My client has a event whereby people report the result of their pledge to walk, run, swim, canoe or whatever, a certain distance. I am wondering if with some custom modifications your plugin could be made to
1) input 3 simple fields: Name | Region | Distance
2) display those entries in a carousel (with sort options) (with column options)
3) tabulate total distance from all participants and display just that total
Let me know. Thanks.
]]>This is a brilliant plugin!
Are there any plans to extend it h a front end form so that users of a wordpress site can also add their runs etc with a leaderboard?
Best wishes and stay safe
]]>When you use the shortcode [oirl_total] and some of the others with parameters, the description under the numbers is displayed on top of the numbers and cannot be seen.
Note the last line of the screen in the Likn.
I am using the theme “Fleaxseed pro”
Please advise
I’d like to help to translate your plugin into german. If you’d like that too, please, let me know. I am somehow familiar with the “poedit” program. Of course, my offer is for free, as your plugin is. ??
Best regards
]]>Good morning from Leipzig/Germany!
Thanks for your Plugin! I am not a programmer and I am not familiar with Strava’s API. It would be great, if the strava activity picture would include the photo I’ve attached on Strava (instead of the map).
Best regards,
]]>I’m trying to use this to log miles for each user in my WordPress account. Is there a way to do this? Or – could another variable be used, like gear or goal, and totals be filtered by gear or goal? I would replace goal or gear with User name. Or – can totals be displayed based on tag or category?
Je souhaitais installer votre plugin qui semble sympa car j’utilise endomondo pour notre activité d’athlétisme et il n’y pas ou plus de de plugin developpé pour Endomondo.
Merci de votre action.
Toutefois lorsque j’ai voulu l’utiliser il rentre en conflit avec d’autre plugin et aussi et surtout avec mon theme. Par exemple je n’ai plus accés au sous menu dans mon menu déroulant ou le bouton de connexion ne fonctionne plus…
Il semble qu’il y ait un problème de modal…
Pouvez vous trouver une solution… il semble que ce soit une correction mineure mais qui gene énormement.
Par ailleurs, je souhaiterai afficher les cartes de mes parcours. avez vous installer des shorts codes?je ne les trouvent pas.
Je vous remercie par avance de l’aide pour votre plugin car je souhaite l’utiliser.
David G
Could this plug in use for multi-member.
]]>I have registered a run but get a 404 page when trying to view the page.
It does show up on my frontpage. FRontpage is showing blogposts.
I am using eleven40 child theme form Genesis.