Hi there,
I am not sure if this plugin is still being maintained… But I will give it a try.
I am getting the following warnings lately, every time I include a reusable content block:
Deprecated: The function Vc_Base::addPageCustomCss is deprecated since version?7.7! Use instead vc_modules_manager()->get_module( ‘vc-custom-css’ )->output_custom_css_to_page(). in /…/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6085
Deprecated: The function Vc_Base::addShortcodesCustomCss is deprecated since version?7.7! Use instead Vc_Base::addShortcodesCss. in …/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6085
I hope someone can help me with this!
Regards, Ruth
]]>Is this plugin still being maintained?
I’ve uncovered a problem using Reusable Content Blocks with Siteorigin (version 2.29.16 and higher). I’ve submitted a support thread with them but I suspect their change was security related so can’t be un-done. Is there a way to implement a change into this plugin to accommodate?
In short, html text in certain widgets in a Reusable Content Block is shown on the page with as excpaed html – showing html tags and no formatting on the page, while html text in other widgets shows correct formatting
]]>When using PHP 8.2.0 the plugin gives an error when the linked blog doesn’t exist. To fix this, I locally updated line 99 of reusablec-block.php
if ($page_data == null || get_option('rcb_hide_unpub') && $page_data->post_status !== 'publish') {
Can’t this be included in this plugin? Thanks!
We are using the Salient theme, which includes a customized version of the WPBakery Page Builder plugin, featuring a fresh new interface design. You can find more information about the theme here: https://themeforest.net/item/salient-responsive-multipurpose-theme/4363266.
We have enabled the “rc_blocks” custom post type in the “Role Manager” within the WPBakery settings page. All CSS is loaded correctly when viewing the “rc_blocks” post directly, but it does not load properly when using a shortcode. Specifically, inline-css is not loaded (like <style id=’skin-material-inline-css’ type=’text/css’>).
How can we fix it?
We thank you in advance.
]]>When I try to edit a page on my WordPress site, I get the following error: “Cannot modify header information.” When I view the html source of the error, I can see that the plugin is outputting CSS from one of the reusable content blocks I’ve included on the page. If I disable this plugin, I don’t get the error when I save a page. How can I avoid this error? Thanks.
]]>Hello, any update planned?
Thank you, David
Your plugin works great, but it’s impossible to edit you shortcode – only to delete and create a new one.
]]>Hello, I have tried to override this CSS style, it says “background-image:none” so when I create a shortcode in VCBakery, the icon is not showing. How do I remove this CSS?
#rcblock .vc_element-icon
]]>Hi, wonder if you could please help. I have the code below in my page template to display a content block on all pages. Can I alter this code to exclude certain pages by ID?
<?php rcblock_by_id( “7379” ); ?>
]]>Reusable blocks’ editor doesn’t show WP Bakery’s editor. In the screenshots available for this plugin, the editor shown is of wp bakery. But when I use the reusable blocks, it’s showing only the classic editor.
is possible use WPML for translate WP Bakery block created with Reusable Content Blocks and display that with one php snippet?
Thanks for this great plugin, it’s really really useful!
It would be great to see the block title or slug instead of the id, in WP Backery editor once you’ve added the block in the content. It would help to understand, at a glance, which content is included by reusable block shortcode.
I need to create pages with multiple book items (like a catalogue), so I have created a block consisting of four elements (individual blocks) into which I place an image, text1, text2, and html code (paypal link). However on SAVE, the blocks’ contents all change to the same thing which defeats the purpose of a Reusable Block as a template. The changes reflect only on the PUBLISHED page, and NOT on the DEVELOPMENT page – which is MOST frustrating.
CAN I USE reusable blocks for my purpose, or do I have to create each block individually?
If not, is there a template option (like a wireframe) I can use?
Thank you for this wonderful and useful plugin.
I have created to reusable blocks and I load them in my Homepage builded with Bakery plugin.
I want to display these blocks only if they are published.
The goal is to permit to contributors to interact with homepage without edit it (they will be able to edit only reusable blocks).
How ca I do this?
Thank you for any answer.
Best wishes,
]]>I need to add this shortcode using hooks.
if(is_single() && is_main_query()){
$after = ‘[shortcode]’;
//modify the incoming content
$content = $content . $after;
This is not working.
]]>Preview screenshot here: https://cdn.zappy.app/2107fff6b70d1496165f58f0c6c4dd0a.png
]]>I’m using ACF Pro (https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/) as a page builder for pages. There are certain blocks of content I want to be able to repeat throughout the site (CTA’s, Contact info, etc.) Your plugin sounds like a perfect solution for this. I’ve figured out how to load ACF template on the Reusabled Blocks Post Type but when I called the shortcode, it doesn’t load the builder block I’m using with ACF Pro on the Reusable Content blocks.
