This plugin is working fine, but suddenly all images are gone and displaying
“Graph returned an error: Error validating application. Application has been deleted.”
Please help on fixing this.
]]>Hello, please for help. When I open the page, album is loaded and visible. But when is loading done, album disappear. I don’t know what it makes. When I tested the plugin on other theme, It was OK. Thanks forward.
]]>I found that there’s two issues with the current plugin version.
Undefined variable name
In fbgallery.php on line 128
if( isset($values['name']) && $values['name'] == '' ){ $caption = ""; } else{ $caption = $values['name']; }
Should be:
if( isset($values['name']) && $values['name'] == '' ){ $caption = $values['name']; } else{ $caption = ""; }
Undefined variable x
Add after line 125:
$x = 0;
From 8.8.2016 not working this plugin anymore. In plugin code use FQL, unfortunately facebook from 8.8. FQL has been canceled: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/
Please, will be some correction to open graph API?
]]>I go to Settings > Reading but there is no place to enter FB App ID or Secret Key. The page looks the same as before the plugin was activated. What am I missing?
]]>Any chance you can change the sort order of the gallery?