Hi there!
I’m testing out the Sched Embed plugin with the Enfold WordPress heme, and I got the error “The plugin does not have a valid header.”
Is there a way to just embed some of our pages using iframes instead of the plugin in cases where the plugin isn’t compatible?
]]>Hello guys,
I have successfully installed and embedded sched event onto my wordpress site. Using sched api “https://your_conference.sched.org/api/user/get?api_key=secret&by=username&term=username&format=json” I am checking a user with mentioned username exists in sched.
If user doesn’t exist then I am creating user by “https://your_conference.sched.org/api/user/add?api_key=secret&username=desired_username&[email protected]“.
I tried hitting sched api “https://your_conference.sched.org/api/auth/login?api_key=secret&username=user_name&password=user_pw” through curl for making user login.
Now my problem arises that the user is not able to log-in after last used curl whereas if I hit this auth/login api url in another browser tab and refresh former tab, user is able to log in to sched embedded event.
Is here a way to make user login onto the sched embedded event ?
I contacted sched guys and below is their response to my query.
The API does not enable you to log into the site. The site logon/auth is separate from API logon and is session based. API logon is token (session key) based.Using https://your_conference.sched.org/api/auth/login does not log you into the site itself – it returns a session key that enables you to access user-specific API endpoints (e.g. going/add, going/remove), by providing said key, thus authenticating you as that user.
Kindly help me out in resolving the issue.
]]>Hey guys, it looks like the embed itself is very nicely responsive, as can be seen on my schedule’s microsite on their server, but when I use this shortcode the embed is trapped at whatever width I set. This is a huge bummer if you have a responsive theme because otherwise it would work perfectly.
For now I just switched to the raw embed code from Sched since only admins will edit the page anyway, but you should really review the wrapping div with a set width. Most people with modern themes wouldn’t even have to set the width if you just let it be, since the output seems inherently responsive.
Thanks for investigating!