decide to remove them, or am I missing something?
Second, the widget is outputting even for authors that don’t have an image – I think something got messed up in the logic check or something like that.
Lastly, when I went on to wp.org to check your svn versions, they are all gone except for 4.7, which means I have nothing to reference except for my own backups. Did you mean to delete all of the old versions? I really hope this was accidental, and I highly encourage you to bring them back online if at all possible.
I would really to know what’s up, as we’re facing quite a number of seemingly major issues after this update.
]]>If i try to change image of authors, but nothing happen.
]]>Hey guys,
My author image is appearing on every page but my homepage.
Can you help?
I want to check if the user does not upload an image. How do I do that with this plugin?
I tried this and it does not work:
<?php $author = get_userdata( get_query_var('author') );?>
<?php if ( !empty($author->the_author_image) ) { ?>
<?php the_author_image();?>
<?php } ?>
but it does not work.
Any suggestions would help!
]]>HI —
We’ve got some very long author bios, and I’d like to break them into paragraphs. But whether I just enter a double return or put in paragraph tags, the bio displays as one solid block. Is that standard or an issue with how I’ve got it set up? And if the former, is there a way to allow html?
Thanks — and thanks for the plug-in! It’s very useful —
Now that I’ve installed Author Image, mine (Admin) is the image in all the Gravatar spots in the Discussion Settings:
Mark Lee Mystery Man
Mark Lee Blank
Mark Lee Gravatar Logo
Mark Lee Identicon (Generated)
Mark Lee Wavatar (Generated)
Mark Lee MonsterID (Generated)
Mark Lee Retro (Generated)
I’m wondering whether my pic will be displayed for all users who don’t upload an image when the site is ready to go public.
]]>Great Plugin, but I want to integrate it to my page frontend, my code for example(email)
<p><label for=”email”><?php _e(‘Email’,APP_TD) ?></label> <input type=”text” name=”email” class=”text regular-text” id=”email” value=”<?php echo $userdata->user_email ?>” maxlength=”100″ /></p>
I am using jobroller theme
]]>I installed Author Image hoping it would display the image the way Gravatars are displayed for those authors without a Gravatar image.
It didn’t work for me — perhaps because there is a conflict with the use of gravatars?
The reason I say this is not for novices is that it looks like a bit of coding is required to make it work correctly.
And now that I disabled the plugin and the author for whom I wished to use this plugin has registered with Gravatar, I still only get a blank instead of the image, just as I did when Author Image was installed.
I did all of the following:
I disabled the plugin,
I uninstalled the plugin
Deleted all plugin files.
Deleted directory apparently installed by plugin.
Disabled “Show Avatars” and enabled it again.
Changed settings on default avatars.
Nothing works, and the author’s gravatar still does not show up. Neither does a default gravatar show up for this author.
I am not happy!
Stay away from this plugin unless the author fixes the issue that does not restore original settings to blog when the plugin is disabled and deleted! (See responses to this message. If satisfactory, then my advice does not apply.)
Oh, yeah … I registered for the support site, but after I deleted the plugin, an attempt to login returned this message “User not found” And, yes, I have the email message that says I was successfully registered, and I used the correct email address.
If you’re good enough that you could write your own plugin, by all means try out this one!
]]>After recently creating drafts for some articles I find that in some articles, instead of the author image, the image of the admin who created the draft keeps appearing. No matter what I do (change author, clear cache etc) the wrong image doesnt change.
For eg, this new article shows a wrong author pic of admin 1
This article from the same author shows pic of admin 2
and this article shows the correct author pic
What is happening is that if the draft is saved without selecting the author, it takes the admin creating the draft as author. Later even if we change the author, the author image doesn’t change.
I would appreciate some help to resolve this.
]]>Personally, I would not put plugin constants in wp-config.php which relate to theme design. Make it an admin setting.
Second, I’d suggest not making people change their wp-contents dir to world writeable just to add an authors dir. Most people already have an uploads dir for this type of thing.
]]>Has anyone used the_author_image() with any success using the relatively new WP_User_Query() ? I’ve tried a few different approaches. All my other data is populating–just not the image. I’ve cut out my args just for simplicity of pasting here. Example:
$wp_user_query = new WP_User_Query($args);
$authors = $wp_user_query->get_results();
if (!empty($authors))
foreach ($authors as $author)
$author_info = get_userdata($author->ID);
echo '<div>';
echo $author_info->first_name.' '.$author_info->last_name.'</li>';
Fixes warnings in developer mode.
The image is broken and when I view source HTML I see the following as the image url (xxxx out my site and path)
<img alt=”” src=”https://xxxxx/wp-content/authors/Array”>