Hello good afternoon,
Did the translation of wordpress plugin WP Remove Generator Meta Tag to Portuguese of Brazil pt_BR, most do not get pluguin translated, for which e-mail can send the file wp-remove-generator-meta-pt_BR.po and wp-remove-generator -meta-pt_BR.mo have enough partipa??o in tadu??es of wordpress plugins and do not understand why I do not see it translated into my language
Gilvanilson Santos
]]>I’ve installed this plugin and activated it, but the following line is still generated throughout my whole site:
<meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress 3.0.1″ /> <!– leave this for stats –>
I’m using the latest version (of the plugin). There don’t appear to be any back-end options. Is there anything else I need to do to make this plugin work?
Thanks in advance,
Lee C