The se-html5-album-audio-player v1.1.0 plugin for wordpress has a remote file download vulnerability. The download_audio.php file does not check to see if the user is authenticated, it only attempts to check if the path is in /wp-content/uploads which is easily defeated with ../.
File ./se-html5-album-audio-player/download_audio.php:
3 $file_name = $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] . $_GET[‘file’];
4 $is_in_uploads_dir = strpos($file_name, ‘/wp-content/uploads/’);
5 // make sure it’s a file before doing anything!
6 if( is_file($file_name) && $is_in_uploads_dir !== false ) {
8 // required for IE
9 if(ini_get(‘zlib.output_compression’)) { ini_set(‘zlib.output_compression’, ‘Off’); }
11 // get the file mime type using the file extension
12 switch(strtolower(substr(strrchr($file_name, ‘.’), 1))) {
13 case ‘pdf’: $mime = ‘application/pdf’; break;
14 case ‘zip’: $mime = ‘application/zip’; break;
15 case ‘jpeg’:
16 case ‘jpg’: $mime = ‘image/jpg’; break;
17 default: $mime = ‘application/force-download’;
18 }
19 header(‘Pragma: public’); // required
20 header(‘Expires: 0’); // no cache
21 header(‘Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0’);
22 header(‘Last-Modified: ‘.gmdate (‘D, d M Y H:i:s’, filemtime ($file_name)).’ GMT’);
23 header(‘Cache-Control: private’,false);
24 header(‘Content-Type: ‘.$mime);
25 header(‘Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=”‘.basename($file_name).'”‘);
26 header(‘Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary’);
27 header(‘Content-Length: ‘.filesize($file_name)); // provide file size
28 header(‘Connection: close’);
29 readfile($file_name); // push it out
30 exit();
The above code does not verify if a user is logged in, and do proper sanity checking if the file is outside of the uploads directory.
CVEID: 2015-4414
Exploit Code:
$ curl
]]>It seems when I have two albums, all the album titles appear in the shortcode, not just the current one.
]]>When something went wrong while i create a album, i always have to delete all mp3s and i have to do a new upload. Why can i not create a new album with files, which are already uploaded?
i have the problem that the tracks in the album are always displayed in a random sort. I absolutely make sure that my tracks have filenames, which are ascending (track1.mp3, track2.mp3) and my id3 Tags also have this ascending information. Of course i also make sure, that the upload to wordpress is in that order, that i want the tracks. But unfortunately they are in a random order.
When i delete the album and create a new one, i always have to delete the tracks first and upload them again. When i insert files, which are already uploaded, then there are no tracks shown in the album.
Please help.
]]>This plug-in was working beautifully this morning. I had to reinstall wordpress and start from scratch and now the shortcode shows up in my page instead of the album art and player. Also, I don’t see the TinyMCE drop down on the Visual Editor. Although, to be fair, I didn’t use it this morning either, so that may never have been there.
I’ve tried deactivating all my other plug-ins. I’ve tried uninstalling and installing SE HTML5. Deactivating and activating it.
HELP! I’d really like to use for a site I’m about to launch. Appreciate any help you guys can give.
]]>I would love to use this plug-in, but I am having problems. The drop down menu does not show up at all in my pages and posts. I tried both new and existing pages/ posts. Nothing. Is this possibly and issue with WP 3.9? Or maybe my theme? Conflict with another plug-in? Any ideas would be great.
First I must say that this is really really a great player!
I need just a bit of tweaking to modify it according to my needs. So, I need to:
1. Stop auto-play when one song is finished in the playlist.
2. Remove hover from the whole player, because now when I do a mouse-over on PC I see only white boxes. It also mess up the things when clicking it on mobile device.
Thanks for your answer in advance!
]]>I installed this and posted a player a couple weeks ago. Everything works with the first album player and it’s great!
However, I added a few more albums today and the songs are all in the post but when I pull up the pages with the new albums, the songs are not listed! The album artwork is there but no songs.
I go back and check the album “media” sections and the songs are still there!
The original post is still working great!
Any clue?
