It seems to be a very useful plugin… Just want to ask if it is mantained/updated or not.
too bad, loved this plugin
tried this fix:
function scissors_admin_head()
global $scissors_dirname;
wp_enqueue_script('scissors_crop', '/' . PLUGINDIR . '/'.$scissors_dirname.'/js/jquery.Jcrop.js', array('jquery') );
wp_enqueue_script('scissors_js', '/' . PLUGINDIR . '/'.$scissors_dirname.'/js/scissors.js' );
$thisUrl = admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
echo "<!-- JS loaded for Scissors in media library -->\n";
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n/* <![CDATA[ */\n";
echo "scissors = {\n";
echo "ajaxUrl: '$thisUrl'";
foreach(array('large', 'medium', 'thumbnail') as $size)
$width = intval(get_option("{$size}_size_w"));
$height = intval(get_option("{$size}_size_h"));
$aspectRatio = max(1, $width) / max(1, $height);
if(!get_option("{$size}_crop")) $aspectRatio = 0;
echo ",\n{$size}AspectRatio: $aspectRatio";
echo "\n}\n";
echo "/* ]]> */\n</script>\n";
echo "<!-- End of JS loaded for Scissors in media library -->\n";
in the sciccors.php file (line 888)
No luck. just resulted in ages of waiting while applying the watermark
]]>clicking on crop or resize etc, none of these work anymore… any plans on updating the plugin to make it compatible? I am refraining from upgrading our live site until I can figure out what to do here.
]]>Installed scissors continued 2.1 today. Rotate, crop, resize work very well. Water marking doesn’t work at all. Image file set as wp-content/uploads/2012/12/watermark.png . Have tried downloading new images, watermarking previously downloaded images, and every variation of the file name – nothing works. site is
]]>Works fine within media library, but thumbnail images are distroted and not properly cropped where they appear in theme (On Demand) and feed (custom). May be compatibility with theme or Open Frame plugin?
]]>I am having two issues. The first is that for some reason scissors is not correctly reading the aspect ratio of any custom image sizes defined in function.php. WordPress imports and crops them all properly, but when I go to edit a thumbnail image (say, to keep a face from being cut off) the aspect ratio defaults to the thumbnail image size regardless of what thumbnail version I choose from the drop-down.
In functions.php
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
set_post_thumbnail_size( 100, 127 true ); // Normal post thumbnails
if ( function_exists( 'add_image_size' ) ) {
add_image_size( 'large-thumb', 150, 150, true );
add_image_size( 'small-thumb', 100, 127, true );
The second problem is that the crop function doesn’t also resize, so if my crop window was 183×183 it will simply crop those dimensions rather than cropping and then resizing.
This issue would be less acute if the resize function worked like the crop function, letting you choose which version of the image you wanted to resize.
I tried implementing the fixes in this thread but they didn’t seem to work for me.
]]>I can watermark manually on image after uploaded image.
but I can not watermark automatic when uploading image.
I checked enable on large option but it still can not watermark
I try on localhost(Appserv)
Apache 2.2.8
PHP 5.2.6
MySQL 5.0.51b
this my config
How to fix it ?
Sorry for bad English
]]>Hi !!!
I’ve installed Scissors just for the watermarks on the jpg files, and it works so nice but…
Now, when I write a new entry with a new image, the thumbnail links to an attachments page (and I′ve selected the option “link to the image file”). I don′t really know what′s the problem and where to try to repair.
Look the difference of the thumbnails links:
After Scissors:
Can you help me??? Thanks!!!!
(I′ve tried my best english, i′m sorry about any mistake) ??
The plugin Scissors Continued continue on a new repository. Please, all new topics should be directed to Scissors and Watermark plugin.
Many thanks.
The problem to me is when I activate Scissors Continued and select an image as Post Thumbnail in some post: WP uses the full size image instead of the thumbnail size one.
