The php4 descriptors are deprecated now, to fix on line 25-27:
function __construct() {
parent::__construct(false, $name='Royal Recent Posts');
I use members plugin and I added yours last night. Now the content is hidden for non-members when it should not be. Also when I tried to deactivate each plugin the content stayed on the page like your plugin was still active.
Congratulations! This is a great plugin!
But I need to hide title widget and I just can’t! lol
If you want I can help to implement it.
]]>hi, first off – thank you, this is a great plugin but the excerpt section does not seem to work, if you put in 5 or 50 it still shows 6 lines of text. Is there a fix for this?
]]>Cannot enter any sizes for my images, for example if I put 50w on height if reverts back to the first entry 50.
When the images shows on the page is shows 533 x 355px
You need to wrap the title tags in h4
Example from my site:
<h4>Single Parent Home Buying</h4>