I have around 100 portfolio on some categories.
Can I show 9 portfolios per page with paging and show all the categories on the menu filter?
Hi! I’m having trouble with the popup. It looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/ZOGOuHs.jpg
Looks like the border is covering up things that it shouldn’t. I don’t want to change the settings to open portfolio links as a hyperlink, I prefer the popup. Could you please help me fix it?
]]>Hi, I installed rio portfolio on one of my sites but pagination not working correctly.
The site is: My Site
Rio portfolio is in home page under “Le nostre offerte”, if I click on page 2/3/4 or next not work properly.
When i put RIO portfolio on my website when the plugin is activate, there is quite a few problem on the wesite.
I think there is incompatibility with MADDUX and RIO
Do you think it’s going to be fixed ?
Thank you very much for your reply
Best regards
]]>How does one create a gallery page with more than one column of videos?
]]>how to put the video description below the thumb?
]]>We have just enabled the plugin Rio. When it is the main menu page, the portfolio pages is ok but when we click on one page, its layout is completed destroyed. You can check it there https://www.soundwishes.com/portfolio/brodinski-feat-bloody-jay-us/
Could you help us please ?
Thanks !!
]]>We have just enabled the plugin Rio. When it is the main menu page, the portfolio pages is ok but when we click on one page, its layout is completed destroyed. You can check it there https://www.soundwishes.com/portfolio/brodinski-feat-bloody-jay-us/
Could you help us please ?
Thanks !!
]]>Hi Guys
I have what seems to be a prevailing problem with a lot of people in the support forum
1. When the plugin is activated the slider on my homepage stops working.
2. The filter doesn’t seem to work it only shows contents when all is clicked and not any of the other categories.
Please advise
]]>On 320px and 360px the popup image size is very small. How to change it?
]]>The categories are not working. I tried the option to change the if(!empty($terms) && is_wp_error( $terms )) into if(!empty($terms) && !is_wp_error( $terms )) in the rio-portfolio.php, but that’s not working anymore. I don’t know why, because before I had the multi-language site, it was.
Can anybody help me?
Is there a way to change the size of the popup? I am using it for video (doing exactly what I want it to do), so a larger popup would be nice if possible, even a fullscreen if possible.
]]>Continually stating that images are not available even though I’ve uploaded – Maybe I’m doing this incorrectly? Upon inspecting the element, it’s referring to a file name> default-image.jpg< which is odd because it’s going into the plugin content theme for some reason to get that image but not my image from my own folders. If you could please tell me what I’m doing wrong.
You can see the issue at
(sorry the link was working incorrectly when I had it as a link.)
]]>How do I fix to 3 or 4 columns ? (link type),it appear only 2 columns.
Thank you so much
]]>Hi there,
I read that many had problem with the filter not working when a category is pressed, except for the “All” option. What worked for me was to alter
all 4 lines
if(!empty($terms) && is_wp_error( $terms ))
with this
if(!empty($terms) && !is_wp_error( $terms ))
in file rio-portfolio.php
Now everything working perfectly.
]]>Hey everyone,
first of all, very good work on that plugin! I’m almost happy how it all comes together. Is there maybe already a way to use a ‘more’ button to load more projects instead of those nasty pages?
I wanted to show a constant of 9 projects on my website (until someone hits the more button and it loads additional 6 projects or so), so if visitors specify a category, it will try to load all 9 items (provided there are that many). At the moment it shows nothing or only a few on the first page in some categories, because they would only show if you’d open page 2.
I hope it’s somewhat understanding what I’m trying to do…
i have a problem with a plugin rio portfolio.
I create a page in my custom theme. in this page there is a normal loop for a page but my filter not found, All category it’s selected and the other category not found.
I really want to use this plugin but whenever it’s activated it causes issues with the “edit css” module of Jetpack. The editor disappears completely until the rio plugin is disabled.
Any idea how to get around this? ??
