Hi All,
I need to confirm all members as some have not replied to the emails they got.
How can I do this?
You have wild card for while list but you do not allow wild card for black list.
I am wondering why. I need to block *@rambler.ru as they are registering loads of users each day and they are NOT Legit’ users.
I was so hopeful this plug would be the answer to my problems. But alas it would seem not.
I am 4.1.1 wordpress with mantra and WP-members version.
I set “not everybody can register”
and however, everybody can register on a blocked post and then read it.
any suggestion ?
]]>I’m using WP-Member to block posts for none-members. WP-Member is configured to show the abstract of the blocked posts on the category page.
After activating “Restrict Registration By Email for WP-Members” also the abstracts are blocked. After deactivating the plugin, the abstracts appear again.
Please fix!
I have a question. I use WP-Member versie 2.9.2 and I use Email-as-Username for WP-Members versie 1.2 and I use Restrict Registration by Email for WP-Members versie 2.0.2.
Now is the problem I make a whitelist at users Pre-Approve, but when I still can register with an email that is not on the whitelist.
What do I wrong. Have I something wrong installed or is something wrong with the settings.
On the server are in map wp-content/plugins the following maps:
On the settings menu from WordPress I have unchecked. Everyone can register.
I hope you can help me.
Hans Mos