Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘PDOException’ with message ‘SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ‘*’ at line 1′ in /home/pushcrea/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seamless-slider/classes/PDOQB.php:424 Stack trace: #0 /home/pushcrea/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seamless-slider/classes/PDOQB.php(424): PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 /home/pushcrea/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seamless-slider/classes/DBUpdater.php(125): SeamlessSlider\PDOQB->fetch() #2 /home/pushcrea/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seamless-slider/uninstall.php(16): SeamlessSlider\DBUpdater->handleDeletion() #3 /home/pushcrea/public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php(966): include(‘/home/pushcrea/…’) #4 /home/pushcrea/public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php(819): uninstall_plugin(‘seamless-slider…’) #5 /home/pushcrea/public_html/wp-admin/plugins.php(357): delete_plugins(Array) #6 {main} thrown in /home/pushcrea/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seamless-slider/classes/PDOQB.php on line 424
namespace SeamlessSlider;
class PDOQB
static private $instance = null;
private $config = array(
'DB_PORT' => 3306
private $conn;
private $call;
private $query;
private $executable;
private $conditionalStatements;
private $conditionalStates;
private $conditionalExecutables;
private $conditional;
private $conditions;
private $state;
private $return;
private function __construct() { }
* Sets start values of all the needed arguments
private function getInitialState()
$this->call = -1;
$this->query = array();
$this->executable = array();
$this->conditionalStatements = array();
$this->conditionalStates = array();
$this->conditionalExecutables = array();
$this->conditional = false;
$this->conditions = array();
$this->state = array();
$this->return = array(
'success' => true
* State controllers, used to defined whether requested query should include SQL keywords
* like SELECT / WHERE etc
private function setState( $type )
if( $this->conditional ) {
$this->conditionalStates[ $this->call ] = isset( $this->conditionalStates[ $this->call ] ) ? $this->conditionalStates[ $this->call ] : array();
$this->conditionalStates[ $this->call ][ $type ] = true;
else {
if( !isset($this->state[ $this->call ]) ) {
$this->state[ $this->call ] = array();
$this->state[ $this->call ][ $type ] = true;
private function checkState( $type )
return isset( $this->state[ $this->call ] ) && isset( $this->state[ $this->call ][ $type ] ) && $this->state[ $this->call ][ $type ];
* Conditional handlers, currently only (if/endif) is implemented
public function _if( $condition )
$this->conditional = true;
$this->conditions[ $this->call ] = $condition;
return $this;
public function _endif()
$this->conditional = false;
if ( $this->conditions[ $this->call ] ) {
$this->query[ $this->call ] .= $this->conditionalStatements[ $this->call ];
if( isset( $this->conditionalStates[ $this->call ] ) && !empty( $this->conditionalStates[ $this->call ] ) ) {
foreach( $this->conditionalStates[ $this->call ] as $key => $type ) {
$this->setState( $key );
if( isset( $this->conditionalExecutables[ $this->call ] ) && !empty( $this->conditionalExecutables[ $this->call ] ) ) {
$this->executable = array_merge( $this->executable,$this->conditionalExecutables[ $this->call ] );
$this->conditionalStatements[ $this->call ] = '';
$this->conditionalStates[ $this->call ] = array();
$this->conditionalExecutables[ $this->call ] = array();
return $this;
* Used to start building any query. Needed for implementing sub-query support
public static function start()
if( !self::$instance )
self::$instance = new static();
if( !self::$instance->conn ) {
self::$instance->query[ self::$instance->call ] = '';
self::$instance->conditionalStatements[ self::$instance->call ] = '';
return self::$instance;
* Query constructors
public function select ( $n )
if( $this->checkState( 'select' ) ) {
$this->addToQuery( ', ' . $n );
else {
$this->addToQuery( 'SELECT ' . $n );
return $this;
public function delete ()
$this->addToQuery( 'DELETE' );
return $this;
public function update ( $n )
$this->addToQuery( 'UPDATE ' . $n );
return $this;
public function insertInto ( $n )
$this->addToQuery( 'INSERT INTO ' . $n );
return $this;
public function from ( $n )
$this->addToQuery( ' FROM ' . $n );
return $this;
public function where( $n )
if( !empty($n) ) {
$r = $this->valueParser( $n );
if( $this->checkState( 'where' ) ) {
