Thank you for making this plugin, it is so useful. Does de-activating revert things properly to how they were, or does it leave any traces that could cause issues down the line regarding SEO, CPT’s etc?
]]>I used both of the options but same error. What’s wrong with the plugin?
there’s a plugin conflict that make impossibile to use Event Tickets plugin when remove cpt base is active
]]>Hello, in meta tags (canonical and og:url) I see the wrong URL. I tried to deactivate and activate plugin Yoast, but there is still CPT in URL. I delete all caches… Could you help what to do?
]]>Hi there, I can’t make the plugin work with Polylang. I use JetEngine for CPT management. I tried both on an Elementor and a Bricks Builder website.
– I saved permalinks each time
– I tried to toggle the “rewrite front”
– I tried with and without alternation
When I manually publish custom posts (using ACF Pro), everything functions correctly and the base URL is appropriately removed as expected. However, I encounter an issue when I import content using the All Import plugin. Although the posts are successfully published, their pages all display a 404 error.
]]>Hi, it seems the plugin does not work with Translatepress. I could not find any post in regards to Translatepress.
This is how my cpt location urls are:
After removing base <– Returns 404
Thank you
I use The SEO Framework plugin and your plugin
Do I need deactivate The SEO Framework plugin and activate it back again like Yoast SEO?
Thanks ??
]]>Deprecated: strpos(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($needle) of type string is deprecated in \wp-content\plugins\remove-cpt-base\remove-cpt-base.php on line 146
Plugin Version 6.4
WP version 6.4.3
php version 8.2, 8.3
Warning: Attempt to read property “query_var” on null in \wp-content\plugins\remove-cpt-base\remove-cpt-base.php on line 142
Plugin Version 6.4
WP version 6.4.3
php version 8.2, 8.3
There is an issue with the plugin that will result in it not working on some sites. The issue showed up on a multisite network where each site has different domains. Specifically the issue seems to be the get_current_url() method and the usage of $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']
is in this case the main multisite site domain, and not the current site domain. Changing $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']
solves the issue in this case. Is this something that can be fixed in a new version?
Marking this as resolved. There must be another plugin causing this problem. I installed and tested in a sandbox with just CPT UI, Post Type Switcher, and Remove CPT Base and everything worked as expected.
I have installed your plugin and it works great with my custom post type when I create a new post, however, when I use the Custom Post Type Switcher plugin to change post to my CPT the /cpt/ base gets removed but the URL yields a 404 error. It’s interesting that URL of the original post is the same as CPT after using the switcher. I would think that URL would still work.
The paths look like this for the original post type:
And like this for the custom post that I switch to:
But, I still get 404s. Even after turning on “alteration”.
Are you aware of a conflict with these two plugins? Is there a workaround?
I am building a website with quite some custom post types (10), two of them do not need a cpt base in the slug. For example I have I do not want to show /brands/ in the url. I also need WPML (which rewrites urls as well for the default language (Dutch/nl).
With this plugin it works with the brands post type, but the other post type is generating 404 pages, except for 1 page. What can I do to fix this?
Thank you!
]]>Suddenly getting 404 errors on all slot pages. The slug was /free-slots/ and we changed it to just show from / .. It was working fine for months with no changes, now suddenly it is showing 404. Once we disable the plugin, everything shows fine but it displays with the /free-slots/ slug.
Love your plugin, it’s useful.
Can you add more feature is Remove Taxonomy Base Slug?
Post Category Base Slug, WooCommerce Product Category Base Slug, Custom Taxonomy Base Slug
Ref Link:
Thanks ??
I have a problem with WordPress install inside a folder with same name than the CPT, it may be caused by this plugin.
I have a site, inside I have a folder /portfolio/ with another WordPress install.
This installation has a custom post type called portfolio, and I use your plugin to clear the custom post type “/portfolio/” slug.
I have wpml with three language setup, Spanish (as default), Catalan and English.
It’s working ok with Spanish, but in the Catalan and English versions it clears the /portfolio/ from the url and also the CPT:
Any way to solve this issue? Thank You
]]>All works ok, but the canonical tag created by Yoast is still showing with the /services/ folder.
Any ideas?
For SEO reasons I’m wondering what kind of redirect is used.
Is this the 301 redirect?
Hi, thanks for this great plugin.
I have an issue, when I activate the plugin, shows a 404.
I’m using Custom Post Type Permalinks plugin, to set the structure /%product_type%/%postname%.
