when setting the search block’s button position to “button inside,” the search results currently only match the width of the search keyword input field. However, they should ideally span the entire width of the wrapper, including both the input field and the button.
]]>Currently, I have a live search field on the search results page.
If I search “Rice”, I get lots of recipes with rice on the search results page. When I now use the live search field and type “Apples”, I get recipes with rice and apples. The apples query is added to the rice query: /?s=rice&_search_results_search=apples.
Is it possible to use live search on the search results page but only deliver results for the live search query?
]]>The live search, even as shown in the gif image on the product page for search wp, is slow. It is not instant like they demo with the google gif, and no where near as fast as typesense or algolia search. Is there something you guys are working on to speed this up? Users have come to expect instant results updating as they type. It would be great to have a debounce option on what we want to do, such as artificial delay of 1 second after stop typing… but without that as an option, it just feels slow and not up to par with what other options are out there.
Will it search in translated pages too (translated by TranslatePress plugin) ?
By default WP search doesn`t show any results on another than default language.
]]>How can we Limit search queries attempts by IP (24 attempts / 24 hours) or/and simple captcha (simple questions from admin = answers from users) ?
Something similar, but too old https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/191800/limit-search-queries-per-ip-per-day
]]>I need to search only by the titles of posts, ignoring the content content. Does this plugin have such an opportunity, and if so, where can I get acquainted with the implementation example? Thank you.
]]>As the title states: can category, tag, or other SWP_Query arguements be added to search queries before they are sent to the back-end? For example, if I wanted to add a drop down to the search form to limit results to a particular category.
Is there a filter or action I can hook onto to achieve this?
I got a problem with latest Version of Plugin and WordPress, so that I always got “No results found.”.
I figured out, that after function load_template__search_results__wp_query
calls load_template
the global variable $wp_query has no results. Just the number of found_posts which is set in line 149 is present.
So in the template that is loaded have_posts returns false.
I guess it’s because query_posts
overrides $wp_query. My quickfix was to change line 151, and pass the $data[‘query’] to the template: load_template( $data['template'], true, $data['query'] );
In the template I called:
<?php if ( $args->have_posts() ) : ?>
<?php while ( $args->have_posts() ) : $args->the_post(); ?>
Best regards
Hi there,
I’ve tried to translate the .po file into Russian, uplaoded it to the languages folder,
But it seems to be not working.
After Updating to 1.8.2 we get the following error when searching:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 () https://domain.com/wp/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
Any idea why this is suddenly happening?
After a recent update I’m getting the following:
[28-May-2024 18:26:45 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'SearchWP\Query' not found in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/searchwp-live-ajax-search/includes/class-client.php:94
Stack trace:
#0 /public_html/wp-content/plugins/searchwp-live-ajax-search/includes/class-client.php(52): SearchWP_Live_Search_Client->show_results_searchwp_active()
#1 /public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): SearchWP_Live_Search_Client->search('')
#2 /public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array)
#3 /public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#4 /public_html/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php(192): do_action('wp_ajax_searchw...')
#5 {main}
thrown in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/searchwp-live-ajax-search/includes/class-client.php on line 94
My client is still on SearchWP Version 3.1.16
After more testing/debugging I’ve found that disabling the SearchWP plugin resolves the issue.
Is there a specfic version I should be using for SearchWP Version 3.1.16?
]]>I just had to restore a backup because the latest version destroys the CSS of the search box. Is there any way to upgrade without wrecking our search boxes?
]]>In the live-search-results.php
file there are these notes:
* Some base styles are output in wp_footer that do nothing but position the
* results container and apply a default transition, you can disable that by
* adding the following to your theme's functions.php:
* add_filter( 'searchwp_live_search_base_styles', '__return_false' );
* There is a separate stylesheet that is also enqueued that applies the default
* results theme (the visual styles) but you can disable that too by adding
* the following to your theme's functions.php:
* wp_dequeue_style( 'searchwp-live-search' );
However adding these two items in the theme’s functions.php
file does not appear to have any impact on the styles that are loaded. Changing the backend CMS settings for Results -> Include Styling does appear to correctly limit those styles from being included. Is there a correct way to implement those functions in code?
1.8.0 of SearchWP Live Ajax Search breaks compatibility with Relevanssi Premium but the fix should be simple.
