Hi guys I am wondering if there is some kind of patch to get this working again, as it seems like a fantastic plugin with massive potential
I noticed on a client site that if you delete a category, an SQL error is generated that causes no posts to show for the user in the admin panel, because it fails getting the term ID from a non-existent category and causes invalid SQL. I guess this happens if custom Restrict Taxonomies configurations have been previously saved with that category ID.
There are two instances of this line in restrict-taxonomies.php, lines 655 and 676:
$term_id = get_term_by( ‘slug’, $category, $taxonomy)->term_id;
If you change it to the code below, this goes away as it prevents categories which no longer exist from being added to the category list array.
if (!$term = get_term_by( ‘slug’, $category, $taxonomy )) continue;
$term_id = $term->term_id;
Is this change something that can be added to the plugin in the next update? Or an alternate solution for allowing categories to be deleted that may exist in the configuration settings for roles/users?
It looks like this plugin is no longer compatible with WordPress. When I tick which category I want to assign to a user, the save button doesn’t seem to work as it shows as being unticked after save. Plus, when I log out and try to log in as the user, (to test), it doesn’t let them see the Dashboard, so they can’t post anything.
Are you planning on updating this plugin in the near future?
Thank you,
I am developing a site with an event submission function. What I wanted to achieve is to give specific permissions to the different type of editors. I wanted to restrict event categories for each. Your plugin works great for this, but only in the backend. In the frontend still all the categories are included in the submission form for everyone. Do you have tips what to do, what to change to debug the problem?
Thank you
first of all, thanks for this plug in. But I’m not sure I understand how it works. I created Product Categories (Woo);
I would like a user with a specific role (Shop Manager for example) can not check the other categories when he creates a product (Custom-post)
It’s possible ?
ShopManager-User-Role) shouldn’t be able to post in Category B for example.
- Catergory A
- Category B
Thanks a lot. Best regards
I run a WordPress install with multiple podcasts on it (using the Blubrry plugin) and I’m having some difficulty using this plugin for my purposes. My intention is to restrict the categories that people can post to AND edit in the admin panel, but whenever someone has restrictions set up for posting (which works fine), suddenly ALL categories disappear from the category page in the admin panel. This happens with other taxonomies as well.
I imagine this is possibly some manner of conflict with User Role Editor, but the granularity that plugin provides means I can’t just get rid of it at the time.
I have just tested your plugin on a marketplace Woocommerce website but the selected options in products categories never get saved.
Lets say I have an additional role called Vendor and I want to restrict some categories for this role. I check 2 or 3 categories but when I hit save changes the browser refreshes with a successful message but no changes are really saved. The users with Vendor role can still assign all categories to their products.
I want to restrict each user to use their own taxonomies automatically only.
Have you tested it with Woocommerce? or is there something I am missing.
Thanks in advance!!
I have just tested your plugin on a marketplace Woocommerce website but the selected options in products categories never get saved.
Lets say I have an additional role called Vendor and I want to restrict some categories for this role. I check 2 or 3 categories but when I hit save changes the browser refreshes with a successful message but no changes are really saved. The users with Vendor role can still assign all categories to their products.
Have you tested it with Woocommerce? or is there something I am missing.
Thanks in advance!!
Do you have any plans on the timetable for the todo list? Would be appreciated if soonish.
When you have a lot of users (let’s say 100) and you show them on multiple pages, if you then select some taxonomies and save:
ALL DATA of ALL users on other pages is lost and deleted. Only the users on the current page are saved with the selected taxonomies. All other users have 0 categories selected after that!
Is the plugin still maintained? This bug is pretty nasty and it would be nice if it is fixed.
Thank you very much,
I just installed your plugin and I have to admit it works really as intended. However, I am seeing the following notices and warnings in wp-admin:
Notice: Undefined index: rstam_user_cats in wp-content\plugins\restrict-taxonomies\restrict-taxonomies.php on line 619
Warning: array_diff(): Argument #1 is not an array in wp-content\plugins\restrict-taxonomies\restrict-taxonomies.php on line 619
Warning: array_values() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in wp-content\plugins\restrict-taxonomies\restrict-taxonomies.php on line 619
If that helps, I using both roles and users to restrict my content.
]]>Is there a way to add additional Custom post Types to handle?
For example, if I’m letting users categorize their media files, can media post types be given restriction policies?
P.S. I LOVE this plugin.
]]>Hello there,
I am facing a problem, if I create two taxonomies and want to use both as a filter, the user can see both of them because the filter is using OR as a rule
(if the user1 has tax1: ADMIN and tax2: LOVE allowed, he can see both, even if I set in one post, tax: USER and tax2: LOVE)
I want to use them with both taxonomies, if the tax2: LOVE has many other tax1s, then only the ones with tax1: ADMIN will be allowed this user1 to play with.
]]>Hello, as a subject, I want to ask you how can I fix the front-end problem that can’t make me to create a menu and how I can show the restrict archive posts of custom posts in menu.
I use to restirict categories and I wish the archive show the categories the user has the access.
Thank you.
Hi there,
This is a great plugin!
Just a few issues that maybe you can help with:
If i restrict a user group to only see a few taxonomies of a product brand then i can see that in the backend, only the products associated with the allowed brands show which is great. On the front end, if I go to the shop page then the products associated with the allowed brand show, which is great again, however there are 2 problems.
one is that I have menu items linking directly to the brand pages. What I expected is that the menu items linking to the brands that are not allowed would disapear or at least be unnaccessible, or show nothing when clicked. Strangely, going via the menu item or breadcrumbs still shows the restricted product.
The other odd things is, if i do apply a restriction to a user group then, if I go to the shop link then the whole menu disapears. If i disable the taxonomy restriction then the menu stays.