Any idea what I need to do to get ACF pro fields to load through the shortcode?
]]>Hello, great plugin! I use it a lot.
Are you planning some updates in the future?
Hi does anyone have any advice on how to enable Guteberg editor for the content blocks?
]]>Hi, I’ve got some issues on using your plugin on our wordpress site. we’ve used Enfold wordpress theme and advanced layout builder on our site. I’ve explained details in this video,
letme know is there any way to solve this issue, thanks
]]>Hi there,
I am using the plugin to insert code within our theme, but when I insert tag, the script adds some nasty P and BR tags to my code. I have tried to disable wpautop but it doesn’t work.
Any suggestions?
]]>I am working on a website where we are using the following three plugins:
Relevanssi (enhanced search)
Yoast SEO (Search optimisation)
Reusable Content Blocks (for content that appears on multiple pages)
Relevanssi has the ability, when installed, to be used in the Admin panel search as well as on the front end search for the site, and if it’s installed at the same time as Yoast SEO, it looks like it requires the Admin Panel search option to be selected (or admin panel searches result in many duplicate entries where it displays the same result around 40 times).
So, of course, we have the Relevanssi search switched on for the Admin panel.
Unfortunately, this seems to break the search box at the top of the Reusable Content Blocks page – we get no results when searching this page if Relevanssi’s admin panel search is switched on, and if it’s switched off we get around 40 links to the same block like we do on content pages and posts.
Is this a known issue, and is there a workaround for it to get Relevanssi’s admin search to work on the Reusable Content Blocks page?
Your plugin has a conflict with the Divi Pagebuilder Plugin.
The Divi Builder is not working anymore. When I try to use the pagebuilder, it is loading endless.
Before the last update it was working fine.
Do you have any suggestion ?
Kind regards, Chris
After updating plugin to v1.0.4 the shortcodes are not working anymore.
Example: [rcblock id=”19548″]
Also WPBakery Element for Reuseable Blocks is not working unfortunatelly.
Kind regards,
Jeroen Crins
Thank you for such a wonderful plugin. It allows the processing of custom variables in the content element inserted into a page. Very helpful!
However, I hope you would indulge a feature request, or identify the location I can change the code. I need to match the content black based on the slug, rather than the ID. My usage case needs a slug match, rather than ID.
Can I change the code, or is this a feature request you would consider?
Kind regards
Your plugin has a conflict with this plugin:
The tooltips are not working anymore. When I deactivate your plugin the tooltips work.
Any suggestion ?
Kind regards, Fred
]]>Great plugin, but as stated in the title it doesn’t work properly with non full width pages. I have two full width blocks I use as footer and bottom bar, It all works well except for pages with sidebar, where the block is moved with the content instead of staying full width. In the link you can see a page I created with said problem. I use dt the7 theme as well.
]]>Hi Safeer! ?? ??
How are you? I hope you are having a very nice week so far.
I have uploaded your wonderful plugin.
What I am trying to do is place a full-width row even if there is a sidebar. I’m trying to place a Newsletter sign up at the bottom of the page and right above the Footer.
So here is my question:
I have added this Code to my child theme’s functions.php file per my support with The7 Theme:
raw code: https://prntscr.com/o2yrwj My code: https://prntscr.com/o2ys86
Well, it worked! ?? But I can’t see the content on the pages: https://ceefworld.org/ilearn/ But when you hover over it you can tell the full-width row is there with the Newsletter content: https://prntscr.com/o2ypmk
When writing the Dream-Theme they told me to upload your plugin. So, I did. Now, where do I place the code. Reading the documentation, I couldn’t figure it out.
So far this is what I’ve done:
I added a new block: https://prntscr.com/o2yxsf … but I can not preview it: https://ceefworld.org/rcblocks/footer-above/
BUT, where do I place the block so that it fills that space above the Footer (the full-width row) on every page even if there is a sidebar?
Gosh, I am so sorry if this was a long question. I hope I make since?
Thank you Safeer,
Christine ??
Hi, we create a reusable block with a WPBakery button, but the link that we assign it does not work, see next image,
It redirects to the same page. We are using latest plugin version 1.0.3.
Thank you.
I am working with your Plugin and WPBakery. Everything works great except when I build a reusable content block and I give certain paddings and margins over the WPBakery Element (e.g. column, row) it wont show when I use the reusable content block on a page. Do I do something wrong?