If I deactivate Scissors Continued then WP uses the thumbnail size pic as post thumbnail, as I expect.
hello, all
i have tried several times to get this to work, installed then uninstalled – i only want to add a watermark, and for some reason the settings rae ignoring what i select, ie, i don’t want it on thumbnails but it shows up there anyway, and i see an older logo that i have removed underneath the newer one – seems like it’s hanging on to some stuff
should i do a manual deletion and start over? it will be great when i get it going
i also can’t add a watermark in the media library – nothing happens
]]>Again! XD
]]>Hi there. I’ve been using Scissors Continued in my blogs. However, after I started upgrading to WordPress 3.3, the plugin isn’t able to crop the images anymore.
Am I alone on this? If not, please address the issue. Thanks!
I really like your plugin and I used on some projects, but know I have a problem to make it work with other plugin, the plugin is Multiple Post Thumbnail. Someone have tried do something like this?
]]>THis plugin is not working for me.
It did not resize the images that I already have in previous posts, and watermark ( I used png) was not applied too. Any Help?
Hi there.
I’ve installed shissor continued, and I’m wondering if is it possible to resize the originals of my dozen of already uploaded images, by setting the size in the scissors options.
Is there a way to do that?
Thanks in advance.
Hi There,
love your plugin, but actually the flexible lightbox plugin doesn’t work for pictures i’ve processed with the scissors plugin.
also i would also like a function (i’ve read others too) where i can apply the watermark to all the old pictures, i’ve uploaded before installing your plugin..
thanks a lot and your work rules ??
Finding that when a .bmp file is uploaded, scissors is not resizing it. .jpg files, however, work just fine. Is this a limitation of the plugin or is this possibly a server setting I can adjust?
]]>Switching to debug mode in WP, I’ve found 2 deprecated function calls that are easy to update:
1) line 50 in scissors.php:
load_plugin_texdomain('scissors', $scissors_locale_dir);
change to
load_plugin_texdomain('scissors',false, $scissors_locale_dir);
2) change all occurences of attribute_escape with esc_attr
Now, no warnign at all.
]]>The watermark works fine if I go into a media file and apply it. It also applies fine to newly uploaded images. But is there a way to make it automatically go back and apply the watermark to all previously uploaded images, or am I going to have to try to go through them one by one (!)?
]]>i installed this plugin and have done everything that i knew should be done and still its not working for me, i even uploaded many types of images like gif, png, jpg, jpeg, JPG, but the watermarker scissors continued did not function at all and then tried it manually through editing the image and clicked watermarking and it did not work.
good luck and thank you for creating this plugin ??
]]>getting a javascript error ‘edCanvas is not defined’ in wp-admin/load-scripts.php in function send_to_editor on the last line.
I have WP 3.1 and the plugin work well.
Was the only plugin that can put “image watermark” and work! (other only put text (and need some librarys) or say can put images as watermark but not do it)
The only bad point is “the watermark is not automatic, is only manual”, that is the bad part, but if you click in “watermark > select all sizes > apply” the image will have a graphic watermark. Maybe in the future can put this automatic for make more easy and faster the upload of the picture with an automatic watermark.
Thanks for this great plugin. Thanks so much.
p.s.: Sorry of my bad english.
]]>When you do a crop (whether full chain or specific), custom image sizes added via add_image_size are replaced but with the full size of the crop, rather than the specified image size. Proportions are also from the crop itself, not as defined.
first of all I love this plugin…. everything works fine except when added custom img sizes (in function.php add_image_size) when you try to manual crop that img size “Maintain original aspect ratio” is not working.
will using this plugin preserve exif data?
I’d like to use a plugin to display exif data of my pictures, not sure what this plugin does to it though…
]]>I’m happy to discover that scissor project is still alive: I really like the auto-resize at upload and the watermark functions.
But I’ve a problem on a fresh install of wp 3.1: when scissors is active, on the post edit screen, the post-content textarea always shows html content (even in visual mode), tinymce buttons disappear and the box is not resizable anymore. Strangely, there aren’t JS errors in page nor php warning/error in the log file.