WordPress 3.5.1
RootPress 2.6.4
FTM 2012
When I upload a tree with more than 1500 names, it just is not received.
I have a family tree of 1100 names has succeeded to upload this tree.
I can not share the great tree up more than it’s done.
Is there someone who has good advice for a solution.
Regards John
When I have made som changes in my GEDCOM-file (in MyHeritage) and exported a new file – and uploaded it to /uploads/, the changes does not show on my website…
]]>I have been able to get this plugin to work for awhile, but then something causes the tree to lot load. The page doesn’t finish loading past the header.
I’ve translated into danish – where should I place the files? And where do I set these two files to be used?
Jean Jensen, Denmark
When I upload and activate the latest rootspress all I get is this message and no options to do anything:
rootsPress Upgrade action is required
I go to upgrade, and have no options. I’m installing the latest version 2.6.4. I tried deactivating and reactivating, deleting and reinstalling. Same results.
]]>I have installed the plugin, but it seems to choke on names with danish characters. The character and everything that comes after it is removed. I there anything I can do to prevent this ?
]]>Can anyone tell me what the shortcodes are, please?
]]>I’m sure this is a stupid question, but I cannot figure out how to actually display a tree on my site.
I uploaded a GEDCOM. It seemed to go through just fine, and when I click on “Show Trees” from the RootsPress menu, I see it listed there.
However, I can’t figure out how to actually get from this point to displaying the tree on my site.
I’ve read through the guide and the support and documentation on here, but don’t see this basic instruction provided. I’m sure I’m just missing something obvious.
Please advise.
]]>Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error
Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /Users/xxxxx/Documents/xxxWordPress/wp-content/plugins/rootspress/rootspress.php on line 1514
]]>My host has the following security restrictions and the rootspress plugin
1. Warning: set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons in
content/plugins/rootspress/php/gedcom.php on line 744
Please wait while the gedcom load completes
2. Warning: stream_get_line() has been disabled for security reasons in
content/plugins/rootspress/php/gedcom.php on line 781
Critical error. No space found in line 1
Can you possibly provide me a modified gedcom.php file?
Imran Husain
]]>The plugin is fully supported. For support issues go to https://www.mikewarland.com/tekhus
]]>This plug-in works well although it has a couple of weird anomalies and the way that CSS has been implemented can make a mess of your theme. Unfortunately there is no way to register on the support forum and emails to the developer go unanswered so as a result even though I have found that this plug-in works with v3.2.1 I cannot recommend it. It is a pity as it, to me at least, seems to be the best of the genealogy plug-ins for WordPress.