“PHP message: PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/clients/client7/web5/web/wp-content/plugins/rm-wpcf7-recaptcha-defer/public/class-rm-wpcf7-recaptcha-defer-public.php on line 66”
I have form only on contact page and there is no simple way, how deregister script, because function wp_dequeue_style and wp_deregister_script make missing error – I would be great if you only add simple filter to:
m-wpcf7-recaptcha-defer/public/class-rm-wpcf7-recaptcha-defer-public.php line 82, where is now:
if($plugin_enabled_state) {
if($plugin_enabled_state && apply_filters( 'rm_wpcf7_enable_script', true )) {
Or something like that.
Thanks a lot!
I get this notice after update to PHP 8.2:
Deprecated Creation of dynamic property RM_WPCF7_RECAPTCHA_DEFER_Public::$rm_wpcf7_recaptcha_defer_options is deprecated
Only what we need is add:
private $rm_wpcf7_recaptcha_defer_options;
before __construct
Thanks for fixing
the plugin looks very promising but I am having problems with “grecapcha not defined” console error on first interaction with WPCF7 form regardless of contact form ID or page ID. After a page refresh is used, there is no error displayed in console anymore, when interacting with forms.
I disabled Autoptimize and Total cache plugin, cleared cache but there was no difference regarding this error.
I switched back to Invisible reCapcha for now.
Any ideas?