I hope this message finds you well. I am currently using the Salon Booking System plugin for WordPress and have encountered a few issues:
1. CSV Import Issue: When I download the CSV file from under the Calendar section and try to upload it via the “Tools > Import Bookings” feature, the import does not succeed. I am wondering if the issue might be related to the fact that we are operating our WordPress site in Japanese. Could this language setting be affecting the import process?
2. Sample CSV Download: Additionally, when I try to download the sample CSV file, the download does not start. Could you provide insight into why this might be happening?
Your assistance with these matters would be greatly appreciated. If there are any known solutions or additional steps I should take to troubleshoot, please let me know.
Thank you very much for your help.
I do not speak English well, so I used ChatGPT to help translate this message.
Desde la última actualización el idioma del plugin se ha cambiado a inglés y no puedo cambiarlo a espa?ol. El idioma de wordpress está en Espa?ol.
?Podéis decirme como poner el plugin en espa?ol?
]]>Just upgraded to 10.9.8 and done my usual tests to make sure its working. All is good except for cancelled bookings.
If customer cancels using link in their confirmation email or if we cancel using backend, or if we just delete the booking, then the backend diary will work fine and is correct, but the booking remains on the synced google calendar.
I have tried to resync from settings and also rechecked and saved all sync settings, but we have to now manually correct the google calendar booking where there is a cancellation.
]]>i have 1 service with 2 timeslots in same day. when apple mobile users trying to select second time, they cannot select second time slot. its automatically move to 1st timeslot.
see this issue in action > https://go.screenpal.com/watch/cZ6w6wncutC
]]>When it comes to selecting a date, it doesnt show a time to chose.
]]>My hosting company has recently updated their php version to 8.2 and now my booking form is showing errors in the services section, when it was fine before.
It has some code showing about errors on line 102, i asked the hosting company about it, and they said the plugin needs to be compatible with the latest PHP version that they have updated to on 8.2
Any advice on what we should do?
En alugnas de las franjas horarias de un empleado en concreto y de forma aleatoria se han bloqueado los slots sin poder desbloquearse.
]]>We tried updating to version 10.9.4, see preview. However, after the update, an error appeared, see the preview in the image. The page with the calendar could not be displayed, there was a warning that kept repeating:
Warning: Undefined variable $post in /data/www/drhric.cz/www.drhric.cz/wp-content/plugins/salon-booking-system/src/SLN/Wrapper/Abstract.php on line 102
Warning: Attempt to read property “post_title” on null in /data/www/drhric.cz/www.drhric.cz/wp-content/plugins/salon-booking-system/src/SLN/Wrapper/Abstract.php on line 102
Warning: Undefined variable $post in /data/www/drhric.cz/www.drhric.cz/wp-content/plugins/salon-booking-system/src/SLN/Wrapper/Abstract.php on line 102
Warning: Attempt to read property “post_title” on null in /data/www/drhric.cz/www.drhric.cz/wp-content/plugins/salon-booking-system/src/SLN/Wrapper/Abstract.php on line 102
Warning: Undefined variable $post in /data/www/drhric.cz/www.drhric.cz/wp-content/plugins/salon-booking-system/src/SLN/Wrapper/Abstract.php on line 102
Warning: Attempt to read property “post_title” on null in /data/www/drhric.cz/www.drhric.cz/wp-content/plugins/salon-booking-system/src/SLN/Wrapper/Abstract.php on line 102
Warning: Undefined variable $post in /data/www/drhric.cz/www.drhric.cz/wp-content/plugins/salon-booking-system/src/SLN/Wrapper/Abstract.php on line 102
I restored to the previous version and stuck with it.
Plugin settings:
When i open the page my
But when i select go next and go back.
It shows like how it should be:
Can someone tell me how to fix this?
