Hi All,
I have been using Schema App Structured Data for a long time. However, after the last update, I am getting the error below when I try to update a page.
After I inactivate the Schema App, I don’t get any error message.
I would like keep using the plugin, it is a good plugin, any idea to fix this issue.
“Status”:”Error”,”Message”:”Could not save because nonce verification failed. This may be due to a security issue. Please refresh the page and try again. If the problem persists, contact support.”}
]]>The linked blog article is just an example of post that the Rich Result Test flags for issues. While the optional items datePublished and dateModified are present, they are deemed to have an invalid datetime value and are missing a timezone.
]]>Please check new vulnerability.
]]>Google Rich Results
datePublished and dateModified are invalid date time value and time zone is missing
]]>This vulnerability alert comes from Wordfence. Please can you tell me when you will fix this? Thank you
The Schema App Structured Data plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to unauthorized loss of data due to a missing capability check on the page_init function in versions up to, and including, 1.22.3. This makes it possible for unauthenticated attackers to delete the plugin’s transients.
]]>1. The plugin is pulling the meta description wrong – the description shown in the validation test looks like this –
<a title=”clothes in fashion” class=”read-more” href=”https://sitename/clothes in fashion/” aria-label=”More on clothes in fashion”>Read more</a>
What do I do for it to pull the correct description?
2. Does the plugin disable all other schema by default. Because I have disabled generate press schema and enabled rankmath sitelink mark up with this add_filter( ‘rank_math/json_ld/disable_search’, ‘__return_false’ ); – but i cannot find the searchaction field in the schema tests after enabling your plugin.
How to enable this ?
3. what is this field about –
Linked Open Data = Publish website schema.org data items as Linked Open Data
Thanks in advance
I have had an issue since updating WordPress and WooCommerce where my page loads are taking a lot longer (+10 seconds).
After deactivating all plugins and much testing, site load times return back to normal after deactivating the Schema App WooCommerce plugin. Is this a known issue or is there an update for the plugin that I have missed? I am running version 1.5.12.
Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
Good day. You have a great plugin, but on a site with Elementor, it broke the Elementor scripts. When disabling the plugin, all Elementor errors disappeared. Will you help to solve the problem? Thank you.
]]>Kindly provide a short code or hook to display the schema app module on the custom post category page in the wp dashboard.
The schema app module shows up for post and page successfully.
We have created an faq custom post and would like to add schema app section to it
Hi guys,
My Structured Data JSON breaks because I have double quotes in my description (“). The descriptions are being fetched dinamically.
My only idea was to filter the schema’s description property and replace the double quotes or whatever characters I need.
How can I do this?…or maybe you have a better solution?
This is just an FYI. There is a ‘,’ that needs to be removed from 312 in SchemaSettings.php. It was causing me an update error. Fixed when removed.
Still the same problem with version 1.17.12…
When the plugin is enabled, notices stop working.
In particular, Woocommerce notifications when registering or logging into an account.
We had to modify the SchemaFront.php file again by adding Line 218:
/* FIX wc_print_notices */
if ( is_account_page() || is_checkout() ) {
$global_markup = false;
Hi there,
I am getting this message on top of all admin pages. How can I get rid of it?
It seems like it doesn’t render correctly.
Setup Schema App Structured Data with <a href='https://craft-bilt.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=schema-app-setting'>Settings �� Schema App</a> | <a href='/wp-admin/plugins.php?schema_ignore_notice_graph=0'>Dismiss</a>
I would like to add more structured data (than what current plugins provide) to my WordPress website.
Would having both Schema App and Yoast create conflict?
]]>When the plugin is enabled, notices stop working.
In particular, Woocommerce notifications when registering or logging into an account.
Is it possible to fix it?
]]>When activating the Schema And Structured Data plugin (1.17.3) and the Yoast SEO plugin (15.4) I get the following error “Deprecated: WPSEO_Frontend::metadesc is deprecated since version WPSEO 14.0 with no alternative available. in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 4787”. In searching around I found a few posts that indicate this was fixed a while ago. Is this a regression? Has this been fixed? Is there a fix coming for this?
]]>On a client’s site, after updating to the latest version of the plugin, a video on their home page was completely removed. This was an iframe Vimeo embed. The plugin seems to completely remove the video embed code when the “Show video markup” setting is enabled. This setting was enabled in the version we were upgrading from, but had to be disabled in the latest version in order for the video to display.
]]>You are using a deprecated functionality, I think you need to change it. Here’s a way to this file
schema-app-structured-data-for-schemaorg\lib\HunchSchema\Thing.php (103)
Deprecated: WPSEO_Frontend::metadesc is deprecated since version WPSEO 14.0 with no alternative available.