In 1.8.0 you have the following logic to determine if Relevnassi is installed within class-relevanssi-bridge.php
:if ( is_plugin_active( 'relevanssi/relevanssi.php' ) ) {
$args['relevanssi'] = true;
This does not capture if Relevanssi Premium is installed. Changing those lines to the following works to detect the premium version of the plugin:if ( is_plugin_active( 'relevanssi-premium/relevanssi.php' ) ) {
$args['relevanssi'] = true;
In 1.7.6 and earlier you detected Relevanssi by doing function_exists( 'relevanssi_do_query' )
which catches both. You could switch back to that, or do:if ( is_plugin_active( 'relevanssi/relevanssi.php' ) ||
is_plugin_active( 'relevanssi-premium/relevanssi.php' )
) {
$args['relevanssi'] = true;
Let me know if I can be of any additional assistance.
]]>Hi !
The latest version of live search is now showing all posts from my custom post type, regardles of the taxonomy rules I have set. I reverted back to 1.7.6 and it is working fine again with the rules.
It was also ignoring my custom PHP rule set with the searchwp\query\results filter.
]]>Hello, my first question is how can I add visuals of the results and products? For my second question, I can show the most searched words and the words that return results as the most searched. 3. How can I show product prices
like that
]]>We are using the paid version of this plugin, but I wanted to pass along that if someone is using both the WPBakery Page Builder and SearchWP plugins and if they have the “Highlight Terms” option selected in your plugin, then the output of search results can be erratic. When these conditions are both true, the search results will show shortcodes rather than text -but not always- and not in any consistent way.
Sometimes a search for a term will return the page with normal text descriptions as expected:
but another search on a different term that happens to return the same page as the first search might then show shortcodes, rather than the text.
I suspect this might be due to the injection of the HTML highlight the matched terms, but I didn’t dig very deeply.
Disabling “Highlight Terms” resolves the issue, so you might want to look into what is going on with that.
]]>Just wanted to repeat that this is still an issue:
If you activate this plugin with the Pro SearchWP then it brings to an error screen. You can also click the “Settings” link from the Plugin listing page at any time and get the same error.
We have an issue when the load more button is pressed it fails to load more posts when the result is less than 10 additional posts. The default fetch is ten posts at a time I believe. If the expected result is 34 posts then the first 3 pages will load but the last with only 3 posts won’t show. The Load more button correctly disapears though.
Have you experienced this before?
How do I exclude page and post IDs from results?
]]>Does the pro version have the ability to be used as a chatbot that connects to chatGPT? So instead of just results from search it can reply with answers?
]]>We have implemented SearchWP using a shortcode on a tab of a product page of a client’s website, under the tab ‘Test’ on this site.
Works well, but when clicking ‘Find Results’ on that tab, the page reloads completely, scrolling to the top and closing the tab.
This makes it hard to find the results again (you have to scroll down, find the ‘Test’ tab, and click on this tab again to see the search results).
Is there any way for the results to just refresh in the tab window without the whole page reloading?
This is the shortcode we are using
[searchwp_search_form engine="pdf_searches" var="searchvar" button_text="Find Results"]
[searchwp_search_results engine="pdf_searches" var="searchvar" posts_per_page=4]
Results available below:
<h1>[searchwp_search_result_link direct="true"]</h1>
No results found, please search again.
[searchwp_search_results_pagination direction="prev" link_text="Previous" var="searchvar" engine="pdf_searches"]
[searchwp_search_results_pagination direction="next" link_text="Next" var="searchvar" engine="pdf_searches"]
Thank you!
]]>Hi searchwp
The Text “Continue Typing” is not translated in FR, it shows the englisch text. Could you please translate it. Because i can’t find a way to translate it with WPML. Thank you
]]>Hey team
My dev has setup a users search engine and attempting to use the stock search form in the users page in admin backend but nothing changes. He has asked me to post this:
I setup search engine for users and I want to override admin users search or add new search bar here https://prnt.sc/hcRGuIpvoj8g
I also add this filter https://searchwp.com/v3/docs/hooks/searchwp_in_admin/
but not working. On frontend its working I am using addon SearchWP Live
ajax can you please let me know why its not working for admin…..
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Just so you know we are using the TravelerWP theme from https://travelerwp.com/ if this makes any difference.
