I’m running a fairly large multisite installation which is operating as a department website sort of function where each multisite added to the network = a department.
I need to push notifications to each site on the network, and possibly get a read response back. Any chance this might fulfill at least 1 of those requirements?
For inclusion in a plugin, what do I actually have to do for step 4? Am I including code in my plugin? Am I altering the file class-remote-notification-client.php?
Could you please provide some specifics?
]]>Great idea for a plugin!
I do have one question – I’m working with wp_remote_get() in another plugin I’m developing, and have run into a few users who seem to have issue connecting via wp_remote_get(). I’m just wondering if you’ve experienced any issues, and if so, if you’ve come across any good solutions. I did notice you added a filter to the timeout param in the wp_remote_get() call – have you experienced issues related to time outs? Thanks!
I installed your plugin and when I went to the Channels section I noticed the word Notification is cut right after the letter o. So you need to move it further to the left so the full word is visible.
A different wording/instructions as to how notifications will be visible on various sites.
“It is really easy to integrate this feature in a plugin or theme.”
Integrating the feature just needs a bit more clear information. Saying something like… to have notifications become visible on your sites you need to include the following into the theme files and functions file:
Copy includes/class-remote-notification-client.php into the theme / plugin directory.
Root folder of plugin directory? OR Root folder of theme directory?
Give an example.
Instanciate the class with the server’s URL, a channel ID and key.
En example is: – then give an example on step 2.
Place the following code into your theme functions.php.
– code –