Hi, I just came across this bug from an older support question:
When I click the Ship to different address checkbox, it immediately unchecks itself and I can’t use the shipping fields.
There was a fix implemented indeed, but only for the jQuery mode. I use the JavaScript mode and had the same problem, because I had the h3 selector in my “Include selectors” field.
This is how I fixed the problem.
I removed the CSS text-transform: uppercase from the h3 element (it was added from my theme) and applied it again but only in the inner span tag where the actual text exists. I also added in the Include selectors the #ship-to-different-address span
so it gets targeted by the plugin. So now the JS script to remove the accents doesn’t target the whole h3 wrapper, but only the span, and everything works fine.
h3#ship-to-different-address {
text-transform: unset;
h3#ship-to-different-address span {
text-transform: uppercase;
Καλησπ?ρα σα?, παρατ?ρησα ?τι ?ταν το plugin ε?ναι ενεργ? το mobile menu (burger icon) δεν ανο?γει. Τρ?χω σημεριν? ?κδοση WordPress 6.2.2 στο Twenty Twenty-Three. Στη δι?θεσ? σα? για οποιοδ?ποτε ?λεγχο
]]>Καλησπ?ρα και ευχαριστ? για το πολ? χρ?σιμο plugin.
Παρατηρ? ?μω? (και ελπ?ζω να ε?ναι δικ? μου λ?θο?) ?τι παρ?λο που ?χω κ?ποια elements σε text-transform: capitalize, οι τ?νοι αφαιρο?νται.
Μπορε?? να το δει? στο demo στο main menu στο header. Τα υπο-μενου οπω? θα δει? και στον Inspector ε?ναι text-transform: capitalize.
Λ?γω τη? λειτουργ?α? του WordPress με τα μενο? δε μπορο?σα να δ?σω ξεχωριστ?? classes σε κ?θε element (και φαντ?ζομαι το issue ε?ναι τ?τοιου τυπου).
Οπ?τε θεωρ? ?τι κ?πω? επηρε?ζεται απ? το parent element και το plug-in θεωρε? ?τι ε?ναι uppercase.
Δε συμβα?νει κ?που αλλο? στο site μια? και προτιμ? το κ?θε element να ?χει την δικ? του class.
Ελπ?ζω να μπορ?σει να λυθε?.
Ψ?χνοντα? λ?γο βλ?πω ?τι το συγκεκριμ?νο θ?μα ?χει αντιμετωπιστε?, παρ?λ’ αυτ? σε εμ?? επιμ?νει. Πρ?κειται για λ?ξει? ?πω? “ΠΡΟ?ΟΝΤΑ”, ?που θα θ?λαμε τα διαλυτικ? να παραμ?νουν και στα κεφαλα?α. Χρησιμοποιο?με το JavaScript mode του plugin, και κ?νουμε target το element που θ?λουμε με css selector και exclude, αλλ? συνεχ?ζει να τα αφαιρε?.
Τι μπορο?με να κ?νουμε;
?χω επιλ?ξει Javascript με περιορισμ? σε κ?ποιου? selectors και βλ?πω το εξ?? console error:
remove-uppercase-accents.js?ver=5.8:40 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Document': '.mkdf-page-title.entry-title, .mkdf-woocommerce-page .woocommerce-ordering, .mkdf-woocommerce-page .woocommerce-result-count, ' is not a valid selector.
at getSelectorsList (.../wp-content/plugins/remove-uppercase-accents/js/remove-uppercase-accents.js?ver=5.8:40:33)
Στο textarea για του? selectors του? ?χω χωρισμ?νου? με ‘,’ σ?μφωνα με τι? οδηγ?ε?:
.mkdf-page-title.entry-title, .mkdf-woocommerce-page .woocommerce-ordering, .mkdf-woocommerce-page .woocommerce-result-count
Γρ?φω κ?τι λ?θο? συντακτικ? στο πεδ?ο των περιορισμ?ν;
Αν μπει μ?νο ?να? ? καν?να? περιορισμ?? δουλε?ει χωρ?? κ?ποιο θ?μα.
Ευχαριστ? πολ?!
]]>Καλημ?ρα Γι?ργο,
Σε ευχαριστουμε πολ? για το plugin που δημιο?ργησε?.
Παρατ?ρησα ?τι ?ταν ε?ναι ενεργοποιημενο κ?βει ?λου? του? τ?νου? απ? ?λα τα κε?μενα.
Ειναι κ?ποια ρ?θμιση ? κ?ποιο bug;
Μπορει να γ?νει κ?τι;
Σε ευχαριστω πολ?
First of all, this is a good opportyunity to state that this plugin is a life-saver – I’ve been meaning to say this for a long time.
There is weird glitch. For some reason, in a table generated by the Sportspress plugin and the Splash theme, the first page of the table appears perfect, but the second carries accents. See screenshots.
