I’m having an issue where I’ve installed both WP Property and the connector to RealHomes.
The feed works perfectly in that it refreshes the properties correctly however the issue I have is that I have the slide on the homepage set up to latest properties.
When the feed runs it seems to overwrite any slides and all the images vanish from the top area so I’m left with a big grey box.
I also have this error message despite the plugin being ‘activated’
WPPF Realhomes/Realplaces
The Real Homes & Real Places WP Property Theme plugin is currently inactive as it requires the WP Property Feed plugin to be active.
I was wondering if you could assist with this error being generated from the plugin.
The rest of the error message as below:
/wp-content/plugins/rh-wp-property-feed/wppf-real-homes.php on line 445