After installing update 1.3.0 , the sort order defined by “Reorder by Term” is reset after every update save of a post.
When reverting the plugin to version 1.2.3, the plugin works correctly.
I’m not sure if 5.9 was the actual breaking point – I only have one other site to test with and this plugin works fine there on WP 5.8.2.
Is there any chance this plugin is still being actively developed and if so, could it be brought up to date with more recent WP core versions?
Is it possible to fetch the custom data field this plugin creates via the REST API?
]]>Build Term Data only builds data for the first 3 terms then hangs, I’ve tried on other taxonomies and get the same result.
Console error when hitting 4th term:
POST 404 (Not Found)
I have a page showing posts from a custom post type generated by wp_query.
Is it possible to show thumbnails along with titles by using this plugin?
]]>This plugin is fantastic (combing Reorder by Term / Reorder Posts / Reorder Terms is really good)
However, I am running into an issue on WP Version 4.9.8 with Reorder by Term Version 1.2.2 .
— Steps to reproduce.
I have created a custom taxonomy called ‘Genre’.
I generate Post Term Data.
I go to CPT > Reorder > Reorder by Term > Select Genre > Select Term > Drag items to order I want.
This works perfectly. Front-end is updated. I am using a pre_get_posts hook and the following to order the archive page.
if(is_tax( ‘genre’ ) && !is_admin()) {
$post_type = get_queried_object();
$slug = $post_type->slug;
$key = ‘_reorder_term_genre_’.$slug;
// order stuff
$query->set( ‘posts_per_page’, 99 );
$query->set( ‘post_type’, ‘work’ );
$query->set( ‘order’, ‘ASC’ );
$query->set( ‘post_status’, ‘publish’ );
$query->set( ‘orderby’, ‘meta_value_num title’ );
$query->set( ‘meta_key’, $key );
However, reloading the ‘CPT > Reorder > Reorder by Term > Select Genre’ page returns the orginal order. There are no other hooks affecting the order for the backend of the site?
]]>First off, thanks for such a useful plugins!
Does this allow for sorting of posts within a child term?
For example:
has a child category category_1_1
Is it possible to filter out the posts for reordering which have Category_1_1 selected?
Thanks for any help/pointers!
]]>I’m having trouble displaying the posts by the category. I installed the plugin and changed the posts in the category. I even copied the “Reorder Terms Query” custom code and added it to my page template like this:
$args = array (
'cat' => 5,
'post_type' => 'galeria',
'order' => 'ASC',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'meta_key' => '_reorder_term_category_galleriaposts',
'orderby' => 'meta_value_num title'
$the_query = new WP_Query( $args ); ?>
However, it’s not displaying the order that I wanted it to display. Do you have the documentation or something that’ll help me to display the category posts?
]]>I would like to write a PHP script to import the order of products within specific product categories.
I struggling with locating how the orderings are stored to the database.
Could you possibly direct me on how this is achieved?
]]>Thank you so much for making and supporting these really useful plugins!
With the ‘Reorder Posts’ plugin I can easily reorder posts on archive.php.
I am now using ‘Reorder by Term’ to try and order posts on category.php. In this case the custom ordering still has no affect.
Sorry in advanced if the next two questions seem more about my ignorance on how WP taxonomy works than your plugin…
On category.php I am using a shared template ( loop.php ) to loop through the posts.
loop.php uses the common if have_post() / the_post()’ pattern.
In your examples I see that you use get_posts() and then a foreach to loop.
Should I refactor my loop.php, using get_posts(), to render the custom order? Or, can I pass an argument to the_post() or something else?
If I do refactor, will I still be able to dynamically show any category’s posts through the url ‘category/category-slug-name’?
It seems like the examples assume a taxonomy to be defined in the loop or no?
Thank you again,
Help and I’ll evangelize your great work!
Hi. Great plugin! Any chance this could be made compatible with the Views plugin?
The Views plugin is a gui to build/display post queries and there’s an option to select what to sort a query by. Menu Order is one of those options (which makes your Reorder Posts plugin compatible), and custom fields are options well. Custom fields from other themes/plugins are typically shown, but the Reorder by Term field (_reorder_term_) does not show up.
My guess is that this is because the field starts with an underscore and is thus a hidden field. Perhaps the Views plugin does not allow sorting by hidden fields. Would you be willing to update this plugin so the field is not hidden? Or perhaps there is another way to make these two plugins compatible?
Thanks for considering this!