]]>Hello !
I have 2 problems with rio portfolio :
-I can’t have categorie with special chars (éèà…) in it, if I do create one, my portfolio elements doesn’t apepar when I click on it on main page.
Example : https://www.blushandcrush.com/dev/
The test gallery is in every category, but as you can see the ones with special characters doesn’t work (“Beauté”, “Effets Spéciaux”, …).
I really need to have those categories, making sites in french I just can’t avoid using special chars !
-Rio interacts badly with contact form 7 : I lose acess to some options accessible under a tab while Rio in activated…
If anyone has an idea !
Thanks a lot !
Awesome plugin! Exactly what I need, however, I am running into 2 issues.
1) When I activate your plugin it completely disables the box to enter SEO information via the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast. Someone else posted about this too. Is there a resolution to this issue?
2) When I choose Link as my preferred portfolio item, when I click it, it opens in a new tab. The links I am using are for the actual website so I want them to stay in the same tab, not open a new one. How can this functionality be changed to open in the same tab?
Thanks Much!
GEEK, with a personality
HI there
I put the shortcode [rio-portfolio] in the bottom of my page but the portfolio shows itself in the top of the page, over my main content text.
This is the link of my page, where you can see the problem https://www.interaccioninformatica.cl/demo-reservas-online/
i’m using 3.9.2 wordpress version.
Is there any way to solve this?
thank you in advance!!! ??
]]>Hello, I apologize, maybe I’m stupid but I can’t figure out how to select which images I want Rio to show. I put the shortcode but, it’s useless, nothing shows. And at least, even if it would do, how to get the right pictures to show ??
Thanks and sorry again, but the explaination are a bit… short.
Hi all,
I am trying to use Rio Portfolio for my portfolio, but when I upload images and check my site, not the thumbnail, or the full-size image load!! I have a message saying “image not available”.
Very frustrating! Can anyone help, or offer another portfolio that is filterable?
]]>When I click to add new button there is a box where we enter a description but I was never able to see details for the item.
Can you explain how to show a description for the item?
Would be great really if it is possible.
I absolutely love the plugin. I installed it and it worked great, love the layout. But it broke my style.. home page wasnt displaying correctly. So i deactivated plugin and my home page is ok again. I tested this out by activating, viewing home page, and then deactivating.. And unfortunately there’s definately a bug. Please let me know when it fixed cause I really want to use it :(. thank you
I really love your gallery style portfolio layout and it is just what I was looking for. However, I need the image to be populated from a shortcode from another plugin or from the content in the text editor. I am trying to pull in a browser screenshot as the portfolio image, and I am having trouble with Shrink the Web and having better luck with Browser Shots. Is this something we could possibly add in to the next update?
Also, the information given on each portfolio item is not very informative to the end viewer. Your software is more gauged for visual only items, as I am using it for a web site portfolio, I need to give a little more information. So, perhaps when an item is clicked on, an option for a smaller image and some developer information under the image within the lightbox would be perfect.
]]>Hello there folks,
is there a simple way to use this portfolio plugin in a way, that allows me to create two completely independent portfolios, with or without different shortcodes?
I tried creating different tags with two parent categories which have all the child categories, but it displays all categeories at the same page.
Thanks in advance.
]]>I never see an image with any of the portfolios no matter which format I select. Will most likely uninstall the plugin if it keeps on showing no image as I can’t use this at all for any of my sites ??
Error message:
A TimThumb error has occured
The following error(s) occured:
Could not find the internal image you specified.
When I choose category it show only part of the ortfolioof the category and add navigation that do not work because it return to the “All” category.
]]>Boa Tarde!
Estou utilizando o plugin desenvolvido por vocês e estou com uma pequena duvida, ele disponibiliza somente um shortcode,e eu gostaria de utilizar em 2 paginas diferentes, para demonstrar portfólios diferentes, há alguma forma de conseguir essa a??o?