I would like to download v1.2.1 but the plug-in is discontinued, not available at the moment or something like that. Where could I download v1.2.1? Please help!
Thank you!
I trying to set onClick=”ga(‘send’, ‘event’ *** on the link but that dont work.
The same link without discount plugin work fine.
Someone know how i can do ?
discount plugin link :
[rdc_discount_box title=”TEXT” code=”CODE” link=”https://URL” onClick=”ga(‘send’, ‘event’,’myword’,’myword’,’myword’); target=”_blank”]
worked link:
I don’t suppose anyone has any ideas how to make the shortcode work in a custom post?
It works fine in the standard post.
i would like to talk about full version of reveal discount code plugin without any dealshare links and ftplinks .
The increase of your skimlinks incomes?
I don’t really what for is our plugin.
Did i miss something?
are you planning to upgrade the plugin somehow? To add more functions.