Here is my CPT code (I don’t know if I have any seeting that creates a conflict):
‘labels’ => array(
‘name’ => __( ‘Products’ ),
‘singular_name’ => __( ‘Product’ ),
‘menu_name’ => __( ‘Products’ ),
‘name_admin_bar’ => __( ‘Products’ ),
‘add_new’ => __( ‘Add New’ ),
‘add_new_item’ => __( ‘Add New Product’ ),
‘new_item’ => __( ‘New Product’ ),
‘edit_item’ => __( ‘Edit Product’ ),
‘view_item’ => __( ‘View Product’ ),
‘all_items’ => __( ‘All Product’ ),
‘search_items’ => __( ‘Search Product’ ),
‘parent_item_colon’ => __( ‘Parent Product:’ ),
‘not_found’ => __( ‘No Products found.’ ),
‘not_found_in_trash’ => __( ‘No Products found in Trash.’ )
‘public’ => true,
‘show_ui’ => true,
‘menu_icon’ => ‘dashicons-media-spreadsheet’,
‘capability_type’ => ‘page’,
‘hierarchical’ => false,
‘rewrite’ => array(“slug” => “product”, ‘with_front’ => false ),
“query_var” =>”true”,
“query_var_slug” =>””,
‘supports’ => array(‘title’,’thumbnail’,’editor’, ‘custom_fields’, ‘excerpt’),
‘publicly_queryable’ => true,
‘exclude_from_search’ => false,
‘has_archive’ => true,
‘taxonomies’ => array(‘product_type’)
Hope you can help me. Thanks!
]]>Hello !
I’m using your plugin since more than one year and everything was working perfectly until recently : on some pages, more precisely, third-level custom post type hierarchical post, I get a 404 error page while the page is showing content perfectly (as you can see on the link I’ve shared with you).
It’s not about caching (I’ve deactivated wp rocket).
I’ve deactivated all the plugins (except yours), so I dont think it’s a conflict with another plugin. I suppose the issue occurred since one of the recent release of WordPress.
It’s tricky because you can’t see this problem until Google warns you about 404 errors pages : and I’ve had to double check on the developper console to be sure the 404 error was true.
Can you help me to understand what is happening suddenly ?
(If you want an access on the sandbox version on the website I can give it to you !)
Thanks for you work and the plugin you crafted,
I’m using WordPress 6.0.2 with elementor pro and when i want to edit a template in the template builder of elementor it shows the following message:
Sorry, the content area was not found in your page.
You must call ‘the_content’ function in the current template, in order for Elementor to work on this page.
when i disactivate the “Remove CPT Base”, i can edit elementor pages and templates again.
]]>Is the plugin compatible with PHP version 8? If not, which is the highest compatible version of PHP? Thanks!
Notice: Trying to get property ‘query_var’ of non-object in \<path>\plugins\remove-cpt-base\remove-cpt-base.php on line 219
Deprecated: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in \<path>\plugins\remove-cpt-base\remove-cpt-base.php on line 223
I get the above 2 error messages when moving code between lower environments. Both occur if a CPT base is checked on one environment, but code is moved between environments where CPT data isn’t yet 100% synched. Synching all content/data between lower environments makes the errors go away, just reporting these FYI.
]]>We’re getting a ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error when url no trailing slash.
CPT is “studio”, which is getting stripped out below, ie: …co/studio/atlanta works does not
I’ve got the alternation box checked.
Appreciate your time!
]]>Hello, the plugin works well on first level pages but throws a 404 error on second level pages (child pages) like /page1/page12/
What could be the problem here? Does it show up for you, or is it just my WordPress settings that affect it?
This plugin in not working with latest version of WordPress. I am getting 404 error. Can you please help me to fix it? If you can upload the fix as a new version that would be great
I couldn’t translate it properly in Please make your plugin and I collaborate to translate it in Spanish. That would make your plugin more universal.
WordPress has documentation to make it properly:
Thank you for the extension which is very useful to me!
When using it, however, I realize that there is a conflict with Elementor.
Indeed, as soon as I delete the slug from a CPT, the Elementor editor no longer loads (
I confirm that the conflict comes from the plugin (Remove CPT base) because as soon as I uncheck the deletion of the slug, Elementor works again (without needing to deactivate the WordPress plugin, just uncheck all the boxes in the settings of plugin).
What can I do ?
NB: I tried the alternation mode.
Thanks for your help.
I created my CPT with the JetEngine plugin and used your plugin to remove the CPT slug from the permalink. However, on some pages from the same CPT I get a 404 error while the others work perfectly without the CPT slug. I tried the alternation option and saving my permalinks but nothing works.
Do you have any idea ?
You can find my jetEngine CPT setup here:
Hope you can help ! thanks
]]>its remove lang prefix
if i go to url – its redirect to
how to fix it ?
]]>i use this plugin to remove cpt slug. It works well but problem in the parent category. I can browse sub categories as well. But when i try to browse parent categories it shows 404 error. I also tried with alternation. But failed. Also resave permalink then tried. Same problem. What can i do now? please help.