In 4.3.3, attachment filenames are now urlencoded, which when containing query parameters breaks due to partial URL encode.
See for complete issue and resolution.
A suggested replacement is to use: FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS
Hi and thank you for the great plugin.
We have these issues on our sentry for some users on a project:
#1 Sailthru is not defined
#2 TypeError: Sailthru.init is not a function
Do you have any idea how can we fix or track the issue?
In tag.js file, there are two different implementations of the same function (Sailthru.init({…})), one in a jQuery(function($){}); and the other is not (#2 issue), is there a specific reason?
Thank you in advance!
]]>I’ve installed the Sailthru plugin on a site I manage, configured it, and added a shortcode to a test page. When I sign up with an email address I’ve used before with Sailthru, everything works fine. My user is subscribed to the correct list and sees a “Thank you” message.
However, when I sign up with a fresh user, the user is added to the list, but does not see the “Thank you” message because a 500 error occurs.
Here’s a stack trace: Uncaught exception ‘TypeError’ with message ‘Argument 1 passed to Sailthru_Subscribe_Widget::filter_out_existing_lists() must be of the type array, bool given, called in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/sailthru-widget/widget.subscribe.php on line 429’ in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/sailthru-widget/widget.subscribe.php:528
We’re running WordPress 5.5.3 and php 7.4.13
When I step through the code of widget.subscribe.php, I see that $profile is initialized to false on line 377. On line 380, we attempt to retrieve a value for $profile for the user’s email address via the API. This fails for new users, as expected. However, $profile is still set to a boolean, so the call to filter_out_existing_lists on line 429 causes the error, because that function’s signature requires $profile to be an array.
THere’s another similar issue, that creates the following stack trace:
Uncaught exception ‘TypeError’ with message ‘Argument 1 passed to Sailthru_Subscribe_Widget::should_send_welcome_template() must be of the type array, string given, called in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/sailthru-widget/widget.subscribe.php on line 431’ in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/sailthru-widget/widget.subscribe.php:516
]]>I’ve been trying to configure the plugin properly, but I’m experiencing some issues. I’ve created a subscribe widget using the plugin and everything seems to work partially.
Apparently, the subscriber is added to the Lists in the Sailthru account. However, they do NOT receive an confirmation or email of any kind. Furthermore, When editing the Welcome Template setting – in the WordPress settings page – I’m unable to save the Welcome Template. I receive a confirmation that the settings have been saved, but the page loads with “- Choose One -” option in the select field.
Could this be related to the problem described above?
]]>I can’t change the submit buttom to say submit. It’s just a small grey box
]]>Hi there,
I’m using the latest public release of your plugin, and have NOT checked the settings box for <b>Settings > Override other WordPress system emails?</b>, however when I add a new user or submit a password reset request, the email I receive is the Sailthru template I’ve chosen in the <b>Settings > WordPress Template</b>, instead of the standard WP emails.
If I check the box to override other WordPress system emails, and then leave the two drop-downs for the new user and password reset templates set to “- Choose One -“, the Sailthru template is still sent.
No matter what I do, the Sailthru template is sent in place of the default WP templates.
This appears to be a result of the fact that you set the option sailthru_override_wp_mail
to 1 on activation, and there’s no way to modify this in the settings panel. In our case, I <i>only</i> want the subscribe widget to send a Sailthru template, and I want password resets and new user notifications to come straight from WordPress. Furthermore, with this behavior, the password reset notifications always have the subject of “feedback” and come from “[email protected]”, regardless of which template I choose.
I’ve temporarily fixed this with the following code in a custom plugin, however it’s not a great fix:
add_filter( 'option_sailthru_override_wp_mail', '__return_false', 99999 );
Any chance you can fix this in the next release please?
Having some issues with the same page being tracked multiple times as a comment page is
As documented here
Can it be added?
Hello – is there a way to have this widget generate sailthru tags:
meta name=”sailthru.tags” content=”sports,red-sox”
Thanks for your help with this