I am seeing erratic issues with this plugin…. it is not connecting to the linked media items via various short codes that I have in posts or pages.
Sooooo…. what I am saying is it doesn’t seem to be limited to any one type of media.
The message that appears where the short code is inserted is this…
” No media items found. “
Before you ask…. YES, I de-activated all of my plugins… I even reverted back to v1.0 of the plugin… and the issues persists…. this also occurs with your latest version 1.1.1
and yes…. my caching plugin was turned off… the caches of 3 browsers on the mac… Safari, Firefox, and Chrome ALL emptied and eventually showed the error.
Sometimes the short code connects and other times it doesn’t.
]]>I’m testing forum post aggregation, I’m sorry for this post.
]]>Is the current plug-in version compatible with WordPress 3.3.1 ?
]]>I installed the Plug-in on my WP blog (self-hosted) and when entering credentials (I have the API turned on) I receive a message: “There was a problem reaching Revostock. Please try again later or contact your site administrator.”
Please let me know if there’s anything that I’m doing wrong. I enetered my email and password and I am a Producer (as said I turned on my API yesterday)
So everything about the plugin is working correctly on my WordPress-driven blog on my website. I created a custom Revo Media Box so that the plugin will only display those items from the Media Box. Cool stuff.
Only problem I see so far is that I don’t see the ability to add your affiliate string at the end of the URL for each icon that is clickable. Seems like an easy enough fix by adding an affiliate parameter (a mere checkbox would suffice) which would then add the “?a_aid=IDnumber” at the end of the URL.
I’m thinking within the Defaults tab below the Producer ID parameter would be a good spot. By checking the box, the ID would automatically be called from the supplied user ID, then added to the affiliate string and then would ultimately then be added to the A HREF URL.
Even better would be if the API saw that the user was an affiliate and automatically added the affiliate string to the URLs.
]]>I double checked my username and password in my profile, but when I enter them into the plugin, I get a message that my username/password is invalid.