I installed this plugin, activate it, but without adding my pub id, adsense started displaying on my pages.
Please, whose ads is been displayed when no one either the admin or authors have entered any pub ID?
I would like to share ads incomes with the members of my bbPress Forum.
I wonder if there is a way to show ads on user′s topics (adding their Adsense ID)?
]]>I understand what I (Admin) should put to Adsense Adlost/Adunit ID but I totally do not understand what users should put to Adsense Adlost/Adunit ID. They do not create ad and they do not know my ID.
1. Can you add the option to create scales based on the increase of the posts? Example: There is a 10% to 100 posts, once it goes above 100 posts the scale will increase accordingly. An x% of impressions that will follow an x number of posts for all the authors.
2. What I say above, but also have the option to make custom scales for every author.
]]>Hello could you add the option to make the banner responsive beyond some specific dimensions within the shortcode?
]]>Hello! Thanks for the plugin. I think this will work out just great for my authors, provided we can solve this one problem.
I don’t want my authors in the backend submitting their Adsense ID or Ad code. I am trying to find a plugin where it will allow me to simply add a template to push all of the fields located on the Your Profile screen to the front in order for them to edit. As of this moment, I am running into the problem that once they have logged in, they cannot edit your plugin information, even if I use some front end profile editor. For some reason WP sees your profile fields and does not push them to the front end with the other editing fields. I have tried like 6-7 plugins for this purpose.
If you can fix that I would greatly appreciate it. I can even create a tabbed edit fields and throw your edit fields into their own tab if you have a shortcode (or even just raw code I can copy/paste into the theme).
]]>Hi, I like this plugin and it works perfectly on posts and pages. I am using custom post type pages and the ads dont show. They are there in the html but do not display. I am using the same ad unit elsewhere on the page in a text widget and that shows fine.
I just wonder if this has something to do with custom post types or not. Its strange that the code for the ad is in the html.
Thanks for any pointers.
All the best
]]>I am pretty sure I have followed all the instructions correctly, however my ads are not showing up on the posts at all in the bottom spot. Can you please tell me what might be the cause of this problem?
For example:
The publisher ID is set, the ad slot has the AD ID from Google Adsense, the position is bottom spot with 90% for author…What am I missing? It is just a blank white space…no ad.
Do I have to select an ad spot if I already have put ads trough Adsense own plug-in?
]]>What is the: RSP Adsense Admin Adslot.
From my understanding, I just need to go into my adsense account, and create an ad with the same dimensions, and copy the ID right?
It does not seem to be working. It is just a black empty ad.
]]>Hello, i’d like to know – only to be sure – one thing: if i set 50% on an ad but only some writers has adsense pub. what about all the other articles if the other writer? i get paid 100% from that ads?
Many Thanks
]]>First i want to thank you for this plugin. But i see that you must sanitize $_POST[‘RSP_text_string’] in line 168
update_usermeta( $user_id, ‘RSP_text_string’, sanitize_text_field($_POST[‘RSP_text_string’]) );
The second thing you forgot field for google-ad-slot .
<script async src=”https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js”></script>
<ins class=”adsbygoogle”
. if google dont see that. it will banned the publisher. My idea it is better to make this plugin in responsive design en one short code en people can style it self. example <div style=”height:90px;”> [your_plugin_short_code]</div> or <div style=”width:200px;”> [your_plugin_short_code]</div> it work perfect for me on the mobile and the pc screen. sorry for my english. thanks for your effort
]]>Can you add the option to set the percentage of ads based on how many posts every author has made?
x% of adsence for x no. of posts of author
]]>I installed this on my site and have only noticed text ads for 720×90 and the 336×280 shortcodes that I installed. I was wondering if this could be set to also show image ads (if not currently supported)
Also, is there a way to modify the colors of the text similar to the way that s available directly through adsense?
Other than that, great job on the plugin. I had another plugin installed that required the authors to actually create the ads in their adsense account and paste their html into their profile. That was difficult to get everyone on the same sheet of music so the ads appeared to be similar.
]]>Does this plugin require publisher id from the author?
I guess it will not be possible for every publisher to have adsense account?
Also does Google accept multiple publisher id from single site?
I’d like to know if it’s possible to disable the Adsense Publisher ID field for some WordPress user roles?
I’d like to use this plugin for my blog, but only want to have revenue sharing available for those higher then a Contributor. Would this be possible?