Thank you
]]>I wonder if it’s possible to add body keyword search to both Listings and Posts in the current site’s back end. Right now it’s Titles only (I think in oldsite you could choose body or title).
For example, what was useful on the ‘oldsite’ was I could search, say, “Argyle” and it would bring up all the past listings with the word Argyle in the body (Argyle Lofts!) – even if Argyle wasn’t in the title.
Is this a big ask?
]]>There is (some) difference in the results when the keyword is typed on the keyboard in contrast to pasting the same keyword from the clipboard.
Tried to fine tune the $config as in:$configs = array(
'input' => array(
'delay' => 300, // Impose delay (in milliseconds) before firing a search
'min_chars' => 6, ?// Wait for at least 3 characters before triggering a search
But with no apparent change to the situations
Furthermore, there is slight difference in the results between smallcase and uppercase of the same search keyword.
In example, I am getting four similar but different sets of results for searching a simple acronym, i.e.: HSC-AD (typed letter by letter) and HSC-AD (CTRL+V) as well as hsc-ad (typed and pasted).
Recently started getting this error repeatedly in debug logs:
[15-Oct-2023 06:43:52 UTC] WordPress database error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ‘) AND 1=1 AND ((s.source = ‘post.download’ AND (s.attribute IN (‘title’,’cont…’ at line 4 for query SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS s.id,s.source,s.site,SUM(relevance) AS relevance
FROM (SELECT s.id,s.source,s.site,s.attribute,((SUM(s.occurrences) * CASE WHEN ( (s.source = ‘post.download’ AND (s.attribute IN (‘title’))) ) THEN 300 WHEN ( (s.source = ‘post.download’ AND (s.attribute IN (‘content’,’taxonomy.download_tag’))) ) THEN 150 WHEN ( (s.source = ‘post.download’ AND (s.attribute IN (‘taxonomy.download_category’))) ) THEN 1 END) ) AS relevance
FROM plg_searchwp_index s LEFT JOIN plg_posts s1 ON (s1.ID = s.id)
WHERE 1=1 AND 1=1 AND s.token IN () AND 1=1 AND ((s.source = ‘post.download’ AND (s.attribute IN (‘title’,’content’,’taxonomy.download_category’,’taxonomy.download_tag’)) AND ( ( s1
= ‘download’ ) AND ( s1
IN ( ‘publish’, ‘acf-disabled’ ) ) AND ( s1
NOT IN ( 98132, 98091, 98079, 74414, 74252, 73017, 61909, 61867, 61814, 16682, 16681, 16680, 14904, 13987, 13316, 11998, 11997, 9021, 9018, 8916, 6707, 6708, 6709, 6710, 6704, 6705, 6706, 6703, 6696, 5503, 5385, 5316, 5314, 5217, 4944, 4817, 4806, 4610, 4611, 4612, 4613, 4614, 4615, 4129, 3636, 3639, 3447, 3108, 2977, 1200, 1129, 296, 100 ) ) )))
GROUP BY s.site,s.source,s.attribute,s.id) AS s
LEFT JOIN plg_posts s1 ON (s1.ID = s.id)
WHERE 1=1 AND (SUBSTRING(s.source, 1, 5) != ‘post.’ OR (SUBSTRING(s.source, 1, 5) = ‘post.’ AND s.id != ‘0’))
GROUP BY s.site, s.source, s.id
HAVING relevance > 0
ORDER BY relevance DESC
LIMIT 0, 50 made by do_action(‘wp_ajax_nopriv_searchwp_live_search’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, SearchWP_Live_Search_Client->search, SearchWP_Live_Search_Client->search_get_args, SearchWP_Live_Search_Client->search_get_args_searchwp, SearchWP_Live_Search_Client->search_get_args_post__in_searchwp, SearchWP_Live_Search_Client->search_get_args_post__in_searchwp_v4, SWP_Query->__construct, SWP_Query->get_search_results, SearchWP\Query->__construct, SearchWP\Query->run, SearchWP\Query->find_results, SearchWP\Query->execute
When I click the X button in order to close the search block, the previous results are still displayed. I have to click twice the ESC button in order to close the previous results
]]>When I click on the settings link on the plugins table I get “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.”
Is there a settings page?
]]>Is it possible to include support for the Search Exclude plugin so that results that are excluded from the SearchWP results page are also excluded from the live results?