$this->addToQuery( ' AND ' . implode( ' AND ',$r ) );
else {
$this->addToQuery( ' WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ',$r ) );
return $this;
public function notNull( $n )
if( $this->checkState( 'where' ) ) {
$this->addToQuery( ' AND ' . $n . ' IS NOT NULL' );
else {
$this->addToQuery( ' WHERE ' . $n . ' IS NOT NULL' );
return $this;
public function values ( $n )
if( !empty( $n ) ) {
$c = $v = array();
foreach( $n as $c_n => $r_v ) {
$c[] = $c_n;
$v[] = ':' . $c_n;
$this->executable[':' . $c_n] = trim( $r_v );
$this->addToQuery( ' ( ' . implode( ' , ',$c ) . ' ) VALUES ( ' . implode( ' , ',$v ) . ' )' );
return $this;
public function set( $n )
if( !empty($n) ) {
$r = $this->valueParser( $n );
$this->addToQuery( ' SET ' . implode( ' , ',$r ) );
return $this;
public function join( $table )
return $this->joinMaker( 'JOIN',$table );
public function rightJoin( $table )
return $this->joinMaker( 'RIGHT JOIN',$table );
public function leftJoin( $table )
return $this->joinMaker( 'LEFT JOIN',$table );
public function innerJoin( $table )
return $this->joinMaker( 'INNER JOIN',$table );
public function raw( $n )
$this->addToQuery( $n );
return $this;
public function on( $n )
if( !empty($n) ) {
$r = $this->valueParser( $n,true );
$this->addToQuery( ' ON ' . implode( ' AND ',$r ) );
return $this;
public function groupBy( $n )
$v = is_array($n) ? implode( ' AND ',$n ) : $n;
$this->addToQuery( ' GROUP BY ' . $v );
return $this;
public function orderBy( $n , $type = 'ASC' )
$v = is_array($n) ? implode( ' , ',$n ) : $n;
$this->addToQuery( ' ORDER BY ' . $v . ' ' . $type);
return $this;
public function limit( $p,$pp )
$offset = ($p - 1) * $pp;
$this->addToQuery( ' LIMIT ' . $offset . ',' . $pp );
return $this;
public function _as ( $n )
$this->addToQuery( ' AS ' . $n );
return $this;
* Helper functions
private function addToQuery( $statement )
if( $this->conditional ) {
$this->conditionalStatements[ $this->call ] .= $statement;
else {
$this->query[ $this->call ] .= $statement;
private function addToExecutable( $c_n,$r_v )
if( $this->conditional ) {
$this->conditionalExecutables[ $this->call ] = isset( $this->conditionalExecutables[ $this->call ] ) ? $this->conditionalExecutables[ $this->call ] : array();
$this->conditionalExecutables[ $this->call ][':'.$c_n] = trim( $r_v );
else {
$this->executable[':'.$c_n] = trim( $r_v );
private function joinMaker( $type,$table )
$this->addToQuery( ' ' . $type . ' ' . $table );
return $this;
private function valueParser( $n,$t = false )
$r = array();
foreach( $n as $c_n => $r_v ) {
if( is_array($r_v) ) {
$r[] = $c_n .' IN ( \'' . implode( '\' , \'',$r_v ) . '\' )';
else {
if( $t ) {
$r[] = $c_n . ' = ' . trim( $r_v );
else {
$fixed_c_n = str_replace('.','',$c_n);
$r[] = $c_n . ' = :' . $fixed_c_n;
$this->addToExecutable( $fixed_c_n,$r_v );
return $r;
* Execution functions
public function get()
$r = $this->call > 0 ? '( ' . trim( $this->query[ $this->call ] ) . ' )' : trim( $this->query[ $this->call ] );
$this->query[ $this->call ] = '';
return $r;
public function fetch()
$this->return['query'] = $this->query[ $this->call ];
$this->return['executable'] = $this->executable;
try {
$r = $this->conn->prepare( $this->query[ $this->call ] );
$r->execute( $this->executable );
if( isset( $this->state[ $this->call ][ 'select' ] ) ) {
$this->return['data'] = $r->fetchAll();
if( isset( $this->state[ $this->call ][ 'insert' ] ) ) {
$this->return['data'] = $this->conn->lastInsertId();
catch( PDOException $e ) {
$this->return['success'] = false;
$this->return['reason'] = $e->getMessage();
$this->conn = null;
return $this;
* For connection purposes
public function getConnection() {
if (!$this->conn)
return $this->conn;
private function PdoConnection()
try {
$this->conn = new \PDO('mysql:host=' . $this->config['DB_HOST'] .
';port=' . $this->config['DB_PORT'] .
';dbname=' . $this->config['DB_NAME'],
$this->config['DB_USER'], $this->config['DB_PASS'],
array( \PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => false));
} catch (\PDOException $exc) {
echo $exc->getMessage();
$this->conn->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
$this->conn->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, true);
$this->conn->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$this->conn->exec('SET CHARACTER SET ' . DB_CHARSET);
public function getData()
$data = $this->return['data'];
return $data;
public function getReturn()
$data = $this->return;
return $data;
public function error() {
return !$this->return['success'];
public function emptyData() {
return empty( $this->return['data'] );