Thanks for your work.
The plugin is working fine but the visual is not what it should be. Any suggestion would be very appreciated !
]]>When I try to install I get this message: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
Has anyone had this error with this plugin? I will say right away that my server has enough space. So the question is whether any file from the plugin is damaged
Welcome to the support forum. Here are some notes I’d like you to keep in mind.
Everyone helping you here is a volunteer. Even the author of the plugin is a volunteer. No one gets paid for answering your questions. Please be kind and polite. Remember that your question may take some days to be answered.
This is a public forum, so you can’t expect private support here. Support volunteers may ask for the URL of the website in question and other detailed information. If you feel inconvenienced by providing information publicly, maybe this forum is not the best place to handle your problems.
The official language used in this forum is English & Spanish.
Thank you.
Bienvenido al foro de soporte. Aquí hay algunas notas que me gustaría que tengas en cuenta.
Todos los que te ayudan aquí son voluntarios. Incluso el autor del plugin es voluntario. A nadie se le paga por responder a tus preguntas. Por favor, se amable y educado. Recuerda que tu consulta puede tardar algunos días en ser respondida.
Este es un foro público, por lo que no puedes esperar soporte privado aquí. Muchas veces los voluntarios de soporte solicitan la URL del sitio web en cuestión y otra información detallada. Si te sientes incómodo al proporcionar esa información públicamente, tal vez este foro no sea el mejor lugar para manejar tus problemas.
El idioma oficial utilizado en este foro es el inglés y el espa?ol.