May I know the reason behind this plugin’s removal from www.remarpro.com?
Thank you for this plugin! I can now restrict categories to indivual users.
Is there a possibility in this plugin to restrict categories for a whole role?
That would make my day…..
]]>I’ve found a bug in the plugin.
If a user had a restriction on a term that is later deleted you cannot edit the user because of an error 500.
The error log says: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function setAttribute() on null in *path*/plugins/restrict-author-posting/restrict-author-posting.php:163
I’ve found to add/change to the restrict-author-posting.php from line 159:
foreach ($selected as $term_id) {
$current_term = get_term( $term_id );
$term_exists = term_exists($term_id,$current_term->taxonomy);
// fixed delete category make error !
if (!empty($term_id) && get_the_category_by_ID($term_id) && $term_exists != 0){
$option = $xpath->query("//select[@id='allow']//option[@value='$term_id']");
$option->item(0)->setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
I see the comment “/ fixed delete category make error !” but it doesn’t help apparently…
]]>The categories drop down is not working. Looks like the width of dropdown is restricted to a few pixels. Please help.
]]>Hi! Seems the plugin is untested with 4.9.4. Line 76 in restrict-author-posting.php is failing:
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() )
With this line in the code, WP 4.9.4 responds with a 500 Server error. If you take out this conditional with the call to is_user_logged_in()
, WordPress loads.
Any plans to update? Thanks.
]]>Using plugin author post restrict with visual composer will create problem with show post grid only from given posts category. When plugin is disable, visual composer post grid works well, when plugin is enabled, visual composer shows in post grid all posts, not only from selected category.
Tested on more websites, with the same problem.
]]>After I installing the plugin and activate it and I go and choose the user I want to restrict. There on that page is this error:
“Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_convert_encoding() in /home/cnoctavi/public_html/wp-content/plugins/restrict-author-posting/restrict-author-posting.php on line 145”
Instead of the possibility to choose the restricted category…
will be your plugin compatible with the latest WordPress Version?
On one of my sites, when I install this plugin, it doesn’t appear in the Edit User page.
In fact every User option after where this should be displayed is also missing.
On my test site of the same version it works okay, but in the Live site then Edit User Page gets broken. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but to no avail.
Can anyone advise?
]]>Hi !
No way to edit posts (planed, published…) after installation of your plugin ??
The plugin worked fine until today when I started seeing an Internal Server Error and the following logged to debug.log:
[07-Jul-2017 22:04:51 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_user_logged_in() in /server/user/www/wp-content/plugins/restrict-author-posting/restrict-author-posting.php on line 76
If I comment out lines 76 and 77 of ‘restrict-author-posting.php’, the error goes away. Please take a look and let me know if there is anything else we should do.
]]>I’m not seeing where I can restrict categories by user role. Per user I can set categories but I just can’t find where I actually edit the settings of the plugin. Can someone please point in the right direction? Thanks,
When I send your plugin zip file by mail, Avast tells me that archive is infected with JS:LockyDownloader [Trj] …
Could you check it ?
When the plugin is activated the authors can no longer see the tags they add to the article they are writing, even though the tags are present in the article. Although only admins can see.
After activating the plugin and configuring the categories for each of the authors, these tags are no longer saved.
In other words, the author places the tags in the post, but when they save the draft or publish the article they disappear.
Any suggestions for overcoming this?
]]>Recently i active wp multisite. And found the following issue-
1. when active on one site its work properly, but the all post page its hide the tags added. if tags add from here, tags deleted after deactivate the plugin.
2. not working with more then one site. only work with last configured site in multisite network.
And Final Question – Is it multisite compatible ?
]]>Note working anymore.
On admin site it became impossible to edit posts. I did uninstal.
Does it support to multi categories for a user? thanks
]]>Hi there i love your plugin !-
I need to disable the rights on authors and editors delete their post , any advice ?
Hello, I just install this plugin, but after activation the page, an all the page the backend stay BLANC, could someone help me to fix this?
I’ve just enabled this plugin on a multisite environment, however there is no option for an administrator to edit the Author categories. A superadministrator can edit the categories, but this is not useful for a multisite environment.
Am I missing something, or does this plugin currently not work for a multisite installation?
can the plugin limit post by user role ? I need like limit post plugin. but limit post plugin no work exactly. it dosent work in woocommerce for seller.. and anymore it is no update.
can you develop limit post plugin and solve bug and publish wordpress plugin directory ?
I have translate this module with .po and .mo files.
I can give the files ?
]]>I’m testing this plug-in for a project that I’m working. I am also using the latest version of Advanced Custom Fields Pro and I have some custom fields set up for posts. After setting up a profile and restricting it with Restrict Author Posting everything is working OK except on the “New Post” screen the ACF fields do not show up. The do appear after I save the post end on the edit screen.
]]>Hello. I’ve just installed your plugin on WP 4.5.3 and it is showing the categories drop down too small. Here is a capture:
And the problem comes down to this inline CSS rule in your plugin:
<div class=”ms-parent postform” style=”width: 6.22222px;”>
I can make it work just fine if I change that via Chrome console to this:
<div class=”ms-parent postform” style=”width: 40%;”>
Can you fix it please?
Y U no work?
Is this perhaps an “error 40” or is something wrong with the plugin?
When I edit a user and restrict e.g. categories for posting or restrict the ability to only post ones own media, these options are reset after I save :-/
Hope someone can help me out.
Thanks a lot in advance…
Kind regards
How to enable the editor role to access permissions category in the users?
Because only the administrator has access?
Thank you
Hello great plugin. Is it possible to accomplish this?
User register via gravityforms form, with a category field. When user select the category and get registered I’d like your plugin to know what category has been chosen and restrict to that category, instead doing it manually.
Is that possible?
]]>Chào Jamviet!
Hi, this is a lite and great plugin! And it can be better if it can work with custom post type. (or I missed it?)
I tried to change the taxonomy in code file to my custom post type taxonomy, it work in the user setting page, but in the posting page, default categories sections still remain.
Look forward for that. Thank you!
]]>Good afternoon.
I′ve installed your plugin but I have an issue. I have 8 users with “author” profile. Each of one of this users can post only in a category post.
I have a post with 2 categories so I understand that 2 of the users (one by category) should edit the same post, but it is no running this way.
It seems the filter to limit editation of the post is by user, not by category because I have 1 post created with user1 and category1 but the users2 (that has permission to edit post on category1) can not edit the post. Only user assigned as the author of post1 can edit the post.
I am doing something wrong? Thank you in advance.