After the latest updates my client’s website when adding items to the wishlist initially the items weren’t going in the cart. I flushed cache. So now the items go into the cart but not always the right item. And the images are also not showing. What’s going on?
]]>Hi – When I activate the plugin for RW Elephant – it ends up throwing off the homepage of my website I’m currently building. Any chance you have an ideas of what’s going on?
I’ve noticed that the single product URL structure changed from the previous version.
OLD: /gallery-page-name/item/product-name-123456
NEW: /gallery-page-name/item/123456
Is there any chance to have a setting for this so it’s possible to keep the old URL structure? Or at least can it have a redirect to the correct page if accessed by the old URL? Or have it work both ways with the OLD and the NEW.
The reason why it could work with both is that the Single Gallery page does work if accessed by the old and new permalink, so I’m wondering if we can have it do the same thing for the Single Product.
Let me know if there are any quick solutions for this.
Thank you!