Just a heads up that runkeeper has changed the html code that is generated and therefore the widget no longer runs and instead returns “Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on a non-object in urlname/wp-content/plugins/runkeeper-widget/runkeeper-widget.php on line 108
There are a couple of changes to the runkeeper-widget-php that need to be changed. I’ve fixed two so far but not being that familiar I’m stuck on the third change.
accordion-m to accordion open
bubble-text to bubble
Need to correct
preg_match('/\-\d{1,2}/', $firstActivityHtml->find('div[class=day]', 0)->innertext, $matchday);
The website is now <div class=”day 20″> where 20 is the day name of last change, but i’m not sure how to fix this…
]]>Feed widget is showing but all values are 0.
I got the authorization key and pasted it correctly ; retried several times, but always same issue .
See my site
]]>Similar problem as the “feed not populating” issue of a few days ago.
But in my case the activities are showing as all 0 :
]]>I installed the plug-in and authorized it, but the feed is not populated? can you advise? Will it only populate runs going forward, not runs before I connected?
Have a look if you like : https://www.jesstraining.com/
]]>Fatal error: Call to undefined method DateTime::createFromFormat() in /homepages/32/d372257610/htdocs/Fat2fitrunner/wp-content/plugins/runkeeper-fitness-feed/runkeeper-feed-widget.php on line 91
]]>I took a gander at the code, but there didn’t seem to be a switch in there for kms to miles. My Runkeeper settings read as miles…
Not a big deal, I added a function after the class for kms2miles and did the conversion there – so I’m good to go. Might be nice to add in a future release (unless it’s there and I just missed it).
Thanks for the otherwise awesome app!
]]>Hi, first of all: great work with this plugin.
It’s just what I need.
However, I have found some bugs, I think.
*) The title lacks of border-left and border-right
*) All the links that (I guess?) should link to my runkeeper-activity links to “[wordpress-adress]/activity/[id]”
(Example: https://bloggen.hyden.nu/activity/99646917)
*) For some reason, the “footer” of the plugin is gray, and not looking very nice.
Also, It would be nice to be able to configure the date-format inside the settings for the plugin, rather then manualy editing the code.
You can have a look at my site to see what I meen.