"_sln_mixpanel_user_id": 1708329311,
"date_format": "default",
"time_format": "default",
"hours_before_from": "+4 hours",
"hours_before_to": "+1 month",
"interval": "60",
"availability_mode": "advanced",
"attendant_enabled": "0",
"form_steps_alt_order": "1",
"disabled_message": "Booking is not available at the moment, please contact us at [email protected]",
"gen_name": "Siracusa",
"gen_email": "[email protected]",
"gen_phone": "3921998042",
"gen_address": "Viale Scala Greca, 7\r\n96100 Siracusa",
"gen_timetable": "In case of delay we'll keep your \"seat\" for 15 minutes, after that you'll loose your priority.",
"last_step_note": "You will receive a booking confirmation by email.If you do not receive an email in 5 minutes, check your Junk Mail or Spam Folder. If you need to change your reservation, please call [SALON PHONE]<\/strong> or send an e-mail to [SALON EMAIL]<\/strong>.",
"soc_facebook": null,
"soc_twitter": null,
"soc_google": null,
"ajax_enabled": "1",
"booking": true,
"thankyou": "11302",
"availabilities": {
"1": {
"days": {
"2": "1",
"3": "1",
"4": "1",
"5": "1",
"6": "1"
"from": [
"to": [
"always": true,
"from_date": null,
"to_date": null
"sms_notification_message": "Hi [NAME],\r\ntake note of your reservation at [SALON NAME] on [DATE] at [TIME].\r\nSee you soon.",
"sms_notification_message_modified": "Hi [NAME],\r\nyour reservation at [SALON NAME], has been updated.\r\nWe've sent you an email with the details.",
"email_subject": "Prenotazione del [DATE] alle ore [TIME] presso [SALON NAME]",
"booking_update_message": "Ciao [NAME],\r\nprendi nota della tua prenotazione presso [SALON NAME]",
"email_nb_subject": "Your booking for [DATE] at [TIME] at [SALON NAME]",
"new_booking_message": "Hi [NAME],\r\ntake note of the details of your reservation at [SALON NAME]",
"follow_up_message": "Hi [NAME],\r\nIt's been a while since your last visit, would you like to book a new appointment with us?\r\n\r\nWe look forward to seeing you again.",
"pay_currency": "EUR",
"pay_currency_pos": "right",
"pay_decimal_separator": ".",
"pay_thousand_separator": ",",
"pay_paypal_email": null,
"pay_paypal_test": null,
"pay_stripe_method": "card",
"parallels_hour": "1",
"sln_db_version": "10.9.4",
"onesignal_notification_message": "Hi, the new reservation at [SALON NAME] on [DATE] at [TIME].",
"enable_discount_system": "0",
"debug": false,
"bookingmyaccount": "11303",
"pay": "11301",
"zapier_api_key": "0b9607a30bc31f5516b8",
"confirmation": "1",
"reservation_interval_enabled": "1",
"minutes_between_reservation": "10",
"cancellation_enabled": "1",
"hours_before_cancellation": "3",
"disabled": 0,
"parallels_day": null,
"multiple_customers_for_assistant": null,
"rescheduling_disabled": "0",
"days_before_rescheduling": "1",
"gen_logo": "11313",
"editors_manage_cap": "0",
"only_from_backend_attendant_enabled": "1",
"m_attendant_enabled": "0",
"hide_invalid_attendants_enabled": "1",
"skip_attendants_enabled": "1",
"attendant_email": "0",
"choose_attendant_for_me_disabled": "0",
"sms_enabled": "0",
"sms_account": "",
"sms_password": "",
"sms_prefix": "",
"sms_provider": "fake",
"sms_from": "",
"sms_new": "0",
"sms_new_number": "",
"sms_modified": "0",
"sms_new_attendant": "0",
"sms_modified_attendant": "0",
"whatsapp_enabled": "0",
"sms_remind": "0",
"sms_remind_interval": "+1 hour",
"sms_trunk_prefix": "0",
"sms_ascii_mode": "0",
"email_remind": "1",
"email_remind_interval": "+1 hour",
"disable_new_user_welcome_email": "0",
"follow_up_email": "0",
"follow_up_sms": "0",
"follow_up_interval": "+1 days",
"feedback_email": "1",
"feedback_sms": "0",
"custom_feedback_url": "",
"feedback_email_subject": "ASUS Point Siracusa",
"feedback_message": "Ciao [NAME],\r\nvuoi lasciare la tua recensione in merito al tuo ultimo appuntamento presso[SALON NAME]?\r\nIl tuo feedback ci aiuter\u00e0 a migliorare i nostri servizi e a fornirti un'esperienza migliore in futuro.",
"onesignal_app_id": "",
"onesignal_new": "0",
"google_maps_api_key": "",
"google_maps_api_key_valid": "",
"week_start": "1",
"calendar_view": "month",
"sms_test_number": "",
"sms_test_message": "",
"salon_staff_manage_cap_export_csv": "0",
"enabled_guest_checkout": "1",
"enabled_force_guest_checkout": "1",
"enabled_fb_login": "1",
"fb_app_id": "",
"fb_app_secret": "",
"primary_services_count": "",
"secondary_services_count": "",
"is_secondary_services_selection_required": "0",
"checkout_fields": {
"firstname": {
"required": "1",
"customer_profile": "1",
"hidden": "0",
"booking_hidden": "0",
