I have modified the plugin by:
in order to fix the message Fichier non disponible !
https://feed.evangelizo.org/v2/reader.php returns an error 500 when displaying the Saint:
public function widget($args, $instance)
echo $args['before_widget'];
if (!empty($instance['title']))
echo $args['before_title'] . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']) . $args['after_title'];
$date = date_i18n('Ymd');
$type = ($instance['type'] != '') ? esc_attr($instance['type']) : '';
$lang = ($instance['lang'] != '') ? esc_attr($instance['lang']) : '';
$cont = ($instance['content'] != '') ? esc_attr($instance['content']) : '';
$publicite = $instance['publicite'];
$url = "https://feed.evangelizo.org/v2/reader.php?date=" . $date . "&type=" . $type . "&lang=" . $lang . "&content=" . $cont;
$context = stream_context_create(array(
'http' => array(
'ignore_errors' => true
if (!$h = fopen($url, 'r', null, $context)) {
// Fichier non disponible
echo "<span style='color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold;'>Fichier non disponible !</span> " . $url . "<br />";
} else {
$str = '';
while (!feof($h)) {
$str .= fgets($h);
if ($type === "saint") {
$str = str_replace("/v2/", "https://feed.evangelizo.org/v2/", $str);
// Debug
// echo $url . "<br />";
// echo '<p>Réponse : </p><p style="width: 800px; display: block;">' . htmlspecialchars( $str ) . '</p>';
// Réponse
echo '<p>' . $str . '</p>';
echo '<p class="evangelizo-org">';
echo ($publicite == true) ? __('Free service provided by <a href="https://www.evangelizo.org/" target="_blank">Evangelizo.org</a>.', 'saint-du-jour-reloaded') : '';
echo '</p>';
echo $args['after_widget'];
Hi Luc,
It seems that has been a change in the https://dailygospel.org/AM/gospel/ site and I think there also a change in the resources that we are using. The Bible Readings and Commentaries are still working however the saint of the day (and maybe the feast of the day when there is one) seem to be generating the file not found message – in french of course. Not sure if this needs to be addressed in the plugin, of if it is something that daily gospel need to update.
Could you help please, mon ami
]]>The plugin doesn’t work anymore (WordPress 5.0)
message “Fichier non disponible !”
Thanks in advance
The widget displays the “gospel of the day” with the wrong caracters set (UTF?): the text has then unreadable special letters.
This appears only from time to time at the opening of the main page, but only with this widget. Others widgets works good.
Is that a bug?
Can you solve that problem within the widget?
Thank you in advance.
Here is a screen copy
Line 6 reads Version: 1.0
Should Be
Version: 1.1
Not a big one, but does defeat the online updates in WordPress
]]>I think the plug in should be tagged for Bible, Bible Readings, Lectionary, Christian,
This shows something of what I am trying to achieve and I am pretty happy with most of it. The commentary breaks into components for Title, Author, Source and Text.
Each of this embeds a link to dailygospel.org. I am happy for there to be a link, and indeed I think there should be, however I don’t like the being repeated like this as it destroys the continuity. It would be good is Either there was a option to display multiple bits at once, with a single link at the bottom, or allow the site to turn the link off.
I actually love the plugin, and have wanted something like this for a long time. The fact I have two support requests is about testing it and wanting it to work for my sites. Please see it as a positive.
There is a lot to like about this. We are in Australia, and the wordpress install is set to the Sydney time zone (in winter UTC + 10) however the readings are for UTC.
I am sure this is not easy however looking at Dailygospel.org I see the readings for the next couple of days are available, so perhaps in the code it may be possible to make this link to the time zone the wordpress install is set for.
Thank You for hard work on a really valuable service