I have installed this plugin but it’s not working for me, am I doing something wrong?
Is it possible to set sitewide that all post open in a Modal window?
Thanks, Bianca
So finally with your plugin I have found a working solution for viewing posts as modal windows as non coder this fueled a new hope into my long search and test. However, I wonder how to improve the plugin with new essential features..I have some suggestions that I would definitely find useful:
1. I would to add a global rule into the main settings that would automatically trigger modal in the post type without a need to manually switch this on every time a new post is made.
2. I would like to customize what and how appears in that window as it overrides my current single post layouts into a barebones text, link and headline.
3. Also navigational buttons are working in reverse order
4. Finally I would like to have an option to choose how big the window is plus restrict its triggering beyond desktop – so no mobiles and only large tablets – something WP Pop plugin does.
Do you think it is possible? Or could perhaps suggest some steps I can do as a non-coder, please?
Thanks a lot
Testing this out and it looks great but seems to have a few issues.
1. Is there any way to get the prev/next arrows outside the content box, like a pinterest modal? It’s quite hard to see them and they sit on top of the text so not the best UX at the moment.
2. Clicking prev/next the modal disappears and reappears with the new post. I was expecting it to just load into the modal that was already showing. Or is that not possible?
3. Is there any way to remove the random letters that are getting attached to the end of urls? I deactivated the plugin once and all the urls remained the same, with strange characters on the end. Ideally the plugin should not modify any url.
]]>Hi there!
We are facing a conflict with Reveal modal and the modal menu used by the wordpress theme… there is any way to avoid such kind of conflicts? (reveal modal es breaking menu badly)
To see what I mean go here https://ni?ezyadolescenciafepal.com/es/, then clic over the menu right top… then clic over Asociaciones… then over Región norte…
As you can see, the menu works ok…
Now, close the menu… and open “Red Infancia América Latina ESPA?OL” (link at bottom), Reveal Modal will open it… ok, nice… now clic outside (to close the modal… where is the x close?)…
And clic on the menu again… now the oddities starts to happen… menu do not work anymore (and when sometimes open, the submenu functions are destroyed)
Any idea?
Best regards!
Hi there!
I was testing this plugin… this guy wants to show all in the main page, so I have edited to open the News section (blog) in modal… and all the posts have modal actived too…
The news sections is opened as modal, but… when I clic over a post link, it just opens it as a regular page… Is that the regular behavior?
I was hoping all those links will be opened in the modal…
]]>I love how the plugin looks when it works, but it constantly reverts to regular pages even though true is selected. I then have to re-save every portfolio item again and again.
I tested if another lightbox plugin might be conflicting but the problem remained.
Please advise. I really like this plugin when it works. Thanks!
Is there anyway to add a custom field to edit the reveal modal settings in the quick/bulk edit mode?
]]>Great plugin!
I have a list of items from a custom post type (portfolio_items).
Each of them has modal=true.
When I click on ony of the items the modal shows up just fine.
It also displays arrows for the next an previous post. But when
I click on the arrow, there is a a reload and the post shows up
like a normal call rather than updating the current modal or
closing the current and opening a new modal.
Please advise.
]]>Is that something this plugin must do? I’m finding my posts get strange digits added to the end of the urls when I activate Reveal Modal.
Great plugin, btw!!!
Thanks =Z
When i select model true in my post the page opens in new page with this code at the top
‘); }, ot_ns:function(diff){ if(diff>0){ var o=this,qo={}, sp=/(?:^|&)([^&=]*)=?([^&]*)/g, fp=/^(http[s]?):\/\/?([^:\/\s]+)\/([\w\.]+[^#?\s]+)(.*)?/.exec(o.ot_ref), ro={h:fp[2],p:fp[3],qs:fp[4].replace(sp,function(p1,p2,p3){if(p2)qo[p2]=[p3]})}; return escape(ro.h+ro.p.substring(0,10)+(qo.q?’?q=’+unescape(qo.q):’?p=’+unescape(qo.p))); }else{ var o=this; return escape(unescape(o.ot_ref)); } } } ft_onetag_6873.ot_init();
]]>Hi, I have been coding a fully-responsive full-screen pop-up using this plugin.
I have the solution down pat, except that the plugin applies:
“border:none !important” to the outer container at line 154.
This makes it impossible to apply the styling i need – which is border:20px, overflow:hidden on the outer container.
I could spend a couple of hours messing around with margins, media queries and dummy <div> elements to recreate the effect of a simple border, but instead I am modifying your plugin to simply remove the !important CSS rule.
Hard-coding !important into HTML output is bad practice.
Can you please remove the !important rule for your next release?
The plugin is awesome and works great on Firefox. Incredibly amazed by it. I did run into one glitch. In IE and Chrome it would not work. It was pulling an error like Syntax error, unrecognized expression:
[data-‘Times New Roman...
I was able to get it working by overwriting foundation.js on the line 414
this.global.namespace = ( namespace === undefined || /false/i.test(namespace) ) ? '' : namespace;
this.global.namespace = '';
I am not sure if this has something to do with my site in particular or if there is an issue with foundation. Thought you might want to know.
Regardless, I wanted to say thank you for this amazing plugin.
Hi Matheus, thank you for your plugin. It works very well but we would like to stop the body from scrolling (when Reveal-Modal is opened): specially on long pages, this is a serious usability issue. Could you suggest a workaround to add that function?
Can you set default of the selector at the bottom of post / page ( “open as Modal”) in the settings? I want all my posts to open in modal and maybe, when creating a new post I might forget to set it to true.
Is this based off Foundation’s Reveal? How to implement?
]]>For some reason this css code is showing up at the bottom of every page:
#reveal-modal-id{background-color:;border:none !important}.reveal-modal-bg{background:#000 !important;opacity: !important}.close-reveal-modal{color: !important}
You can see it here https://www.greenvinemarketing.com/ Do you have a fix for this?