"export_csv": "1",
"label": "Nome",
"type": "text",
"width": "6",
"options": "",
"additional": "",
"default_value": "",
"file_type": ""
"lastname": {
"required": "0",
"customer_profile": "1",
"hidden": "0",
"booking_hidden": "0",
"export_csv": "1",
"label": "Cognome",
"type": "text",
"width": "6",
"options": "",
"additional": "",
"default_value": "",
"file_type": ""
"email": {
"required": "1",
"customer_profile": "1",
"hidden": "0",
"booking_hidden": "0",
"export_csv": "1",
"label": "E-mail",
"type": "text",
"width": "6",
"options": "",
"additional": "",
"default_value": "",
"file_type": ""
"phone": {
"required": "0",
"customer_profile": "1",
"hidden": "0",
"booking_hidden": "0",
"export_csv": "1",
"label": "Telefono cellulare",
"type": "text",
"width": "6",
"options": "",
"additional": "",
"default_value": "",
"file_type": ""
"address": {
"required": "0",
"customer_profile": "1",
"hidden": "0",
"booking_hidden": "0",
"export_csv": "1",
"label": "Indirizzo",
"type": "text",
"width": "12",
"options": "",
"additional": "",
"default_value": "",
"file_type": ""
"pay_enabled": null,
"hide_prices": "1",
"pay_method": null,
"pay_cash": null,
"pay_offset_enabled": null,
"pay_offset": null,
"pay_deposit": null,
"pay_deposit_fixed_amount": null,
"disable_first_pending_payment_email_to_customer": null,
"pay_tip_request": null,
"pay_transaction_fee_amount": null,
"pay_transaction_fee_type": null,
"pay_minimum_order_amount": null,
"create_booking_after_pay": null,
"enable_booking_tax_calculation": null,
"enter_tax_price": null,
"tax_value": null,
"google_calendar_enabled": "1",
"google_outh2_client_id": "94621710825-l5i8295r7m9m1phiqnp8chl7otcraurv.apps.googleusercontent.com",
"google_outh2_client_secret": "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",
"google_outh2_redirect_uri": "https:\/\/www.asuspointsr.it\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php?action=googleoauth-callback",
"google_client_calendar": "[email protected]",
"google_calendar_publish_pending_payment": "0",
"enable_sln_worker_role": null,
"style_shortcode": "large",
"style_colors_enabled": "1",
"style_colors": {
"background-a": "rgb(248,248,248)",
"background-b": "rgba(248,248,248,0.5)",
"background-c": "rgba(248,248,248,0.25)",
"background-d": "rgba(248,248,248,0.1)",
"main-a": "rgb(84,88,241)",
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"text-e": "rgba(68,68,68,0.1)"
"no_bootstrap": "0",
"no_bootstrap_js": "0",
"replace_booking_modal_with_popup": "0",
"disable_google_fonts": "0",
"sln_access_token": "{\n \"access_token\": \"ya29.a0Ad52N39wMlsGLCWK1brex4FHSVTNlZTHbhBWKeXIcO6Gq1iqksgF_QlmrnPg36MHVuIV-S_FT7Kop5np9294t6wbwUDbnM722AeEF6Iw-vSQjMywN3WVCtlIFChy_NxyUqdc25j1x9zJrrKODaD95UWuNezVz8WSnjfgaCgYKAbQSARMSFQHGX2Miq3GkCmWfdIhuNZUDTtG9_Q0171\",\n \"expires_in\": 3599,\n \"refresh_token\": \"1\/\/09Xfz2-XkldhpCgYIARAAGAkSNwF-L9Ir1MI3iMCKklPFz7eNLBTpBjJzeQ14onfGprYq9OnRV14x44j4K6vwqjZesF3WhQDu_HE\",\n \"scope\": \"https:\/\/www.googleapis.com\/auth\/calendar\",\n \"token_type\": \"Bearer\"\n}",
"sln_refresh_token": "1\/\/09Xfz2-XkldhpCgYIARAAGAkSNwF-L9Ir1MI3iMCKklPFz7eNLBTpBjJzeQ14onfGprYq9OnRV14x44j4K6vwqjZesF3WhQDu_HE"
It seems that the configuration is refreshing itself every few days or weeks, quite randomly.
"hours_before_from": "+2 day",
"hours_before_to": "+3 month",
Especially these attributes are getting back to the value “+5minutes” or “+5hours”, so it make the reservation impossible.
I have to import the configuration again everytime so it comes back working again.
Can you help me please? Any idea why it change itself?
After activation (https://www.mlbeauty.nl/new-home-page/afspraak-module/) the booking system worked well, suddenly there is a disruption that is visible on every page. I can’t seem to get it to work anymore.
can you help me with this?
Notice: Function wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts
, admin_enqueue_scripts
, or login_enqueue_scripts
hooks. This notice was triggered by the salon-customServiceCategory
handle. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.) in /home/mlbeauty.nl/public_html/mlbeauty.nl/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6085
I need to separate the calendar for employees so that each logged-in employee sees only their reservations made by customers. I looked at every option in the options and did not find such an option. Is it possible to achieve this in this plugin? Thank you for your answers and suggestions.
Thank you for your answers and suggestions.