Any idea? It’s on jQuery mode.
When you get a minute, please, have a look at the page and the screenshots, here and here.
Thanks again.
Καλησπ?ρα και ευχαριστ? πολ? για το plugin. Ε?ναι πολ? καλ? και χρ?σιμο αλλ? μου προκαλε? ενα πρ?βλημα στο header. Οταν το ενεργοποι? δεν φα?νεται το logo του site. Ειναι clickable ακ?μα, αλλ? ε?ναι εντελ?? α?ρατο. Υπ?ρχει κ?ποια λ?ση για αυτ?; Ευχαριστ? πολ?!
]]>Hello George,
We have a problem with your plugin. As soon as I activate it, it breaks the dropdown filtering for our news filtering function. It there a way to exclude a certain class or give it a look? I can only provide the website url in private due to legal agreements we have with the client.
]]>Καλησπ?ρα σα?.
Το plugin σα? ακ?ρωνε στο δικ? μα? Woo το ship_to_different_address.
Μ?λι? το πατο?σαμε, φαιν?ταν σαν να ξαναπατι?ταν και ?κανε uncheck το chechbox.
Τ?ρα το ?χουμε απενεργοποι?σει φυσικ? αλλ? μα? δημιο?ργησε τερ?στιο πρ?βλημα.
]]>Hi, i’ve noticed that when the plugin is active with woocommerce and bridge theme (and i’ve seen it before in another theme that i cant remember it’s name) the “ship to a different address” does not store the data entered.
During order no js or php errors are recorded to log files.
best regards,
?χω ?να πρ?βλημα, που μ?λλον δεν φτα?ει το Plugin αλλ? το theme αλλ? πρ?πει να λυθε? μ?σω του plugin δυστηχ??.
?χω το εξ?? θ?μα: Μου κ?νει στρ?π του? τ?νου? ?ταν το a ε?ναι μ?σα σε title tag
<h4><a href="#λ?νκμετ?νο"></a></h4>
Π?? μπορ? να το σταματ?σω απο το να κ?νει στρ?π ?τιδ?ποτε βρ?σκεται μ?σα σε <a>
Ευχαριστ? για τον χρ?νο σου Γι?ργο!
]]>As soon as i’ve installed and enabled your plugin, the TM Extra Product Options (paid) plugin stopped functioning properly.
Actually, there is a conflict with it’s javascript and it’s conditional logic options don’t work.
Can you please check it?
]]>Hello Giorgos,
thanks for the useful plugin.
Unfortunately, we have the same problem with a similar thread below.
When in off-canvas menu ( mobile version of site ) submenus don’t open.
Please check the behaviour in the page link I provide.
If I disable the plugin, submenus work ok.
So, it’s probably some jquery conflict ?
ANy fix for this? I saw you provided one in the similar thread, but the download link has expired.
Thanks in advance
Does it work on wp 4.8.2 ?
]]>I have found your plugin really helpful, but I realised today that it causes a problem; with the plugin activated the menu doesn t work in mobile mode. I am new in wordpress and programming so I coudn’t figure what causes the problem so that I can fix it. (my site is leandrosntolas.com although I currently have the plugin deactivated)
Any ideas?
I have a problem with the plugin used in a woo commerce installation, when I enable it works for the accents but it cause another problem.
The dropdown select for the the product variable (color) is not working properly (when I disable the plugin it works as it should)
It looks like a jquery conflict, any ideas?
You can see the problem here https://gts-modaitalia.gr/shop/genuine-leather-belt-tan-αντιγραφ?/
I disabled it because the customer cannot place an order, if you need to check it please let me know to enable the plugin.
]]>Hello there and thanks for this super handy plugin!
I wanted to ask 2 quick questions.
A) Would it be possible for this plugin to also make the following replacements:
?ι to Α?
?ι to Ε?
?ι to Ο?
?υ to Α?
?υ to Ε?
?υ to Ο?
B) Is there any way to reduce the delay till this plugin takes effect? Currently the accents are visible till the page fully loads.
]]>If I activate the plugin, then the aws plugin (ajaxify wordpress site) does not work for my uppercased menu links.
The AWS plugin uses
// Internal Helper
$.expr[':'].internal = function(obj, index, meta, stack){
// Prepare
$this = $(obj),
url = $this.attr('href')||'',
// Check link
isInternalLink = url.substring(0,rootUrl.length) === rootUrl || url.indexOf(':') === -1;
// Ignore or Keep
return isInternalLink;
Any ideas where the conflict is?
]]>For some reason I can’t get it to work. I am using WordPress 3.6.1 and I tried it with a couple of themes just in case, to no avail. The capital greek letters still show up accented. I use the “text-transform:uppercase” in CSS. :\
It would be wonderful if you could fix it or tell me how to fix it myself. A working plugin like this could be a great help.
Kind regards,