I installed your plugin as my customer would like to have an RSS to mailchimp newsletter set up.
It all works fine, the only thing that doesn’t work is the margin at the bottom of the image. I set it in the plugin but it doesn’t seem to take it.
I also tried adding it to the newsletter template via css but it still doesn’t add a margin on some devices.
Is there any other way I can control this?
I tried inserting the feature image and excerpt separately but that didn’t work either but more in the sense that the image did not come through.
Thanks, heaps, appreciate your help.
Kindest Regards,
This plugin adds the following XML namespace definition that is missing a space and which makes the RSS feed invalid:
xmlns:georss=”https://www.georss.org/georss”xmlns:georss=”https://www.georss.org/georss” xmlns:geo=”https://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#”
]]>The title in the RSS is repeated from the Blog name like this:
<title>Comunicación AbiertaComunicación Abierta</title>
This makes the feed not to be validated as you can see here: https://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=comunicacionabierta.net%2Ffeed%2F
The problems is at the 12th line. When i deactivate the plugin, it works, but without the images. This is what it looks like now that it′s activated: https://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=bdf87ace7a85d01d2cdd5f8e0&id=26ccf23dfa
Any idea how to solve this?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Most of the questions RSS with Images users have can be solved by reading through the basic documentation here.
]]>Other Images show up in the feed but not the featured image
]]>Hi there!
Awesome and simple plugin – thanks!
After install, for some reason my image (featured) shows at its full width (1200px) ignoring the 192px max dimensions set in the plugin settings.
Also – I checked the source code of my page and there’s no media:content. I thought that’s the tag the Mailchimp RSS is pulling to display images.
Any idea how I could control the size of my images?
]]>Hello, I could not found a changelog for Version 1.3.5 so I guess, the purpost of this Update is to inform the user about the ability to buy the premium version.
While I think it is OK to inform the user once, I don’t like, that the Dasboard Notification “Want more features? Upgrade to RSS with Images Premium ” can’t be dismissed. If I click on the red chross to close the information, I comes back after every reload of the page.
Could you please fix this?
I installed this plugin and I was able to get my images to display in my RSS feed email which is great, however, I am unable to display the images in the correct size that I have entered on the settings page.(images display in their original, large size in the RSS email instead of the width and height I have set in the plugin ).
Can you please let me know how to fix this so that my images display in the size that I want in my RSS feed email?
Thank you!
]]>Can this dump the full content of a blog post into RSS which would include all images (not sure a featured image)?
]]>Hi, i install this module, but is not working on my MailChimp RSS campaigns, i follow the installs instructions and nothing, i dont know what else to check.
Please help me! my website is https://www.bodybuildinglatino.com
]]>Hello – This plugin appears to function very well but I’m just wondering why the max image width it is allowing me to input is 197? All of the photos in my media library are atleast 600px wide.
My MailChimp campaign has column width of 257 so I’d assume that I should be able to scale to that size.
Also it is requiring that I input a height but I’d prefer to leave that so that height scales in proportion to width. If I were to set a height that is smaller than my picture, will it crop it or squish it?
Thanks for your help!
]]>I notice in the mailchimp documentation that images have maximum flexibility using the media:content url=”[url]” tag in the RSS feed (which can then be pulled into MailChimp using *|RSSITEM:IMAGE|*)…
Does this plugin use the media:content tag?