]]>Hi team,
I found a bug on blocking timeslot. It always happen on blocking last 1 hour. As soon as I block the last 1 hour, it blocks the whole day. And this happens irregularly.
I recorded the screen here.
I’m using the latest version 10.9.4.
]]>We inserted more vacation days, but suddenly al vacation days are gone. Why did this happen?
Is it possible to change the word Total in the last step of making a reservation? I tried a translate plugin, but with this Loco translate i can’t change all the words i want.
Often I need to change the time of a booking. My settings are bookings can only be made 7 days in advance. But often as admin, I need to change the date of a booking from, for example, tomorrow and move to the next day, but the system will not allow it.
We need to have administrator override of a client booking for these rules. The only way I can change the booking to the following day under the setting allowance is to go into the settings and remove the restrictions, change the scheduled booking and then reset the restrictions. This takes me more than half an hour to go through this process each time. Incredibly painful.
]]>Hi, I have a problem with salon booking system on my temp domain… in first step Total amount is not loaded live, but the cyan treatment is displayed only in the last step. How can I set that when I select a service for which a price is defined, that price is immediately displayed below in TOTAL and not only at the end when the reservation ends.
Hope someone could help. My google calendar is not appear new appointments since yesterday.
Another error is after booking, instead of going to a successful page landing, it is said Error.
I attached some photos here for you to understand.
Thank you
Is it possible to simple add an extra working day in the agenda? For example I now that i have an extra day next week to work for my clients. Can I open only this specific day for bookings?
Thank you in advance.
The appointments are visible in my Google agenda. Only the times of the booked treatments are not correct. An example, Anna has an appointment at 13:00 uur. The timeslot is mentioned in the title, but the agenda time is completely different. Any ideas?
I have already looked at the calendar settings, and the time zone is set to Amsterdam. That is correct.
In that site, that page : https://fredeau-karrnaet.bzh/fredeau-karr-naet-lavage-voiture/my-account/
the “my account” section is visible in all screens type except phones ones. The page is empty. I think it’s just a responsive issue. could you help please? Do you want an admin access? Thank you ??
After entering a holiday, the free day or period is not displayed in the administration. There is only the date of change, but there is no overview of free days. Has this error occurred anywhere? How to solve?
Hi, the calendar page in Back-end is not loading. When clicking on Calendar in back-end, Page says ‘’We are loading your appointments calendar..‘’ but does not load.
Any ideas on how to fix this? I am on the latest version of Salon Booking System.
]]>I’m working on a client project and this product is pretty flexible for out needs plus a little finessing with jQuery on front end gets me some of the features I need however I’d like to know if there is/will be a way to add a fillable text field before or after the service selection. I know there’s a way in the form at the end of the booking process but the client wants it at the beginning to type some specific client information tied to the services(which needs to be in the same order in the booking email they all receive). I don’t want to be modifying the plugin(unnecessarily) as it will all be overwritten with updates and would have to re-do the process. Any guidance or help on this is welcome.
Is Woocommerce checkout included in pro vesrion ?
]]>Dear Booking Support,
we have purchased the license and I need to know how to set up a maximum total price for a category.
Many thanks in advance
I’ve been using the plugin for several months now, and I’d synchronised it with Google Calendar.
Everything worked perfectly, but for several weeks now some of the bookings I’ve made don’t appear on Google Calendar.
I’ve tried resynchronising via ‘Synchronise bookings’, but again a number of bookings aren’t being taken into account.
They’ve been paid for, though, and I can see them appearing in the calendar.
Thank you in advance for your help, and I hope you have an excellent day,
Getting the warning above the Customers title on the page [MY_SITE]/wp-admin/admin.php?page=salon-customers. It’s a local testing site, running on Server: XAMPP (PHP 8.2.12); OS: Windows 11 home; Browsers: Chrome and Edge [both up to date]) .
Warning: Undefined array key "" in?[MY_SITE]\wp-content\plugins\salon-booking-system\src\SLN\Admin\Customers\List.php?on line?110
I don’t have any other plugins or themes (twenty-something). I deleted all bookings, assistants, customers, services. Made no difference.
Not sure if this will affect functionality, but doesn’t fill me with confidence as am looking to purchase the commercial version.
]]>Hello, I have the following problems: around the end of last month when booking, the customer immediately received two identical confirmation emails and I received none. Reverting to version 10.1 solved the problem. And I stuck with that version. From July 10, with ver.10.1, the client receives up to one minute of confirmation, and I – from 11 minutes to 14 hours. I updated to ver.10.7 but the problem is not solved. The question is: is the problem in the plugin or in the site servers?
]]>Hi there,
For some day, timeslot only visible to last booked time instead of store hour’s end time.
For example, the store ends at 8 PM, but the last visible time slot is 4:30 PM, which is the last booked time.
How do I resolve the issue?