Test site is here: https://staging.wmpcreative.com/clients/strax/
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>Filtering posts with category dropdown list and filter button doesn’t work anymore after activating “Restrict Taxonomies”.
Filtering posts by time still works.
Please fix! (Or where do I have to search for a solution?
If I change a term slug after setting the category restrictions, the restrictions are lost. You can’t change the term ID, so restrictions won’t get lost.
]]>I’d like to call update_option
programatically in a theme to update RestrictTaxs_user_options
option. This doesn’t work, because options_sanitize
is doesn’t return sanitized values when no $_POST['option_page']
is set.
For now I just disabled the checking of the $_REQUEST['option_page']
value. See https://github.com/Sladix/Restrict-Taxonomies/pull/3 aswell. This way, I can update options programmatically.
How can I restrict the taxonomies already upon creating a new user on user-new.php? Is it possible to add a screen or a field already on the new user screen?
]]>When a user or role hasn’t any restrictions, the user can choose from every taxonomy controlled by the plugin. Can you (or I) change that in a way, so that the user is restricted for all categories then there are no restrictions?
Can/Could you add an option for that?
]]>I have a custom taxonomy called location. I wanted to restrict the locations that the Comox-editor could access to “comox”. That seemed to work fine. I also wanted to restrict that role from using any Category (the built-in taxonomy) except “uncategorized”. That also appeared to work. However it also appears to have undone the previous restriction. In other words Comox-editor could now select any of the items from the location taxonomy again.
Am I missing something or can you do only a single restriction per role?
I’ve noticed a fairly significant issue with the settings panel. Under the ‘Roles’ / ‘Users’ tab in the Restrict Taxonomies settings page, if there is more than one page of users, and you make changes to the categories, then ‘Save Changes,’ it will save the current page’s selections, but zero out all other pages. The only way to save non-destructively is to set the screen options to include all of your users. The problem with this, though, is that a large number of users and a large number of categories causes the javascript engine in Chrome/Safari to choke. It will finish out if you keep telling Chrome to wait, but it does take some time.
]]>Hi – I’ve just uploaded and activated your plugin and the following warnings display:
Warning: array_intersect() [function.array-intersect]: Argument #2 is not an array in …/wp-content/plugins/restrict-taxonomies/restrict-taxonomies.php on line 607
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in …/wp-content/plugins/restrict-taxonomies/restrict-taxonomies.php on line 609
When I enter the Settings > Restrict Taxonomies menu there are more warnings:
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in …/wp-content/plugins/restrict-taxonomies/restrict-taxonomies.php on line 427
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in …/wp-content/plugins/restrict-taxonomies/restrict-taxonomies.php on line 437
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in …/wp-content/plugins/restrict-taxonomies/restrict-taxonomies.php on line 466
I have no other plugins activated and it’s on a clean install.
Thanks. Gavin.
]]>i’m trying out the very nice wp geodirectory plugin
i believe it creates its own post type
restrict taxonomies is not disallowing (unchecked cats) the categories created through geodirectory
instead, all geodirectory categories are being allowed
i haven’t tried it for roles, just categories, as i expect to have lots of subscribers, thus categories would be the way to go for me to restrict stuff
]]>Restricting by role or user works as expected but category filtering stops working.
I’ve tested the latest plugin version 1.2.8 on two different WP installations (3.9.9 and 4.2.4). Instead of displaying a list of CPTs in a category, all allowed categories are returned.
Any thoughts?
]]>wp 4.3.1
woocommerce 2.4.10
dokan (multivendor plugin)
i have a multivendor site, and i have product categories and product subcategories
when there are subcategories, i’m trying to prevent my sellers from adding products to top categories (to prevent duplicate content, etc)
i want to limit the “seller” role
in the Restrict Taxonomies settings, i have the following:
Post types and Taxonomy Settings
Custom post Types to handle
Products and Posts (both checked)
Custom Taxonomies to handle
Product Categories (checked)
i then (as admin), put checks in the product top-level categories (checke to prevent adding to them?)
i then logged out as admi and then i loggged in as a test seller, but my test seller was still able to add to the product top categories
in addition, found a possible bug
at the top of each set of checkboxes for each role, the checkbox at the top of the select box has the following text instead of the category name:
“last-cat-item cat-itemseller_cats-category-130″>”
any ideas?
would LOVE if this could help restrict sellers from adding to top-level product categories when those categories also have subcategories (limit to subcategories)
]]>If I install this plugin, searching for posts in the Posts overview stops working. It will never return any results.
When I uninstall it, the search works again.
]]>Notice: Undefined index: post in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/restrict-taxonomies/restrict-taxonomies.php on line 565
Notice: Undefined index: post in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/restrict-taxonomies/restrict-taxonomies.php on line 565
Notice: Undefined index: taxonomies in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/restrict-taxonomies/restrict-taxonomies.php on line 618
Warning: array_intersect(): Argument #2 is not an array in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/restrict-taxonomies/restrict-taxonomies.php on line 618
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/restrict-taxonomies/restrict-taxonomies.php on line 619
Notice: Undefined index: post_types in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/restrict-taxonomies/restrict-taxonomies.php on line 451
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/restrict-taxonomies/restrict-taxonomies.php on line 451
Notice: Undefined index: taxonomies in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/restrict-taxonomies/restrict-taxonomies.php on line 461
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/restrict-taxonomies/restrict-taxonomies.php on line 461
Notice: Undefined index: taxonomies in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/restrict-taxonomies/restrict-taxonomies.php on line 490
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/restrict-taxonomies/restrict-taxonomies.php on line 490
]]>I need to have the possibility to modify categories capabilities in front end. Could u add this feature or make me a payed customization ?