]]>What to do to make it work on firefox, or it’s not compatible. here is the website link where i am using it –
you can check it’s not working in firefox. Is it because firefox won’t support HTML5 Audio
First of all, thanks for this wonderful plugin.
I’m having trouble adding tracks to the player without the albums feature using autoplayer in the tinymce, however i add the song file (embedded audio player, link file, media attachement) it doesn’t go into your audio player.
Do you have any idea why ?
]]>When I installed the SE HTML5 Album Audio Player with our website using the Jupiter Theme. The menu bar lost it’s opacity (became clear and very difficult to read). When I deactivated the player, the menu was normal. I really like the player. When I tested the page on my personal site (not running Jupiter but running the Responsive Theme), there were no problems. Is there anyway to prevent this? Thanks!
]]>The download feature shows in the post, but does nothing… no download activity when selected. Everything looks right, but does not allow download.
I am using Cyperchimps Ifeature Pro 5 theme. There are no other audio file plugins on the site except the native WP functions. Is there a setting (other than selecting the “DL” option)?
Thanks, I like your plugin, but I need it to work as you describe. Thank you for your help and direction.
]]>Has anyone else had trouble with the volume control? It seems like a layering issue, when I click it, I see a little orange rectangle, but the full div is getting covered by the songs, and I can’t seem to adjust the volume.
]]>Great plugin, very useful.
Would love to find a way to have the playlist already open as opposed to having to press a button to view it. Is there an easy way to achieve this?
Thanks for a cool plugin.
]]>Is there a way to have the Auto Player autoplay, as in just start playing right when the page loads?
]]>Two Updates I’d love to see for this plugin:
1. Ability to download whole album as a zip
2. Ability to work side by side with stats to track downloads/stream counts…
Thanks for everything thus far… it’s an amazing plugin.
I would like to feature one album in my collection and display the playlist next to the artwork. I see where to ‘unhide’ the playlist wrap but it looks like the actual playlist is a table nested inside a table. Is there a way to separate those and have the playlist be a movable piece? Is that set by the javascript? Or is it something I can edit? I have just below intermediate js skills. With good commenting, I can follow it but finding what to edit is a different story.
Have a good one!!
]]>I managed to upload mp3 files from my computer to a new album but unsuccessful when inserting a url.
Did I miss any steps?
Could you send me the CSS for modifying the width of the audio player and also changing the background color of the player and playlist area?
Once I hit play and go to a second track, the name of the current track that is playing disappears. Is there any way to make it always read the track that is currently playing?
]]>I love this plugin! Thanks for making it.
I wanted to know how to make it so that the playlist is open by default.
I’m using Chrome. I have created 2 test albums and verified that there are 2 mp3s attached to each. When going to a page/post, I see the SE Albums dropdown but I cannot drop it down to click any existing albums. I’ve tried refreshing the page, etc. but no luck.
Additionally: is it possible to “Insert from URL” when adding media instead of uploading to my Media Library locally?
]]>Is there any way a visitor can simply download the album as a whole instead of having to download each individual track?
]]>you can see that when we click on playlist the tracks are in black and white color alternatively we cant see the title of the track
follow this link and click the playlist icon
can i absolutely be sure, that the mp3s cannot be downloaded?
]]>I want that the Player Artwork is 300×300 Pixel. How do i change this?
]]>I’m trying to determine where the conflicts are coming from, but I got few.
Not sure if they are theme, plugin or server related…
Mac versions
1)Chrome won’t play or download.
2)Firefox progress bar messed up.
3)Chrome, Firefox and Safari volume control not working.
Not throwing any javascript errors that I can find. Pointers would be most welcome. I see the potential value in this if I can get through the bugs I got.
]]>Hi there,
I was wondering if it’s possible to integrate some sort of mp3 url encryption to make it difficult for a code savvy individual to download songs from the playlist. Currently the full mp3 url is displayed in the data-track_src parameter.
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi! I have some problems using your plugin.
Check out this page:
For me it seems that css is broken somehow (see the blue thingy in the bottom of the plugin).
Nevertheless, on the main page ( it looks ok. I guess the theme I use may cause this trouble. Any chance you can help me fixing this?
]]>Using WordPress 3.6 French, “Add media” to an album does nothing!