]]>We are getting this error on Edit Page screen for some reason in the latest version of plugin:
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/schema-app-structured-data-for-schemaorg/lib/SchemaEditor.php on line 56
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /public_html/wp-content/plugins/schema-app-structured-data-for-schemaorg/lib/SchemaEditor.php:56) in /public_html/wp-admin/admin-header.php on line 9
And line 56 is this:
if (in_array($post_type, $post_types)) {
I can’t see how that’s an issue, but seems to be somehow…
Suggestions / fix anyone?
]]>Our use case suppose to have multiple blog authors on the same WP instance. They may have different possibilities. We would like to hide Schema App Structured Data metabox for some authors who do not have dedicated capability, ex: can_see_schema_meta_json_ld
]]>Dear Team,
We are getting below error in the Google Search Console
The text inside tag ‘script type=application/ld+json’ contains ‘html comments’, which is disallowed.
Please provide a solution to fix this
I use schema app structured data for some time now and it’s great for SEO and traffic but i noticed recently this issue :
On post only, Calculated Field forms don’t show up if Schema Markup is enabled.
On the link I need help with, there’s a form (visible in the end of the post) to calculate something and it’s a shortcode that I past in the post.
Only when I disable Schema Markup on that post, the form is visible.
What can I do to have both (Schema Markup on and the form working…)
Thanks a lot
]]>Thanks for this plugin. Really love it. There is only one issue I saw on the CollectionPage, headline for tags and categories. It always adds the word “Tag” or “Category” at the end of my tag name, resp. category name. For example the headline looks like “Carparts Category”, when it only should be Carparts, or it looks like “2019 Tag” when it only should be 2019
After installing ‘Schema App Structured Data’ Plugin in my wordpress site, unfortunately all of my manual Schema codes were deleted from source code. then i deactivate and delete this Plugin.
but, things still happening. I’ve inputted my Schema codes many times, whenever i SAVE WORK and go back to the source code immediately, i see that the codes are get deleted.
How can i solve this problem?
Plugin Author or somebody help me please.
]]>wHILE setting up plugin shall I disable option saying “remove wpseo markup”.
how to setup the plugin so that it will work without any damage to current settings and seo practices.
]]>In Thing.php, $featured_video_url initialized within a conditional. However, it is accessed outside of that conditional.
Updating /lib/HunchSchema/Thing.php
to return if the get_the_post_video_url function doesn’t exist seems to do the trick
if ( function_exists( ‘get_the_post_video_url’ ) ) {
$featured_video_url = get_the_post_video_url();
else {
I’m seeing a lot of warnings about the structured data on my client’s AMP pages in Google Search Console:
“Image size smaller than recommended size”
If my understanding is correct, the image part of the JSON-LD is generated through the getImage method of HunchSchema_Thing, which grabs the first image from the post content.
The minimum size google recommends for the image is 1200px. So in order to avoid the warnings I would have to include a 1200px image in the content, which is something I don’t want to do for layout and performance purposes.
I think it would be a good idea to make it possible to change that image. For me a filter that allows me to modify the meta data before the plugin renders the JSON-LD would work great. Much like the way it’s done by the AMP plugin (amp_post_template_metadata).
Would you consider implementing such a feature? Or is there a way of modifying the image already?
]]>PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function SchemaFront::RemoveWPSEOJsonLD(), 1 passed
The offending code:
add_filter( 'wpseo_json_ld_output', array( $this, 'RemoveWPSEOJsonLDBreadcrumb' ), 10, 2 );
add_action( 'wpseo_head', array( $this, 'json_ld' ), 91 );
* JSON LD output function that the functions for specific code can hook into.
* @since 1.8
public function json_ld() {
$deprecated_data = array(
'_deprecated' => 'Please use the "wpseo_schema_*" filters to extend the Yoast SEO schema data - see the WPSEO_Schema class.',
* Filter: 'wpseo_json_ld_output' - Allows disabling Yoast's schema output entirely.
* @api mixed If false or an empty array is returned, disable our output.
$return = apply_filters( 'wpseo_json_ld_output', $deprecated_data );
if ( $return === array() || $return === false ) {
do_action( 'wpseo_json_ld' );
Please test this url: (please paste the source code snippet, otherwise won’t work)
And it shows:
While my settings are:
Can you please tell me why the logo image url is not there?
we are running a multsite with ~50 sites and are going to use your plugin. While studying a bit the code, we would have a feature request.
The plugin uses get_option()
to store options, so settings can only be made per site. While for a single site doing those settings is not a big task, it becomes a bit more effort to repeat the same steps (in our case, the same settings apply to each site) 50 times.
For our use case it would be great if (when network activated) you could add settings on network level. For me the ideal workflow then would be something like:
$options = get_option('option_key');
if (! $options && is_multisite) {
$options = get_site_option('option_key');
If this would be the way, you are trying to read the current settings, you would first check for the “local/single site” settings. if we are in a network and no settings have been set locally, you would try to fetch the options from the network settings.
Thank you for the nice plugin and for considering this request,