Thank you
i am getting this error message:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /xyz/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/revenue-share-plugin-for-authorsrsp/rShareAuthors.php:273) in /xyz/wordpress/wp-includes/option.php on line 748
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /xyz/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/revenue-share-plugin-for-authorsrsp/rShareAuthors.php:273) in /xyz/wordpress/wp-includes/option.php on line 749
I don’t know if this is relevant – i’m running the plugin in a multisite, but i get the error on a single-site too.
wordpress/wp-content/plugins/revenue-share-plugin-for-authorsrsp/rShareAuthors.php lines 236 – 243:
function rspad468x60_func( $atts ) {
$atts = shortcode_atts(
'width' => '468',
'height' => '60',
), $atts, 'rspad468x60' );
return adsenseshortcutad($atts['width'],$atts['height']);
wordpress/wp-includes/option.php lines 746 – 751:
// The cookie is not set in the current browser or the saved value is newer.
$secure = ( 'https' === parse_url( site_url(), PHP_URL_SCHEME ) );
setcookie( 'wp-settings-' . $user_id, $settings, time() + YEAR_IN_SECONDS, SITECOOKIEPATH, null, $secure );
setcookie( 'wp-settings-time-' . $user_id, time(), time() + YEAR_IN_SECONDS, SITECOOKIEPATH, null, $secure );
$_COOKIE['wp-settings-' . $user_id] = $settings;
Anyone who can help me? I’m out of ideads and searching.
]]>Is it possible to show more than one ad per page? and if yes, how ?
thanks for your plug-in, it is what I’m looking for
can you ask, how to remove ad spot shown in single post (any position)? since I just want to show it in widget sidebar, thank you.
]]>can I use a custom publisher ID other than adsense?? I have guest writers who do not necessarily have or can qualify for an adsense publisher ID coz they don’t have their own blogs??
]]>I’ve been using version 1.0.3 of this plugin without problem for over a year. I just tried yesterday to upgrade to 2.0.2 and it broke my blog (could not load any images in Media Library; got error messages when I tried to save a new post that specifically said this plugin was at fault. Went back to 1.0.3 and my site worked fine again (I had changed nothing else.)
I am running WP 4.1 with the WP Opulus theme. I was disappointed because I really wanted to utilize the new options but I guess I’ll have to stick to the old version of the plugin for now.
]]>Hello all,
From now onawards I will be updating the plugin frequently. But for that I need feedback and feature requests from you guys. So feel free to create topics with any feedbacks or feature requests. I will be happy to reply you guys.
The latest update 2.0.1 has all the features you guys requested.
New features:
1. Added Widget ads feature
2. Added option to set ad percentage
I’m a bit of a novice with wordpress coding but I was wondering if anyone knows how to move this plugin to the front end? I’m using the WP-Frontend plugin for people to post and edit their profiles, and I want them to use this plugin as well without accessing the administrative menu. I’ve added a shortcode function to the plugin code
add_shortcode( ‘rsp_options’, ‘RSP_options_page’);
, and this shows the plugin page when I enter [rsp_options]
, but the forms do not work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>this is the plugin which i looked for, but i need to add the add on sidebar not in post below post and similar..and i cant see the option. How to do this ?
]]>Instead of displaying the Google Adsense below ALL the posts and pages, I recommend at least putting in a check mark box for people who only want to display the Google Adsense unit below there posts (and not pages). Then vice versa. I love this plugin and it’s basically exactly what I want. From what I’ve seen, there is no other plugin that offers what this plugin has to offer. But if you could incorporate 2 simple check mark boxes for displaying them via only posts, via only pages, or BOTH pages/posts; that would be awesome.
]]>Any chance of showing more than one ad per page?
And please make revenue sharing percentage possible. I want to give all 100 for my visitors.
P.S. Any chance of making customization of the ad size?
]]>Thank you very much for building this. There must be something too obvious to bother saying that I’m missing.
After I’ve input the pub-id in the settings and in the user window, where does the ad code go? Wherever it is, do I simply put in my own ad code or do I have to modify it in some way?
]]>If i set the ads on the center of post i obtain this code
<div class="entry-content">
<a<br /><div align=center><script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-ca-pub-0638797270094505";
google_ad_width = 468;
google_ad_height = 60;
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"></script></div><br /> id="dd_start"></a>
and i see id=”dd_start”>` in the code.
with the other position is all ok.
Can you solve this problem?
very good plugin!!
is possible set the admin percentage different from 50% tnx!!
how can i add a field for the author settings for the google pub id ,
i need the authers to be able to add their own id , and i don’t have to set the id from the admin…